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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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I don't agree. It's like the bad old days where women would get groped in the workplace, but when they protested/ took action to stop the groper, they were told "Huh, you've no sense of humour!"


You really do need to stop being so ignorant.:nono:

Physically touching somebody (assault) is entirely different to ridiculing/insulting somebody (whether dead or alive) that a group of people hold in high esteem.

To try and use these two completely different scenarios as an analogy is stupidity beyond belief.:loopy:

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iv asked you to show me where I have incited hatred as you put it..



Your posts are ignorant and offensive.


You've made a number of posts slagging off "asians" and claiming they refuse to integrate.


You make sweeping, prejudicial posts about people whose skin is a different colour to yours.


You label people with derogatory remarks, you use the sins of a few to slag off entire races and religions, you post silly racist myths and make offensive racist remarks.


Your poists incite hatred because they are racist and pig ignorant.


Hope this helps.

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You really do need to stop being so ignorant.:nono:

Physically touching somebody (assault) is entirely different to ridiculing/insulting somebody (whether dead or alive) that a group of people hold in high esteem.

To try and use these two completely different scenarios as an analogy is stupidity beyond belief.:loopy:




In the context of the point being made that an offence is not excusable simply for the fact that it makes the offender laugh, the analogy is well made.


The fact PT has used a more obvious physical example emphasises the point. It is neither ignorant nor stupid, it is way such arguments are constructed.

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In the context of the point being made that an offence is not excusable simply for the fact that it makes the offender laugh, the analogy is well made.


An offence is the wrong terminology for what we're talking about here which destroys the comment above even if you attempt to put the idea of physically assaulting somebody in the same context as making derogitory remarks about somebody which clearly is not the same thing. To even attempt to argue that it is simply shows gross ignorance or a troll like nature of the person trying to argue the unarguable.


The fact PT has used a more obvious physical example emphasises the point.


No it doesn't. It simply negates the point she was trying to make.


It is way such arguments are constructed.


By trying to make a point using an analogy that has no bearing on the point being discussed?

That might work in your political world wildcat where spin, duplicitousness and misrepresentation hold sway, but to a logical thinking, scientific mind, these attempts to argue the unarguable are as transparent as the lens on my camera (which reminds me, I've recently uploaded some more photos of Shiny Sheffield to my Panoramio page in my signature below.....sorry, but I had to get that in.:D)

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iv asked you to show me where I have incited hatred as you put it..



Your posts are ignorant and offensive.


You've made a number of posts slagging off "asians" and claiming they refuse to integrate.


You make sweeping, prejudicial posts about people whose skin is a different colour to yours.


You label people with derogatory remarks, you use the sins of a few to slag off entire races and religions, you post silly racist myths and make offensive racist remarks.


Your poists incite hatred because they are racist and pig ignorant.


Hope this helps.

It seems as though you can attack me but I cant defend myself

oh well

Right where is the evidence of my alleged colour prejudice please

Where does my posts incite hatred I ask questions and don't encourage anyone else to attack anybody everything I post can be backed up very easily by a simple search.

how are my posts racist I comment on religion and not on any particular race or colour,the only one of we two to ever mention anything pertaining to colour is yourself I challenge you,or indeed anyone to find any post of mine which attacks any person by virtue of their colour,your comment is an outright fabrication

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Right where is the evidence of my alleged colour prejudice please




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Total Posts: 1,264


Its pointless actually posting on here because of the idiots who seem to only know the one word,but never mind ..there are too many immigrants being allowed into this country their idea of multiculturalism is to ignore our native culture and insist on their foreign ideas be used over here as though this country was just an extension of theirs,its whats called in simple straight forward English.taking the **** .and certain people are just happy to let it happen. People used to talk about integration ,look around and think why the immigrants,especially the Asians seem to gather together..they dont want to integrate,they never have .....multiculturalism..a fallacy invented by people who know nothing about whats going on in the real world...........They dont want our culture and I,along with thousands of others, certainly dont want the uncivilized barbaric culture that people want to thrust on us




Racist, ignorant nonsense.



Most asians "don't want to integrate " is a false, racist claim.



Calling asian people "barbaric" isn't racist?





Now, your claim that "most terrorists are muslims":


There has been plenty of terrorism and violence committed by human beings from every religious background.



Were you aware that according to the European Police Office (Europol) in 2006 “There were 498 incidents in eleven EU countries in 2005 labelled as “terrorist attacks.” The Basque separatist group ETA committed the most (136 terrorist attacks) and was responsible for the only deadly attack, killing two in Madrid.


The remaining 497 fortunately cost no human lives.


Muslims only carried out one out of the 498 terrorist attacks in the European Union in 2006.


Did you know that The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam a Hindu separatist group in Sri Lanka “had carried out more suicide bombings than any other organization on the face of the earth.


According to the experts at Janes securities, between 1980 to 2000, LTTE had carried out a total of 168 suicide attacks on civilians and military targets. The number of suicide attacks easily exceeded the combined total of Hizbullah and Hamas suicide attacks carried out during the same period”


“Many Americans are unaware of the fact that of all the religious groups, Muslim Americans have the lowest crime rate, and that prior to the first WTC attack, there was no violence directed against the western culture by its members. A survey of 175 recorded incidents of terrorism in the US from January 1982 to January 1996 showed that of these:


77 were committed by Christian Puerto Rican nationalists,


31 were the work of Christian animal rights and Christian environmental groups,


23 were blamed on Christian left wing organizations,


18 were committed by what the FBI called “Jewish extremists”


and 12 were by Christian anti-Castro Cubans.


The total number committed by Arabs or Muslims over a period of 14 years was 3 (three).[2]” Muslim Americans: Patriotic or Fifth Columnist?, Habib Siddiqui


The U.S. Department of Justice Report on Terrorism 2002 to 2005 also lists incidents from 1980 to 2005 and clearly shows that most terrorist incidents were not carried out by Muslims.


An MPAC study on domestic terrorism shows that - Since Obama’s election on November 4, 2008 there have been 25 terror plots by non-Muslim domestic extremists and 9 plots by Muslim domestic and international extremists.



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everything I post can be backed up very easily by a simple search.



Your evidence that most terrorists are muslims is false.


It is up to you to offer evidence that refutes what's been posted.


If you fail, you are clearly a racist.


Prove me wrong.

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