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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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What there is in common is the understanding that the action causes offense. The fact one is physical the other mental only shows there is a difference of degree, not of principle.


If I were to accept the point (which I don't) that there is a difference in the degree of offence being caused then that degree is incredibly substantial which, in itself, is enough to make an attempted analogy meaningless, but when you add onto that the fact that somebody is trying to compare a physical assault on a living being (two parties being involved) with that of third parties being offended by insults, truisms, caricatures and mocking of a long ago barbaric dead person means that, not only is the difference of the degree of offence being caused incredibly substantial, but the principle initself is entirely different.

If that weren't the case then every court of law in the land would be full of 'offended' people trying to stop everbody else from voicing deeply held views that the 'offended' person didn't like and what a nightmare world that would be.


The definitions were from the free dictionary:



Cheers. Those descriptions are OK.


btw nice photos, you have an eye for composition.


Cheers :thumbsup: but you don't get round me that easily.;) I'm immune to both compliments and insults in equal measure.....or maybe I should claim to be offended by compliments I receive and try and link it somehow to somebody who's been physically assaulted to try and prove some kind of unproveable point? I'll have to think about that one.:cool:

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Your evidence that asians never integrate and that most terrorists are muslims.




Both statements are lies.




Both statements are racist.

Wrong that is my opinion based on personal issues...not racist.

Proven that the majority of terrorists are indeed muslim based

you cant be racist against a religion ..muslim is not a race

you are a liar and I believe an ignorant troll who seems to have an agenda of colour prejudice of your own,it seems you may be a closet racist with mental problems.I still wait for your evidence of my alleged colour prejudice,you have been forthcoming with your incorrect claims as previous why have you not produced evidence to the colour allegations....could it be you made that up...you'll never go to heaven if you tell porkies.

Iv just realised your the sick scum who gloated about a person who was hacked to death...say no more..I AM arguing with a idiot..a psycho one at that

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Wrong that is my opinion based on personal issues...not racist.


Your argument doesn't support the conclusion. Indeed it is your personal opinions that might make you racist.


Proven that the majority of terrorists are indeed muslim based


The nearest you came was to provide a link to this page which shows that the majority of terrorists are religious, but not by much.




Considering Spindrift's evidence of religious terrorism by Hindus and Christians, your link actually provides further evidence that you are wrong.


you cant be racist against a religion ..muslim is not a race


It arguably is indirectly racist to make those sorts of arguments.


The case is clearer and more direct when you were talking about Asian immigrants having an uncivilised and barbarous culture.




you are a liar and I believe an ignorant troll who seems to have an agenda of colour prejudice of your own,it seems you may be a closet racist with mental problems.I still wait for your evidence of my alleged colour prejudice,you have been forthcoming with your incorrect claims as previous why have you not produced evidence to the colour allegations....could it be you made that up...you'll never go to heaven if you tell porkies.

Iv just realised your the sick scum who gloated about a person who was hacked to death...say no more..I AM arguing with a idiot..a psycho one at that


Spindrift's points seem well made, if perhaps overstated. In particular, he has described your method of argument quite well. Despite several pages of argument you have done little to defend your position aside from ad hominem's, as I showed above the nearest you have come to backing up your claim is an an article that refutes it.


Incidentally, I had a look at the links on your signature. Are you a tranny? and is that why you chose a glam rock username?

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Wrong that is my opinion based on personal issues...not racist.


For your statement to be true, you must have met every single asian person in Sheffield and been provided with evidence that they all, every single one of them, refuse to integrate or take part in normal, social aspects of living here.


I can confidently assert this is a false, racist claim just as if I said all white English people are drunken football yobs.


In a way, I feel sorry for you. I doubt you speak to any asian people you meet or engage with them, so in your head you have this hysterical, racist paranoia.

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For your statement to be true, you must have met every single asian person in Sheffield and been provided with evidence that they all, every single one of them, refuse to integrate or take part in normal, social aspects of living here.


I can confidently assert this is a false, racist claim just as if I said all white English people are drunken football yobs.


In a way, I feel sorry for you. I doubt you speak to any asian people you meet or engage with them, so in your head you have this hysterical, racist paranoia.


Of course not all Asians/Muslims are bad or terrorists, i dont care weather they're all like mother Teresa, its irelivant, they shouldn't be here in the quantities that they are...actualy they shouldnt be here at all...and that goes for Africans, Chinese, Poles, Or anyone else.


There should be less globalisation and more localisation.

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Of course not all Asians/Muslims are bad or terrorists, i dont care weather they're all like mother Teresa, its irelivant, they shouldn't be here in the quantities that they are...actualy they shouldnt be here at all...and that goes for Africans, Chinese, Poles, Or anyone else.


There should be less globalisation and more localisation.



When Poland acceeded to the EU in 2004, I think, we had a million unemployed in this country.


Upwards of half a million Poles came here and found work, contributed, paid taxes.


What does that tell you?

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When Poland acceeded to the EU in 2004, I think, we had a million unemployed in this country.


Upwards of half a million Poles came here and found work, contributed, paid taxes.


What does that tell you?


It tells me that new Labour created a lazy underclass in this country. And they did it on purpose...the powers that be want to house and employ eastern Europeans here, they want stimulate movement of EU citizens around the EU, they want to create a huge Federal superstate where Poles coming to England is as natural a Sheffielder working in Doncaster!


Thankfully though the wheels are starting to fall off their Euro federalist project, there's an economic crisis in the Euro zone and people are finaly starting to see that trying unify so many different countries that have different languages and cultures, and having a single currency across so many diverse economies is utter madness.

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