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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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What do you mean by truly British in your heart?

I suspect you are one of those people who thinks that if you are an ethnic person you are not British.

Suspect? What more proof do we need mafya?:huh::D Seems like a graduate of the Windsor School of hatemongering (Whybourn) Or maybe even the Byards Leap.
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You have made a great song and dance about the difference between the insult directed at dead people and the living ones, so you will then of course defend the right of people like Anjam Chaudary to insult some dead people deliberately, who just happened to have been wearing the British Army's uniform? Do you suggest that those people offended by the actions of that rent a mob were wrong to do so? Or is that somehow different?

Clarify that small point please so that we may all see why you are being so intransigent over compromising your principles.


Absolutely I think that Anjem Chaudary should be allowed to shout whatever hatred he wishes to shout anywhere he wishes to shout it. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct for everybody who lives in this country. If you check my post history you will see I've been consistant on this point all along.

I'm an atheist and an anti-theist, not a racist, so you may wish to understand the difference before you attempt to put me into a particular box that snugly fits your limited world view.

I hope this clarifies the point.:)

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Your argument doesn't support the conclusion. Indeed it is your personal opinions that might make you racist.




The nearest you came was to provide a link to this page which shows that the majority of terrorists are religious, but not by much.




Considering Spindrift's evidence of religious terrorism by Hindus and Christians, your link actually provides further evidence that you are wrong.




It arguably is indirectly racist to make those sorts of arguments.


The case is clearer and more direct when you were talking about Asian immigrants having an uncivilised and barbarous culture.






Spindrift's points seem well made, if perhaps overstated. In particular, he has described your method of argument quite well. Despite several pages of argument you have done little to defend your position aside from ad hominem's, as I showed above the nearest you have come to backing up your claim is an an article that refutes it.


Incidentally, I had a look at the links on your signature. Are you a tranny? and is that why you chose a glam rock username?

Rather a homophobic comment..what's it to do with you whatever I am ? and would it make a difference what I was ?

I may just have a thing for pink poodles

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Your argument doesn't support the conclusion. Indeed it is your personal opinions that might make you racist.




The nearest you came was to provide a link to this page which shows that the majority of terrorists are religious, but not by much.




Considering Spindrift's evidence of religious terrorism by Hindus and Christians, your link actually provides further evidence that you are wrong.




It arguably is indirectly racist to make those sorts of arguments.


The case is clearer and more direct when you were talking about Asian immigrants having an uncivilised and barbarous culture.






Spindrift's points seem well made, if perhaps overstated. In particular, he has described your method of argument quite well. Despite several pages of argument you have done little to defend your position aside from ad hominem's, as I showed above the nearest you have come to backing up your claim is an an article that refutes it.


Incidentally, I had a look at the links on your signature. Are you a tranny? and is that why you chose a glam rock username?

You read wrongly try it again.

You agreeing with Spindrift ..now isn't that a surprise ,so you accept the fact that he continually harps on about my colour prejudice with not a iota of evidence to back it up,you also agree with someone who openly uses the name of someone to make a sad point who was viciously hacked to death,I wouldn't have thought you would want to be associated with sick people like that Wildcat,I thought you had more about you..have you ever seen evidence of my colour prejudice ? ..seeing as there isnt any and I have asked for his evidence on numerous occasions doesn't that lead you to think ,as he keeps repeating it,that he may have a slight mental problem ?

And do you not think that if I were arguing with a sane person I could find more links to back my claims,have you seen his rambling cut and paste material ,is that the action of a sane person it was duplicated in places,that is why I stopped answering him with links etc I would be just wasting my time ,the man has obviously got colour problems of his own hence his need to bring them up continually when they don't even exist...psychological !!..self recrimination by proxy

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Rather a homophobic comment..what's it to do with you whatever I am ? and would it make a difference what I was ?

I may just have a thing for pink poodles


No difference at all.


It was merely a comment on your strange signature, you put it there for a purpose and I was wondering what you thought it was supposed to tell us about you.


Do you like Ru Paul too?

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you also agree with someone who openly uses the name of someone to make a sad point who was viciously hacked to death




Dude, you've posted lengthy racist diatribes about asian people and muslims, you are plainly racist so I'm not sure why you're frothing so much and denying what's as plain as day. There is no law against being racist, it's your choice, but don't expect to get an easy ride if you slag off people based on nothing more than their colour, of course you'll be challenged!



You made crass generalisations about both muslims and asian people, you are unable to back up either claim and whenever you're asked for evidence you claim I'm mentally ill, which doesn't really work as an insult when you think about it because it means the gaping holes in your crass, racist statements can be highlighted and your ignorance is exposed by someone who you say is mentally ill.


Double pwn3d.

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You read wrongly try it again.

You agreeing with Spindrift ..now isn't that a surprise ,so you accept the fact that he continually harps on about my colour prejudice with not a iota of evidence to back it up,


Just about all your posts are either a whinge against some minority or other or they are complaining about someone being called racist who quite obviously is.


you also agree with someone who openly uses the name of someone to make a sad point who was viciously hacked to death,I wouldn't have thought you would want to be associated with sick people like that Wildcat,I thought you had more about you..


The Terreblanche thread title was over the top. I haven't agreed with that I am saying I agree with what he has said on this thread.


Besides I don't see why you are so upset, it was only words you have consistently defended people saying similar things about muslims or asians because it is only a joke.


have you ever seen evidence of my colour prejudice ? ..seeing as there isnt any and I have asked for his evidence on numerous occasions doesn't that lead you to think ,as he keeps repeating it,that he may have a slight mental problem ?


See above. I also recall you defending Bob Bailey kicking an asian's head and his friends kicking him on the ground despite the fact it was being filmed as part of his election campaign. It was just the rule of the street I think you said or something like it. Somehow I don't think that would have been your reaction if it was someone a bit foreign looking doing the kicking. Indeed you thought an asian spitting was justification for that violence.


Your double standards are obvious.


And do you not think that if I were arguing with a sane person I could find more links to back my claims,have you seen his rambling cut and paste material ,is that the action of a sane person it was duplicated in places,that is why I stopped answering him with links etc I would be just wasting my time ,the man has obviously got colour problems of his own hence his need to bring them up continually when they don't even exist...psychological !!..self recrimination by proxy


No I don't think you could find links to back up your racist statements. As you have already shown the links you have found and presented as evidence for most terrorists being muslim have shown you to be wrong.


Indeed considering that situation the fact you think that further searching might exonerate you indicates it is not Spindrift with the mental health problems at all.

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Rather a homophobic comment..what's it to do with you whatever I am ? and would it make a difference what I was ?

I may just have a thing for pink poodles

Or rather have Garry Glitter as your leader than some Muslim:hihi:
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