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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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Source please.


You have form for posting racist lies, back this up.


And if you think Basques are muslims you are even more stupid than you appear.

whoops I didnt declare them to be muslims I just published the top ten without prejudice..kinda makes you seem just that little bit ahead of me in the stupid stakes doesnt it:D

Or there again probably well ahead

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Proof that most terrorists are muslims.


Put up or shut up.


Like this:


Unfortunately, as with people from every religion, every ethnicity, every creed -- some people will commit evil acts. A so-called Muslim who kills innocent people is not a real Muslim - as a Muslim is defined as "one who submits to the Creator of mankind, the heavens and the earth." God commands people to be kind and do good deeds, to take care of the poor and less fortunate, and to protect innocent people from harm or injustice. Therefore, if someone kills an innocent person, they are not "submitting to the will of God" and cannot be considered a Muslim.


Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks




This page focuses on condemnations of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other terrorist incidents since then as well as of terrorism in general. It is not a complete listing of all condemnations written or spoken by Muslims but is intended to provide a representative sample.


It has often been claimed in the media that Muslims are "silent" and do not condemn terrorism. This page is intended to refute that claim. Muslims have not been silent. Not even close. See also How American Muslims Really Responded to September 11 for more information about the Muslim response to 9/11. And another listing is at Statements Against Terror. Also Muslim Voices Against Terrorism. Related commentary at Friedman Wrong About Muslims Again , by Juan Cole and The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror by Ali Eteraz.




Muslim Leaders


A Message from the Council on American-Islamic Relations


American Muslim Leaders Condemn Attacks


American Muslims Denouncing Terrorism


American Muslims and Scholars Denounce Terrorism on Anniversary of 9/11


Australian Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attack


Bin Laden Distorts Islam, Islamic Scholars Say


Bin Laden's Idea of 'Jihad' is Out of Bounds, Islamic Scholars Say


British Muslim leaders condemn terrorism


British Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks


Canadian Muslims Condemn Terorist Attacks


Islamic Statements Against Terrorism in the Wake of the September 11 Mass Murders


Islamic World Deplores U.S. Losses


Looking for Answers in Islam's Holy Book: What Islamic Scholars Have to Say


Muslim Reactions to Sept 11


Muslim Voices Against Extremism & Terrorism - Part II - Statements by Organizations


Muslim World Condemns Attacks on U.S.


Muslim rulers condemn WTC attacks


New Zealand Muslims Condemn Terrorism


Organization of the Islamic Conference Foreign Ministers Condemn International Terrorism


Quran a Book of Peace Not War, Islamic Scholars Say


Scholars of Islam Condemn Terrorism


Some American Muslims Take a Look at Their Communities' Shortcomings


U.S. Muslim Scholars Condemn Attacks


UK Muslim Leaders Condemn 'Lunatic Fringe'


When is jihad OK? Muslim Perspectives




Specific Muslim Scholars


A Common Word Between Us and You, by 130 Islamic scholars


Attacks on Civilians: Forbidden by Islam, by Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi


Ayatollah Muhammad Husain Fadlallah of Lebanon condemns Osama Bin Laden, by Ayatollah Muhammad Husain Fadlallah


Bin Laden's Violence is a Heresy Against Islam, by AbdulHakim Murad (Tim Winter)


Defending the Civilians (a fatwa against terrorism), by Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti


Expert Says Islam Prohibits Violence Against Innocents, by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf


Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar Condemns Suicide Bombings, by Shaykh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi


High Mufti of Russian Muslims calls for Extradition of Bin Laden, by Russian Muslim leaders


Iran's Supreme Leader Condemns Attacks on U.S., by Ayatollah Ali Khamanei


Islam and the Question of Violence, by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian scholar


Jihad and the Modern World, by Dr. Sherman Jackson


Jihad: Its True Meaning and Purpose, by Muzammil H. Siddiqui


Most Prominent Sunni Muslim Scholar Condemns Killing of Civilians, by Shaykh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University


Muslim Attitudes about Violence, by Shaykh Muhammad al-Munajjid


Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part I - Fatwas, by various scholars


Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part IV A few Quotes, by various scholars


On the Terrorist Attacks, by Imam Zaid Shakir


Prominent Pakistani Cleric Tahir ul Qadri condemns Bin Laden, by Tahir ul Qadri


Reclaiming Islam from the Terrorists, by AbdulHakim Murad, British scholar


Reflections on the National Horror of September 11, 2001, by Muzammil H. Siddiqui


Refutation of Bin Laden's Defense of Terrorism, by Moiz Amjad, Pakistani scholar


Response to a Question about Islam and Terrorism, by Moiz Amjad, Pakistani scholar


Saudi Clerics Condemn Terrorism, by Sheikh Abderrahman al-Sudayes


Saudi Grand Mufti Condemns Terrorist Attacks in U.S., by Shaikh Abdulaziz Al-Ashaikh


Scholars' Statements Regarding The Attacks In The United States, by Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aali-Shaykh, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and President of the Committee of Senior Scholars, and Shaykh Saleh Al-Lehaydaan, Chief Justice Of The Saudi Arabian Judiciary, and Shaykh Dr. Saaleh Ibn Ghaanem As-Sadlaan, Pres. Higher Studies Dept. Al-Imaam Muhammd Ibn Saud Islamic University


Spanish Muslim Clerical authorities Issue Fatwa against Osamah Bin Laden, by Spanish Muslim leaders


Terrorism Is at Odds With Islamic Tradition, by Khaled Abou El Fadl


Terrorism: Not a doorway to heaven, by Jamil Abdul Razzak Hajoo, of Idriss Mosque, Seattle


The Myth of Islamic Terrorism Exploded, by Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Abdullah bin Baaz and Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saalih al Uthaymeen


The worst enemies of Islam are from within, by Hamza Yusuf


Top Saudi Cleric Says Attacks on U.S. a Terrible Crime in Islam, by Shaykh Salah al-Lahidan, head of the Islamic Judiciary of Saudi Arabia


Violence Against Innocents Violates Islamic Law, by Imam Siraj Wahhaj


What is jihad? What is terrorism?, by Statement by Muslim scholars




Individual Ordinary Muslims


Special links


A Country United- Poem by a Muslim woman about September 11


Islam Denounces Terrorism- Site of Muslim scholar Harun Yahya


Muslims Against Terrorism- An organization founded by Muslims who stand against the hijacking of Islam by extremists and terrorists


Report: Muslim Celebrities Condemn Attacks- Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), Muhammad Ali, Hakeem Olajuwon of the Houston Rockets


Muslim charities who solicited donations to help victims in New York City:


* Global Relief Foundation

* Islamic Relief

* Mercy USA


Articles, essays, and columns


Here are some things I've written myself; some of these pages may also contain links to further condemnations of more recent events:


a step in the right direction


Al-Qaeda on defensive as bombs begin to backfire


Arab views on the Russian hostage crisis


Bali Attacks a Heinous Crime, Total Barbarism, says prominent Muslim scholar


Death and destruction in the name of Islam?


do not let hatred drive you to injustice


does the Quran really command killing unbelievers?


Even more sick


explosions in London


hell no


Hiraba versus Jihad


horror in the Caucasus


in case you hadn't noticed this story


Islamic rulings on warfare


Killing of children is an abomination, whoever does it


Muslim scholars seek to rein in 'sheikhs of death'


Muslims condemn Berg beheading


Muslims who act as if Islam had never come and its teachings had never been revealed


not silent


not silent, not even close


Oh, God. Not again.


on the bombings in Jordan


On the terrorist attack in Indonesia


Once more with feeling


Organization of the Islamic Conference: Muslims must fight extremism


Qaradawi condemns terrorism in Qatar


Qataris demonstrate against terrorism


Saudi clerics condemn terrorism in front of 2 million Muslim pilgrims


Saudi scholars condemn violence




Sick of people who murder to advance their cause


terrorism is a return to the pre-Islamic ignorance


Terrorism is not Islam


Terrorism, again.


terrorism, fascism, Islamophobia... a strange mix indeed


terrorist attacks in Egypt


terrorists strike at the heart of Shi'a Islam


the truth about jihad


the two sides of Yusuf Qaradawi


to remember and again to condemn those who did it


Top Saudi cleric condemns terrorism


using Islam to fight terrorism


Wahhabi scholar condemns terrorism


Wahhabis condemning terrorism


When I read this in the news, my heart sank to the floor


And here are articles by other ordinary Muslims:


A Curse Upon the Brigands Who Kill Children, by Aziz Poonawalla


A Dastardly Act, by Ikram Seghal


A Muslim Surgeon's Prayer for His Fellow Americans, by Aftab Ahmad


Amid simmering religious tension, Muslims denounce killing of Christian family, by (Associated Press report)


Area Muslims slam suicide bombing, by Washington Times report


Bin Laden's Fatwa is a Call to Plunder Not Jihad, by Aziz H. Poonawalla


Defaming, Defiling, and Falsifying Islam: A Condemnation of al-Qaeda, by Frank M. Afflitto, convert to Islam


Does the Quran Sanction Violence?, by Mohamed Elmasry


Hirabah versus Jihad, by Robert D. Crane, convert to Islam


Horrified by What Happened in the U.S., by Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh


Human Nature at Its Worst, by Amir Meshkin


I Believe in Allah and America, by Arsalan Iftikhar


I'm Not the Enemy, by Reshma Memon Yaqub


Islam Demands a Muslim Response to 9/11 (PDF), by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad


Islam condemns all acts of terrorism, by Daar-ul-Ehsaan


Islam is Not the Source of Terrorism, by Harun Yahya


Islam is Not to Blame, by Omar Sarwar


Islam is a Religion of Peace, Not Terrorism, by Muhammad Ali


Islam: A Home of Tolerance Not Fanaticism, by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)


Islamic Scholars Should Speak Up for the Truth about Islam and Jihad, by Laila Nasheeba-Or


Jihad Means Waging Peace and Justice, by Mohamed Elmasry


May God Touch All of Us with His Infinite Grace, by Susan Abulhawa


Muslim scholars reach out to Pope, by BBC News


Muslims Must Not Let Terrorism Become the Voice of Islam, by Blerime Topalli


My Fatwa on the Fanatics, by Ziauddin Sardar


Not In My Name: A Treatise Against Religious Intolerance, by Richard L. Dixon, convert to Islam


Osama Bin Laden: An Enemy of Islam, by Muqtedar Khan


Press Release, by Khalid Usman, Councillor, Ward 7, Markham, Ontario


Salafi scholars condemn terrorism, by collected by Just your average Muslim


Some Misappropriations of Quranic Verses, by David Dakake, Islamic Research Institute (PDF)


Terror Is Not Islam, by Kari Ann Owen (convert to Islam)


The Meaning of Jihad, by Hesham Hassaballa


The Real Meaning of the Concept of Jihad, by Ahmed Motiar


Twin Towers Viewed from a Western Minaret: Thoughts of a Convert to Islam, by Michael Wolfe


Under Attack, by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad


What Does the Quran's 'Verse of the Sword' Really Mean?, by Hesham A. Hassaballa


When the innocent are murdered, we all go into the dark with them, by Ziauddin Sardar


Who Hijacked Islam, by Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysian dissident


World's future hinges on peace between faiths, Islamic scholars tell Pope, by Riazat Butt and Martin Hodgson


Messages on Muslims' Websites:


* Al-Islam, by scholars at a Shi'ite resource site

* Islam: The Modern Religion, by Fareena Alam

* Islamic Studies page, by Alan Godlas (convert to Islam)

* Kamilat, by Talibah Jilani

* Muslim Answers, by Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires

* Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part III - Statements & Articles by Individuals, by various individuals


See also: Muslim Imam Offers Words of Prayer at World Trade Center Memorial Ceremony


Bonus: View This Is Islam: "Islam, it's all about peace, terrorism it doesn't teach".




Ongoing: The Council on American-Islamic Relations


In an effort to show that Muslim activism against terrorism didn't stop after 9/11, this section contains press releases and statements by the Council on American-Islamic Relations condemning terrorist attacks. This is a resource in development. Subscribe to CAIR's mailing list to keep up with their latest statements and releases.


American Muslims Condemn Riyadh Bombings - May 23, 2003


CAIR Calls for Release of All Hostages in Iraq - Tuesday, September 21, 2004


CAIR Condemns 'Barbaric' London Terror Attacks - Thursday, July 07, 2005


CAIR Condemns Attack On Seattle Jewish Center - Saturday, July 29, 2006


CAIR Condemns Attack On U.S. Medical Personnel In Yemen - December 30, 2002


CAIR Condemns Attack on US Diplomatic Convoy in Gaza - October 15, 2003


CAIR Condemns Haifa Suicide Bombing - 10/04/2003


CAIR Condemns Hariri Assassination - Monday, February 14, 2005


CAIR Condemns Iraq Church Bombings - Sunday, August 01, 2004


CAIR Condemns Killing of British Hostage in Iraq - Friday, October 08, 2004


CAIR Condemns Murder of American in Saudi Arabia - Friday, June 18, 2004


CAIR Condemns Murder of Margaret Hassan - Wednesday, November 17, 2004


CAIR Condemns School Killings in Russia - Tuesday, September 07, 2004


CAIR Joins 'Call to Action' on Darfur Crisis - Tuesday, August 03, 2004


CAIR condemns Istanbul bombings - Thursday, November 20, 2003


CAIR condemns attacks on civilians - Thursday, March 28, 2002


CAIR condemns hostage-taking by Iraqi insurgents, calls for release of hostages - 4/9/2004


CAIR condemns killings in Iraq, Pakistan - Tuesday, March 02, 2004


CAIR condemns murder of American in Iraq - 5/11/2004


CAIR condemns mutilation of bodies in Iraq - Wednesday, March 31, 2004


CAIR statements on the events of September 11 - (various dates)


CAIR welcomes capture of Saddam Hussein - Sunday, December 14, 2003


CAIR-CAN Condemns Anti-Semitic Graffiti - August 25, 2004


CAIR-CAN Condemns Vandalism of Jewish Homes in Toronto - Friday, March 19, 2004


CAIR-CAN condemns Daniel Pearl killing - Friday, February 22, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns bomb attack on Passover celebration in Israel - Thursday, March 28, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns firebomb attack of Jewish school - Tuesday, April 06, 2004


CAIR-CAN condemns gang-rape of woman in Pakistan by tribal court - Friday, July 05, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns hate graffiti on Edmonton synagogue - Wednesday, December 28, 2005


CAIR-CAN condemns killing of innocent Christian worshippers in Pakistan - Tuesday, October 30, 2001


CAIR-CAN: There is no justification for attacks on innocent people - Thursday, November 14, 2002


CAIR-NJ Offers Condolences to Coptic Community - Monday, January 17, 2005


CAIR: American Muslims Condemn Sectarian Mosque Bombing - 07/05/2003


Canadian Muslim scholars reject Bin Laden's calls for jihad - Monday, October 15, 2001


Canadian Muslims Condemn Recent Khadr Comments That Excuse Terrorism - Friday, March 05, 2004


Canadian Muslims condemn 9/11 terrorist attacks - Tuesday, September 11, 2001


Canadian Muslims condemn anti-Jewish article - Monday, January 12, 2004


Canadian Muslims condemn church attack in Pakistan - Sunday, March 17, 2002




Muslims urged to donate for D.C. sniper victims - Wednesday, October 16, 2002


U.S. Imams Say Iraq Hostage-Takers Violate Islamic Beliefs - Friday, October 29, 2004


U.S. Muslim Group Condemns bin Laden Videotape - 09/11/2003


U.S. Muslims Condemn Madrid Bombings - 03/11/2004


U.S. Muslims call for 9/11/02 "Day of Unity and Prayer" - Tuesday, July 23, 2002


US Muslims Condemn Terrorism in Ad Campaign - March 8, 2003


We repudiate terrorism - Ibrahim Hooper, July 11, 2007

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Proof that most terrorists are muslims.


Put up or shut up.


Like this:


Unfortunately, as with people from every religion, every ethnicity, every creed -- some people will commit evil acts. A so-called Muslim who kills innocent people is not a real Muslim - as a Muslim is defined as "one who submits to the Creator of mankind, the heavens and the earth." God commands people to be kind and do good deeds, to take care of the poor and less fortunate, and to protect innocent people from harm or injustice. Therefore, if someone kills an innocent person, they are not "submitting to the will of God" and cannot be considered a Muslim.


Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks




This page focuses on condemnations of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other terrorist incidents since then as well as of terrorism in general. It is not a complete listing of all condemnations written or spoken by Muslims but is intended to provide a representative sample.


It has often been claimed in the media that Muslims are "silent" and do not condemn terrorism. This page is intended to refute that claim. Muslims have not been silent. Not even close. See also How American Muslims Really Responded to September 11 for more information about the Muslim response to 9/11. And another listing is at Statements Against Terror. Also Muslim Voices Against Terrorism. Related commentary at Friedman Wrong About Muslims Again , by Juan Cole and The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror by Ali Eteraz.




Muslim Leaders


A Message from the Council on American-Islamic Relations


American Muslim Leaders Condemn Attacks


American Muslims Denouncing Terrorism


American Muslims and Scholars Denounce Terrorism on Anniversary of 9/11


Australian Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attack


Bin Laden Distorts Islam, Islamic Scholars Say


Bin Laden's Idea of 'Jihad' is Out of Bounds, Islamic Scholars Say


British Muslim leaders condemn terrorism


British Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks


Canadian Muslims Condemn Terorist Attacks


Islamic Statements Against Terrorism in the Wake of the September 11 Mass Murders


Islamic World Deplores U.S. Losses


Looking for Answers in Islam's Holy Book: What Islamic Scholars Have to Say


Muslim Reactions to Sept 11


Muslim Voices Against Extremism & Terrorism - Part II - Statements by Organizations


Muslim World Condemns Attacks on U.S.


Muslim rulers condemn WTC attacks


New Zealand Muslims Condemn Terrorism


Organization of the Islamic Conference Foreign Ministers Condemn International Terrorism


Quran a Book of Peace Not War, Islamic Scholars Say


Scholars of Islam Condemn Terrorism


Some American Muslims Take a Look at Their Communities' Shortcomings


U.S. Muslim Scholars Condemn Attacks


UK Muslim Leaders Condemn 'Lunatic Fringe'


When is jihad OK? Muslim Perspectives




Specific Muslim Scholars


A Common Word Between Us and You, by 130 Islamic scholars


Attacks on Civilians: Forbidden by Islam, by Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi


Ayatollah Muhammad Husain Fadlallah of Lebanon condemns Osama Bin Laden, by Ayatollah Muhammad Husain Fadlallah


Bin Laden's Violence is a Heresy Against Islam, by AbdulHakim Murad (Tim Winter)


Defending the Civilians (a fatwa against terrorism), by Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti


Expert Says Islam Prohibits Violence Against Innocents, by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf


Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar Condemns Suicide Bombings, by Shaykh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi


High Mufti of Russian Muslims calls for Extradition of Bin Laden, by Russian Muslim leaders


Iran's Supreme Leader Condemns Attacks on U.S., by Ayatollah Ali Khamanei


Islam and the Question of Violence, by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian scholar


Jihad and the Modern World, by Dr. Sherman Jackson


Jihad: Its True Meaning and Purpose, by Muzammil H. Siddiqui


Most Prominent Sunni Muslim Scholar Condemns Killing of Civilians, by Shaykh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University


Muslim Attitudes about Violence, by Shaykh Muhammad al-Munajjid


Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part I - Fatwas, by various scholars


Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part IV A few Quotes, by various scholars


On the Terrorist Attacks, by Imam Zaid Shakir


Prominent Pakistani Cleric Tahir ul Qadri condemns Bin Laden, by Tahir ul Qadri


Reclaiming Islam from the Terrorists, by AbdulHakim Murad, British scholar


Reflections on the National Horror of September 11, 2001, by Muzammil H. Siddiqui


Refutation of Bin Laden's Defense of Terrorism, by Moiz Amjad, Pakistani scholar


Response to a Question about Islam and Terrorism, by Moiz Amjad, Pakistani scholar


Saudi Clerics Condemn Terrorism, by Sheikh Abderrahman al-Sudayes


Saudi Grand Mufti Condemns Terrorist Attacks in U.S., by Shaikh Abdulaziz Al-Ashaikh


Scholars' Statements Regarding The Attacks In The United States, by Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aali-Shaykh, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and President of the Committee of Senior Scholars, and Shaykh Saleh Al-Lehaydaan, Chief Justice Of The Saudi Arabian Judiciary, and Shaykh Dr. Saaleh Ibn Ghaanem As-Sadlaan, Pres. Higher Studies Dept. Al-Imaam Muhammd Ibn Saud Islamic University


Spanish Muslim Clerical authorities Issue Fatwa against Osamah Bin Laden, by Spanish Muslim leaders


Terrorism Is at Odds With Islamic Tradition, by Khaled Abou El Fadl


Terrorism: Not a doorway to heaven, by Jamil Abdul Razzak Hajoo, of Idriss Mosque, Seattle


The Myth of Islamic Terrorism Exploded, by Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Abdullah bin Baaz and Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saalih al Uthaymeen


The worst enemies of Islam are from within, by Hamza Yusuf


Top Saudi Cleric Says Attacks on U.S. a Terrible Crime in Islam, by Shaykh Salah al-Lahidan, head of the Islamic Judiciary of Saudi Arabia


Violence Against Innocents Violates Islamic Law, by Imam Siraj Wahhaj


What is jihad? What is terrorism?, by Statement by Muslim scholars




Individual Ordinary Muslims


Special links


A Country United- Poem by a Muslim woman about September 11


Islam Denounces Terrorism- Site of Muslim scholar Harun Yahya


Muslims Against Terrorism- An organization founded by Muslims who stand against the hijacking of Islam by extremists and terrorists


Report: Muslim Celebrities Condemn Attacks- Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), Muhammad Ali, Hakeem Olajuwon of the Houston Rockets


Muslim charities who solicited donations to help victims in New York City:


* Global Relief Foundation

* Islamic Relief

* Mercy USA


Articles, essays, and columns


Here are some things I've written myself; some of these pages may also contain links to further condemnations of more recent events:


a step in the right direction


Al-Qaeda on defensive as bombs begin to backfire


Arab views on the Russian hostage crisis


Bali Attacks a Heinous Crime, Total Barbarism, says prominent Muslim scholar


Death and destruction in the name of Islam?


do not let hatred drive you to injustice


does the Quran really command killing unbelievers?


Even more sick


explosions in London


hell no


Hiraba versus Jihad


horror in the Caucasus


in case you hadn't noticed this story


Islamic rulings on warfare


Killing of children is an abomination, whoever does it


Muslim scholars seek to rein in 'sheikhs of death'


Muslims condemn Berg beheading


Muslims who act as if Islam had never come and its teachings had never been revealed


not silent


not silent, not even close


Oh, God. Not again.


on the bombings in Jordan


On the terrorist attack in Indonesia


Once more with feeling


Organization of the Islamic Conference: Muslims must fight extremism


Qaradawi condemns terrorism in Qatar


Qataris demonstrate against terrorism


Saudi clerics condemn terrorism in front of 2 million Muslim pilgrims


Saudi scholars condemn violence




Sick of people who murder to advance their cause


terrorism is a return to the pre-Islamic ignorance


Terrorism is not Islam


Terrorism, again.


terrorism, fascism, Islamophobia... a strange mix indeed


terrorist attacks in Egypt


terrorists strike at the heart of Shi'a Islam


the truth about jihad


the two sides of Yusuf Qaradawi


to remember and again to condemn those who did it


Top Saudi cleric condemns terrorism


using Islam to fight terrorism


Wahhabi scholar condemns terrorism


Wahhabis condemning terrorism


When I read this in the news, my heart sank to the floor


And here are articles by other ordinary Muslims:


A Curse Upon the Brigands Who Kill Children, by Aziz Poonawalla


A Dastardly Act, by Ikram Seghal


A Muslim Surgeon's Prayer for His Fellow Americans, by Aftab Ahmad


Amid simmering religious tension, Muslims denounce killing of Christian family, by (Associated Press report)


Area Muslims slam suicide bombing, by Washington Times report


Bin Laden's Fatwa is a Call to Plunder Not Jihad, by Aziz H. Poonawalla


Defaming, Defiling, and Falsifying Islam: A Condemnation of al-Qaeda, by Frank M. Afflitto, convert to Islam


Does the Quran Sanction Violence?, by Mohamed Elmasry


Hirabah versus Jihad, by Robert D. Crane, convert to Islam


Horrified by What Happened in the U.S., by Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh


Human Nature at Its Worst, by Amir Meshkin


I Believe in Allah and America, by Arsalan Iftikhar


I'm Not the Enemy, by Reshma Memon Yaqub


Islam Demands a Muslim Response to 9/11 (PDF), by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad


Islam condemns all acts of terrorism, by Daar-ul-Ehsaan


Islam is Not the Source of Terrorism, by Harun Yahya


Islam is Not to Blame, by Omar Sarwar


Islam is a Religion of Peace, Not Terrorism, by Muhammad Ali


Islam: A Home of Tolerance Not Fanaticism, by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)


Islamic Scholars Should Speak Up for the Truth about Islam and Jihad, by Laila Nasheeba-Or


Jihad Means Waging Peace and Justice, by Mohamed Elmasry


May God Touch All of Us with His Infinite Grace, by Susan Abulhawa


Muslim scholars reach out to Pope, by BBC News


Muslims Must Not Let Terrorism Become the Voice of Islam, by Blerime Topalli


My Fatwa on the Fanatics, by Ziauddin Sardar


Not In My Name: A Treatise Against Religious Intolerance, by Richard L. Dixon, convert to Islam


Osama Bin Laden: An Enemy of Islam, by Muqtedar Khan


Press Release, by Khalid Usman, Councillor, Ward 7, Markham, Ontario


Salafi scholars condemn terrorism, by collected by Just your average Muslim


Some Misappropriations of Quranic Verses, by David Dakake, Islamic Research Institute (PDF)


Terror Is Not Islam, by Kari Ann Owen (convert to Islam)


The Meaning of Jihad, by Hesham Hassaballa


The Real Meaning of the Concept of Jihad, by Ahmed Motiar


Twin Towers Viewed from a Western Minaret: Thoughts of a Convert to Islam, by Michael Wolfe


Under Attack, by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad


What Does the Quran's 'Verse of the Sword' Really Mean?, by Hesham A. Hassaballa


When the innocent are murdered, we all go into the dark with them, by Ziauddin Sardar


Who Hijacked Islam, by Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysian dissident


World's future hinges on peace between faiths, Islamic scholars tell Pope, by Riazat Butt and Martin Hodgson


Messages on Muslims' Websites:


* Al-Islam, by scholars at a Shi'ite resource site

* Islam: The Modern Religion, by Fareena Alam

* Islamic Studies page, by Alan Godlas (convert to Islam)

* Kamilat, by Talibah Jilani

* Muslim Answers, by Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires

* Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part III - Statements & Articles by Individuals, by various individuals


See also: Muslim Imam Offers Words of Prayer at World Trade Center Memorial Ceremony


Bonus: View This Is Islam: "Islam, it's all about peace, terrorism it doesn't teach".




Ongoing: The Council on American-Islamic Relations


In an effort to show that Muslim activism against terrorism didn't stop after 9/11, this section contains press releases and statements by the Council on American-Islamic Relations condemning terrorist attacks. This is a resource in development. Subscribe to CAIR's mailing list to keep up with their latest statements and releases.


American Muslims Condemn Riyadh Bombings - May 23, 2003


CAIR Calls for Release of All Hostages in Iraq - Tuesday, September 21, 2004


CAIR Condemns 'Barbaric' London Terror Attacks - Thursday, July 07, 2005


CAIR Condemns Attack On Seattle Jewish Center - Saturday, July 29, 2006


CAIR Condemns Attack On U.S. Medical Personnel In Yemen - December 30, 2002


CAIR Condemns Attack on US Diplomatic Convoy in Gaza - October 15, 2003


CAIR Condemns Haifa Suicide Bombing - 10/04/2003


CAIR Condemns Hariri Assassination - Monday, February 14, 2005


CAIR Condemns Iraq Church Bombings - Sunday, August 01, 2004


CAIR Condemns Killing of British Hostage in Iraq - Friday, October 08, 2004


CAIR Condemns Murder of American in Saudi Arabia - Friday, June 18, 2004


CAIR Condemns Murder of Margaret Hassan - Wednesday, November 17, 2004


CAIR Condemns School Killings in Russia - Tuesday, September 07, 2004


CAIR Joins 'Call to Action' on Darfur Crisis - Tuesday, August 03, 2004


CAIR condemns Istanbul bombings - Thursday, November 20, 2003


CAIR condemns attacks on civilians - Thursday, March 28, 2002


CAIR condemns hostage-taking by Iraqi insurgents, calls for release of hostages - 4/9/2004


CAIR condemns killings in Iraq, Pakistan - Tuesday, March 02, 2004


CAIR condemns murder of American in Iraq - 5/11/2004


CAIR condemns mutilation of bodies in Iraq - Wednesday, March 31, 2004


CAIR statements on the events of September 11 - (various dates)


CAIR welcomes capture of Saddam Hussein - Sunday, December 14, 2003


CAIR-CAN Condemns Anti-Semitic Graffiti - August 25, 2004


CAIR-CAN Condemns Vandalism of Jewish Homes in Toronto - Friday, March 19, 2004


CAIR-CAN condemns Daniel Pearl killing - Friday, February 22, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns bomb attack on Passover celebration in Israel - Thursday, March 28, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns firebomb attack of Jewish school - Tuesday, April 06, 2004


CAIR-CAN condemns gang-rape of woman in Pakistan by tribal court - Friday, July 05, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns hate graffiti on Edmonton synagogue - Wednesday, December 28, 2005


CAIR-CAN condemns killing of innocent Christian worshippers in Pakistan - Tuesday, October 30, 2001


CAIR-CAN: There is no justification for attacks on innocent people - Thursday, November 14, 2002


CAIR-NJ Offers Condolences to Coptic Community - Monday, January 17, 2005


CAIR: American Muslims Condemn Sectarian Mosque Bombing - 07/05/2003


Canadian Muslim scholars reject Bin Laden's calls for jihad - Monday, October 15, 2001


Canadian Muslims Condemn Recent Khadr Comments That Excuse Terrorism - Friday, March 05, 2004


Canadian Muslims condemn 9/11 terrorist attacks - Tuesday, September 11, 2001


Canadian Muslims condemn anti-Jewish article - Monday, January 12, 2004


Canadian Muslims condemn church attack in Pakistan - Sunday, March 17, 2002




Muslims urged to donate for D.C. sniper victims - Wednesday, October 16, 2002


U.S. Imams Say Iraq Hostage-Takers Violate Islamic Beliefs - Friday, October 29, 2004


U.S. Muslim Group Condemns bin Laden Videotape - 09/11/2003


U.S. Muslims Condemn Madrid Bombings - 03/11/2004


U.S. Muslims call for 9/11/02 "Day of Unity and Prayer" - Tuesday, July 23, 2002


US Muslims Condemn Terrorism in Ad Campaign - March 8, 2003


We repudiate terrorism - Ibrahim Hooper, July 11, 2007


Your list was longer but I bet mine had far greater numbers:thumbsup:

Size doesn't always count

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Proof that most terrorists are muslims.


Put up or shut up.


Like this:


Unfortunately, as with people from every religion, every ethnicity, every creed -- some people will commit evil acts. A so-called Muslim who kills innocent people is not a real Muslim - as a Muslim is defined as "one who submits to the Creator of mankind, the heavens and the earth." God commands people to be kind and do good deeds, to take care of the poor and less fortunate, and to protect innocent people from harm or injustice. Therefore, if someone kills an innocent person, they are not "submitting to the will of God" and cannot be considered a Muslim.


Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks




This page focuses on condemnations of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other terrorist incidents since then as well as of terrorism in general. It is not a complete listing of all condemnations written or spoken by Muslims but is intended to provide a representative sample.


It has often been claimed in the media that Muslims are "silent" and do not condemn terrorism. This page is intended to refute that claim. Muslims have not been silent. Not even close. See also How American Muslims Really Responded to September 11 for more information about the Muslim response to 9/11. And another listing is at Statements Against Terror. Also Muslim Voices Against Terrorism. Related commentary at Friedman Wrong About Muslims Again , by Juan Cole and The Myth of Muslim Condemnation of Terror by Ali Eteraz.




Muslim Leaders


A Message from the Council on American-Islamic Relations


American Muslim Leaders Condemn Attacks


American Muslims Denouncing Terrorism


American Muslims and Scholars Denounce Terrorism on Anniversary of 9/11


Australian Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attack


Bin Laden Distorts Islam, Islamic Scholars Say


Bin Laden's Idea of 'Jihad' is Out of Bounds, Islamic Scholars Say


British Muslim leaders condemn terrorism


British Muslims Condemn Terrorist Attacks


Canadian Muslims Condemn Terorist Attacks


Islamic Statements Against Terrorism in the Wake of the September 11 Mass Murders


Islamic World Deplores U.S. Losses


Looking for Answers in Islam's Holy Book: What Islamic Scholars Have to Say


Muslim Reactions to Sept 11


Muslim Voices Against Extremism & Terrorism - Part II - Statements by Organizations


Muslim World Condemns Attacks on U.S.


Muslim rulers condemn WTC attacks


New Zealand Muslims Condemn Terrorism


Organization of the Islamic Conference Foreign Ministers Condemn International Terrorism


Quran a Book of Peace Not War, Islamic Scholars Say


Scholars of Islam Condemn Terrorism


Some American Muslims Take a Look at Their Communities' Shortcomings


U.S. Muslim Scholars Condemn Attacks


UK Muslim Leaders Condemn 'Lunatic Fringe'


When is jihad OK? Muslim Perspectives




Specific Muslim Scholars


A Common Word Between Us and You, by 130 Islamic scholars


Attacks on Civilians: Forbidden by Islam, by Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi


Ayatollah Muhammad Husain Fadlallah of Lebanon condemns Osama Bin Laden, by Ayatollah Muhammad Husain Fadlallah


Bin Laden's Violence is a Heresy Against Islam, by AbdulHakim Murad (Tim Winter)


Defending the Civilians (a fatwa against terrorism), by Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti


Expert Says Islam Prohibits Violence Against Innocents, by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf


Grand Sheikh of al-Azhar Condemns Suicide Bombings, by Shaykh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi


High Mufti of Russian Muslims calls for Extradition of Bin Laden, by Russian Muslim leaders


Iran's Supreme Leader Condemns Attacks on U.S., by Ayatollah Ali Khamanei


Islam and the Question of Violence, by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Iranian scholar


Jihad and the Modern World, by Dr. Sherman Jackson


Jihad: Its True Meaning and Purpose, by Muzammil H. Siddiqui


Most Prominent Sunni Muslim Scholar Condemns Killing of Civilians, by Shaykh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University


Muslim Attitudes about Violence, by Shaykh Muhammad al-Munajjid


Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part I - Fatwas, by various scholars


Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part IV A few Quotes, by various scholars


On the Terrorist Attacks, by Imam Zaid Shakir


Prominent Pakistani Cleric Tahir ul Qadri condemns Bin Laden, by Tahir ul Qadri


Reclaiming Islam from the Terrorists, by AbdulHakim Murad, British scholar


Reflections on the National Horror of September 11, 2001, by Muzammil H. Siddiqui


Refutation of Bin Laden's Defense of Terrorism, by Moiz Amjad, Pakistani scholar


Response to a Question about Islam and Terrorism, by Moiz Amjad, Pakistani scholar


Saudi Clerics Condemn Terrorism, by Sheikh Abderrahman al-Sudayes


Saudi Grand Mufti Condemns Terrorist Attacks in U.S., by Shaikh Abdulaziz Al-Ashaikh


Scholars' Statements Regarding The Attacks In The United States, by Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Aali-Shaykh, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia and President of the Committee of Senior Scholars, and Shaykh Saleh Al-Lehaydaan, Chief Justice Of The Saudi Arabian Judiciary, and Shaykh Dr. Saaleh Ibn Ghaanem As-Sadlaan, Pres. Higher Studies Dept. Al-Imaam Muhammd Ibn Saud Islamic University


Spanish Muslim Clerical authorities Issue Fatwa against Osamah Bin Laden, by Spanish Muslim leaders


Terrorism Is at Odds With Islamic Tradition, by Khaled Abou El Fadl


Terrorism: Not a doorway to heaven, by Jamil Abdul Razzak Hajoo, of Idriss Mosque, Seattle


The Myth of Islamic Terrorism Exploded, by Shaykh Abdul Azeez bin Abdullah bin Baaz and Shaykh Muhammad Bin Saalih al Uthaymeen


The worst enemies of Islam are from within, by Hamza Yusuf


Top Saudi Cleric Says Attacks on U.S. a Terrible Crime in Islam, by Shaykh Salah al-Lahidan, head of the Islamic Judiciary of Saudi Arabia


Violence Against Innocents Violates Islamic Law, by Imam Siraj Wahhaj


What is jihad? What is terrorism?, by Statement by Muslim scholars




Individual Ordinary Muslims


Special links


A Country United- Poem by a Muslim woman about September 11


Islam Denounces Terrorism- Site of Muslim scholar Harun Yahya


Muslims Against Terrorism- An organization founded by Muslims who stand against the hijacking of Islam by extremists and terrorists


Report: Muslim Celebrities Condemn Attacks- Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), Muhammad Ali, Hakeem Olajuwon of the Houston Rockets


Muslim charities who solicited donations to help victims in New York City:


* Global Relief Foundation

* Islamic Relief

* Mercy USA


Articles, essays, and columns


Here are some things I've written myself; some of these pages may also contain links to further condemnations of more recent events:


a step in the right direction


Al-Qaeda on defensive as bombs begin to backfire


Arab views on the Russian hostage crisis


Bali Attacks a Heinous Crime, Total Barbarism, says prominent Muslim scholar


Death and destruction in the name of Islam?


do not let hatred drive you to injustice


does the Quran really command killing unbelievers?


Even more sick


explosions in London


hell no


Hiraba versus Jihad


horror in the Caucasus


in case you hadn't noticed this story


Islamic rulings on warfare


Killing of children is an abomination, whoever does it


Muslim scholars seek to rein in 'sheikhs of death'


Muslims condemn Berg beheading


Muslims who act as if Islam had never come and its teachings had never been revealed


not silent


not silent, not even close


Oh, God. Not again.


on the bombings in Jordan


On the terrorist attack in Indonesia


Once more with feeling


Organization of the Islamic Conference: Muslims must fight extremism


Qaradawi condemns terrorism in Qatar


Qataris demonstrate against terrorism


Saudi clerics condemn terrorism in front of 2 million Muslim pilgrims


Saudi scholars condemn violence




Sick of people who murder to advance their cause


terrorism is a return to the pre-Islamic ignorance


Terrorism is not Islam


Terrorism, again.


terrorism, fascism, Islamophobia... a strange mix indeed


terrorist attacks in Egypt


terrorists strike at the heart of Shi'a Islam


the truth about jihad


the two sides of Yusuf Qaradawi


to remember and again to condemn those who did it


Top Saudi cleric condemns terrorism


using Islam to fight terrorism


Wahhabi scholar condemns terrorism


Wahhabis condemning terrorism


When I read this in the news, my heart sank to the floor


And here are articles by other ordinary Muslims:


A Curse Upon the Brigands Who Kill Children, by Aziz Poonawalla


A Dastardly Act, by Ikram Seghal


A Muslim Surgeon's Prayer for His Fellow Americans, by Aftab Ahmad


Amid simmering religious tension, Muslims denounce killing of Christian family, by (Associated Press report)


Area Muslims slam suicide bombing, by Washington Times report


Bin Laden's Fatwa is a Call to Plunder Not Jihad, by Aziz H. Poonawalla


Defaming, Defiling, and Falsifying Islam: A Condemnation of al-Qaeda, by Frank M. Afflitto, convert to Islam


Does the Quran Sanction Violence?, by Mohamed Elmasry


Hirabah versus Jihad, by Robert D. Crane, convert to Islam


Horrified by What Happened in the U.S., by Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh


Human Nature at Its Worst, by Amir Meshkin


I Believe in Allah and America, by Arsalan Iftikhar


I'm Not the Enemy, by Reshma Memon Yaqub


Islam Demands a Muslim Response to 9/11 (PDF), by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad


Islam condemns all acts of terrorism, by Daar-ul-Ehsaan


Islam is Not the Source of Terrorism, by Harun Yahya


Islam is Not to Blame, by Omar Sarwar


Islam is a Religion of Peace, Not Terrorism, by Muhammad Ali


Islam: A Home of Tolerance Not Fanaticism, by Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)


Islamic Scholars Should Speak Up for the Truth about Islam and Jihad, by Laila Nasheeba-Or


Jihad Means Waging Peace and Justice, by Mohamed Elmasry


May God Touch All of Us with His Infinite Grace, by Susan Abulhawa


Muslim scholars reach out to Pope, by BBC News


Muslims Must Not Let Terrorism Become the Voice of Islam, by Blerime Topalli


My Fatwa on the Fanatics, by Ziauddin Sardar


Not In My Name: A Treatise Against Religious Intolerance, by Richard L. Dixon, convert to Islam


Osama Bin Laden: An Enemy of Islam, by Muqtedar Khan


Press Release, by Khalid Usman, Councillor, Ward 7, Markham, Ontario


Salafi scholars condemn terrorism, by collected by Just your average Muslim


Some Misappropriations of Quranic Verses, by David Dakake, Islamic Research Institute (PDF)


Terror Is Not Islam, by Kari Ann Owen (convert to Islam)


The Meaning of Jihad, by Hesham Hassaballa


The Real Meaning of the Concept of Jihad, by Ahmed Motiar


Twin Towers Viewed from a Western Minaret: Thoughts of a Convert to Islam, by Michael Wolfe


Under Attack, by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad


What Does the Quran's 'Verse of the Sword' Really Mean?, by Hesham A. Hassaballa


When the innocent are murdered, we all go into the dark with them, by Ziauddin Sardar


Who Hijacked Islam, by Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysian dissident


World's future hinges on peace between faiths, Islamic scholars tell Pope, by Riazat Butt and Martin Hodgson


Messages on Muslims' Websites:


* Al-Islam, by scholars at a Shi'ite resource site

* Islam: The Modern Religion, by Fareena Alam

* Islamic Studies page, by Alan Godlas (convert to Islam)

* Kamilat, by Talibah Jilani

* Muslim Answers, by Abd ar-Rahman Robert Squires

* Muslim Voices Against Extremism and Terrorism - Part III - Statements & Articles by Individuals, by various individuals


See also: Muslim Imam Offers Words of Prayer at World Trade Center Memorial Ceremony


Bonus: View This Is Islam: "Islam, it's all about peace, terrorism it doesn't teach".




Ongoing: The Council on American-Islamic Relations


In an effort to show that Muslim activism against terrorism didn't stop after 9/11, this section contains press releases and statements by the Council on American-Islamic Relations condemning terrorist attacks. This is a resource in development. Subscribe to CAIR's mailing list to keep up with their latest statements and releases.


American Muslims Condemn Riyadh Bombings - May 23, 2003


CAIR Calls for Release of All Hostages in Iraq - Tuesday, September 21, 2004


CAIR Condemns 'Barbaric' London Terror Attacks - Thursday, July 07, 2005


CAIR Condemns Attack On Seattle Jewish Center - Saturday, July 29, 2006


CAIR Condemns Attack On U.S. Medical Personnel In Yemen - December 30, 2002


CAIR Condemns Attack on US Diplomatic Convoy in Gaza - October 15, 2003


CAIR Condemns Haifa Suicide Bombing - 10/04/2003


CAIR Condemns Hariri Assassination - Monday, February 14, 2005


CAIR Condemns Iraq Church Bombings - Sunday, August 01, 2004


CAIR Condemns Killing of British Hostage in Iraq - Friday, October 08, 2004


CAIR Condemns Murder of American in Saudi Arabia - Friday, June 18, 2004


CAIR Condemns Murder of Margaret Hassan - Wednesday, November 17, 2004


CAIR Condemns School Killings in Russia - Tuesday, September 07, 2004


CAIR Joins 'Call to Action' on Darfur Crisis - Tuesday, August 03, 2004


CAIR condemns Istanbul bombings - Thursday, November 20, 2003


CAIR condemns attacks on civilians - Thursday, March 28, 2002


CAIR condemns hostage-taking by Iraqi insurgents, calls for release of hostages - 4/9/2004


CAIR condemns killings in Iraq, Pakistan - Tuesday, March 02, 2004


CAIR condemns murder of American in Iraq - 5/11/2004


CAIR condemns mutilation of bodies in Iraq - Wednesday, March 31, 2004


CAIR statements on the events of September 11 - (various dates)


CAIR welcomes capture of Saddam Hussein - Sunday, December 14, 2003


CAIR-CAN Condemns Anti-Semitic Graffiti - August 25, 2004


CAIR-CAN Condemns Vandalism of Jewish Homes in Toronto - Friday, March 19, 2004


CAIR-CAN condemns Daniel Pearl killing - Friday, February 22, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns bomb attack on Passover celebration in Israel - Thursday, March 28, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns firebomb attack of Jewish school - Tuesday, April 06, 2004


CAIR-CAN condemns gang-rape of woman in Pakistan by tribal court - Friday, July 05, 2002


CAIR-CAN condemns hate graffiti on Edmonton synagogue - Wednesday, December 28, 2005


CAIR-CAN condemns killing of innocent Christian worshippers in Pakistan - Tuesday, October 30, 2001


CAIR-CAN: There is no justification for attacks on innocent people - Thursday, November 14, 2002


CAIR-NJ Offers Condolences to Coptic Community - Monday, January 17, 2005


CAIR: American Muslims Condemn Sectarian Mosque Bombing - 07/05/2003


Canadian Muslim scholars reject Bin Laden's calls for jihad - Monday, October 15, 2001


Canadian Muslims Condemn Recent Khadr Comments That Excuse Terrorism - Friday, March 05, 2004


Canadian Muslims condemn 9/11 terrorist attacks - Tuesday, September 11, 2001


Canadian Muslims condemn anti-Jewish article - Monday, January 12, 2004


Canadian Muslims condemn church attack in Pakistan - Sunday, March 17, 2002




Muslims urged to donate for D.C. sniper victims - Wednesday, October 16, 2002


U.S. Imams Say Iraq Hostage-Takers Violate Islamic Beliefs - Friday, October 29, 2004


U.S. Muslim Group Condemns bin Laden Videotape - 09/11/2003


U.S. Muslims Condemn Madrid Bombings - 03/11/2004


U.S. Muslims call for 9/11/02 "Day of Unity and Prayer" - Tuesday, July 23, 2002


US Muslims Condemn Terrorism in Ad Campaign - March 8, 2003


We repudiate terrorism - Ibrahim Hooper, July 11, 2007


I think this proves more that most Muslims are not terrorists. The fact that most terrorists are Muslim is yet to be disproved.


The below link does show that most terrorist groups ARE Muslim.



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Benito Mussolini – Italy (killed 400,000 human beings)

Benito Mussolini killer file


Mao Tse-Tung – China (Killed 14-20 million human beings)

Mao Tse-Tung killer file


Adolf Hitler – Germany (do I need to mention the number of people killed by him….????)


Joseph Stalin – Russia (killed 20 million human beings)

Joseph Stalin killer file


Harry S. Truman – USA (On 25 July, 1945 President Truman authorizes the use of atomic bombs against the Japanese, killed about 120,000 people outright and fatally injure over 100,000 more.)


Richard M. Nixon – USA (1969, up to 600,000 Cambodians die by 539,129 tons dropped mostly by B-52)


Richard M. Nixon – USA (1973, The toll of Vietnamese dead from war exceeds three million, including two million civilians, over 1.3 million North Vietnamese and Viet Cong troops and about 224,000 South Vietnamese military personnel. The spread of the conflict into neighboring Cambodia and Laos has resulted in the loss of another 950,000 lives and led to the rise of the genocidal dictator Pol Pot and the deaths of a further one to three million).


Ronald Reagan – USA (1982, President Reagan is reported as saying that Guatemalan dictator General Jose Efrain Rios Montt is "a man of great personal integrity" who is "getting a bum rap on human rights." It is later estimated that during the period of Ríos Montt's rule (March 1982 to August 1983) about 70,000 Guatemalan civilians are killed or "disappeared". During the period 1981 to 1983 about 100,000 are killed or "disappeared" and between 500,000 and 1.5 million displaced, fleeing to other regions within the country or seeking safety abroad.


George Bush Sr. – USA (1991, “Operation Desert Storm”)


George W. Bush – USA (War against Terrorism)


(The acts of US sponsored terrorism cannot be summarized in one post, you guys can visit this site)

United States presidents and their advisers killer file


World War II killed 60 million (estimated) in total…..!!! How many Muslims were involved in that violent war…???


Terrorism: "The use of violent actions in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act" – Oxford Dictionary


Could these following acts be labeled as terrorism…!!!


1. Dropping of H Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, millions of civilians were killed.


2. Iraq invaded on false charges of WMD and Al-Qaeda and a million killed in the process.


3. US & UN embargo killed half a million Iraqi children. Reason, Iraq was researching on WMD.


Where as next door a tiny terrorist state named Israel has a stock pile of hundreds of WMD….!! Any UN resolution against it vetoed y US….!! It has kicked UN resolutions in dozens and no action…..Radio active amour piercing shells used by US forces in Iraq which will spread cancer and tumor in Iraq for hundreds of years to come.


4. State sponsored Gujarat Carnage.


5. Recent Ghaza seize and non stop bombardment.


6. For last fifty plus years Palestinians driven out of their homes forcefully. Their children, women killed, women raped in public by Israel military. Stone throwing kids arrested and tortured to death.


Lets take a look at the record of terrorism around the world (few notable incidents)


1. 1881 in the streets of St. Petersburg Tsar Alexander – II of Russia was traveling in a bullet proof car. An anarchist set off a bomb which killed 21 by standers. When the Tsar stepped out of car; next bomb killed him.


2. In 1886, a Bomb Blast took place Haymarket in Chicago during a labor rally. 8 anarchists were involved, all non-Muslims. Dozens killed in that violence.


3. 6th Sept 1901, US President William Mcknley was assassinated. He was shot twice by an anarchist Leon Czolgosz an anarchist a non-Muslim.


4. 1st of October Bomb blast done by two Christians James and Joseph.


5. 28th June 1914 Archduke of Austria and his wife assassinated by members of Young Bosnia who were Non-Muslim Serbs, this incidence lead to world war.


6. 16th April 1925, bomb blast in St. Nedeliya Church; Sofia; Bulgaria was done by communists who were not Muslims.


7. 9th October 1934, King Alexander-I of Yugoslavia was assassinated by a gunman.


8. 1st May 1961, the first US aircraft was hijacked to Cuba by Ramerez Oriz a non-Muslim.


9. 28th August 1968, the US Ambassador to Guatemala was assassinated by a non-Muslim.


10. 30th July 1969, US Ambassador to Japan was knifed by a Japanese.


11. 3rd September 1969, US Ambassador to Brazil was kidnapped by non-Muslims.


12. 19th April 1995, Federal Building was bombed in Oklahoma City by two Christians Timothy and Terry. 166 killed and hundreds injured.


13. From 1941 to 1948, in total 259 severely violent terrorists attacks were committed by Jewish terrorists.


14. 22nd July 1946, bombing of King David Hotel was done by Menachem Begin. His team of gangsters was dressed as Arabs to pass the blame to Palestinians. 91 innocent killed. UK declared him as the deadliest terrorist. He became the Prime Minister of Israel and finally received Nobel Prize for Peace…!!!.


15. In Germany from 1968 to 1992 Baader Meinhoff Gang killed several innocent people. They were Christians.


16. In Italy Red Brigade kidnapped Aldo More former Prime Minister of Italy and killed several innocent human beings.


17. 20th March 1996, Aum Shirikyo a Buddhist cult used nerve gas in a Tokyo subway.


18. In UK since hundred years IRA has been conducting worst possible violent terrorist acts. Where as a handful of Muslims who reacted to British participation to unjust Iraq war, immediately British media called it Islamic terrorism. Tony Blair found Muslims are the worst danger to UK. In 100 years of violence IRA was never called as Christian or Catholic terrorists.


19. 1972, IRA conducted three bomb blasts.


20. 1974, IRA bombed Gulf Ford Pub.


21. 1972, IRA bombed Birmingham Pub killed 21 and injured 182.


22. 1996, London Bombing by IRA killed 2 injured more than 100.


23. 1996, IRA Manchester Shopping Center 200 injured.


24. IRA, planted 500 pound car bomb 35 people injured.


25. 15th August 1998, one 500 pound car bomb killed dozens.


26. 4th March 2001, car bomb explodes in front of the BBC Television Centre in London by IRA.


27. In Spain & France, ETA conducted 36 major terrorists’ attacks.


28. Lords Salvation Army of Uganda is the most dreaded terror organization of Africa. They have wipe out a lot of people from that continent.


29. LTTE most innovative and specialized in suicide bombing and cyanide capsules...!!!...Now dreaming of Maha Elam spreading from Sri Lanka to Tamil Nadu…!!


30. Sikhs had their Khalistan movement; until ruthlessly suppressed by Indian army and Punjab police.


31. 31st October 1984, Indian serving Prime Minister was assassinated by her two Sikh body guards who were definitely not Muslims.


32. There is not a single Muslims in ATTF (All Tripura Tiger Force) who strikes terror since ages in the North East, all Christians.


33. National Liberation Front of Tripura has no Muslim in their ranks, all Christians.


34. 2nd October 2004, Christian terrorists killed 44 Hindus.


35. ULFA had committed from 1990 to 2006 in 16 years 740 numbers of violent terrorist acts. They are all Hindus. Their list of effective & successful attacks will put Kashmiri militants at shame….!!!


36. Maoists in Nepal committed 99 acts of terror in Nepal in seven years' time.


37. Out of 600 districts of India Maoists are active in 150 with all latest weaponry and are on a killing spree. How many Muslims are among their ranks….NIL, no one calls them Hindus terrorists. More killing done by Maoists than years of violence by Kashmiries.


This proves one thing: This profession is never a Muslim monopoly, not even a Muslim specialty…..!!!!


That shows the power of media. It can change the world opinion in any direction.


PS: Absolutely no means of being offensive to any country or nationality.

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No, it does not, as I've explained already.


read the thread.


OK, Islam has a problem with terrorist factions using it's name. A lot. Fact.


It would be far more worthwhile discussing why this is, what can be done to prevent it, and how Muslim's can counter the stigma given by these groups than to try to cover up the fact and try to belittle those who raise it.

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OK, Islam has a problem with terrorist factions using it's name. A lot. Fact.


It would be far more worthwhile discussing why this is, what can be done to prevent it, and how Muslim's can counter the stigma given by these groups than to try to cover up the fact and try to belittle those who raise it.


terrorism is the modern word used to describe a struggle by a people from those in power. the current wars and conflicts around the world are going on in muslim dominated nations, so any struggle by any 'faction' against injustice is easy to blame under the fictional umbrella organisation 'alqaeda'.

there is no legal definition of terrorism.

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terrorism is the modern word used to describe a struggle by a people from those in power. the current wars and conflicts around the world are going on in muslim dominated nations, so any struggle by any 'faction' against injustice is easy to blame under the fictional umbrella organisation 'alqaeda'.

there is no legal definition of terrorism.


Ok....another question then...why are there a lot of conflicts and wars involving Muslim dominated countries?


Honest question...honest answers only please.

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fake wmd war in iraq end of that discussion.

pointless war in afghanistan as we have acheived sod all in getting rid of the taliban or 'alqaeda' but we install the current government in afghanistan which is full of warlords and currupt gits.

the continuing isreali / palestinian issue no need to get into that.

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