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'Women-friendly' mosques praised

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Absolutely I think that Anjem Chaudary should be allowed to shout whatever hatred he wishes to shout anywhere he wishes to shout it. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct for everybody who lives in this country. If you check my post history you will see I've been consistant on this point all along.

I'm an atheist and an anti-theist, not a racist, so you may wish to understand the difference before you attempt to put me into a particular box that snugly fits your limited world view.

I hope this clarifies the point.:)

Second part of post#583 if you please.


I don't recall your defense of Chaudary's actions when he and generally by association all Muslims were being vilified for protesting at the home coming parade. I am against what Chaudary and his cronies are about and disagree with the way they went about seeking publicity and would not defend their actions. You on the other hand do defend them on principle but failed to defend them when the principle was under test on here, why is that?

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Dude, you've posted lengthy racist diatribes about asian people and muslims, you are plainly racist so I'm not sure why you're frothing so much and denying what's as plain as day. There is no law against being racist, it's your choice, but don't expect to get an easy ride if you slag off people based on nothing more than their colour, of course you'll be challenged!



You made crass generalisations about both muslims and asian people, you are unable to back up either claim and whenever you're asked for evidence you claim I'm mentally ill, which doesn't really work as an insult when you think about it because it means the gaping holes in your crass, racist statements can be highlighted and your ignorance is exposed by someone who you say is mentally ill.


Double pwn3d.

For christ sakes man muslims are not a race therefore to be racist against muslims is impossible ,there are white English muslims you fool therefore how can I be racist against my own ?

I stated that as far as I were concerned Asians do not want to integrate I base that assumption on the fact that most Asians seem to congregate in one place and prefer to live together,that is my opinion and by the evidence of the areas around the country my assumption seems to be partly backed by Asians themselves.Your like a mechanical child back that up back this up ,whats the point I post links,they get slammed as anti this anti that links and links are posted in direct answer which I believe are biased,we could all play this game all day and still none the wiser,most of my queries come from personal observations ,with living among and working with them for the past thirty odd years,Im sorry I cant back my observations with links all I can suggest is get out there in the thick of it and actually meet a few of these people on their own patch,you may get a big surprise.

P.S my calling you menata was not meant as an insult ,simply a observation of your seemingly mixed up state through your inabilty to offer any sort of apology for a false accusation.

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Just about all your posts are either a whinge against some minority or other or they are complaining about someone being called racist who quite obviously is.




The Terreblanche thread title was over the top. I haven't agreed with that I am saying I agree with what he has said on this thread.


Besides I don't see why you are so upset, it was only words you have consistently defended people saying similar things about muslims or asians because it is only a joke.




See above. I also recall you defending Bob Bailey kicking an asian's head and his friends kicking him on the ground despite the fact it was being filmed as part of his election campaign. It was just the rule of the street I think you said or something like it. Somehow I don't think that would have been your reaction if it was someone a bit foreign looking doing the kicking. Indeed you thought an asian spitting was justification for that violence.


Your double standards are obvious.




No I don't think you could find links to back up your racist statements. As you have already shown the links you have found and presented as evidence for most terrorists being muslim have shown you to be wrong.


Indeed considering that situation the fact you think that further searching might exonerate you indicates it is not Spindrift with the mental health problems at all.

Tut Tut Wildcat stop your leading statements ,I said that anyone spitting in someones face would lead to retribution stop trying to score points out of context.

As I have stated above ,I can show links ,you can show links to contradict those links and I can then respond with more links to contradict those links that contradicted my links..and on and on and on .you know that for a fact that is why as much as possible I try to avoid links.

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For christ sakes man muslims are not a race therefore to be racist against muslims is impossible ,there are white English muslims you fool therefore how can I be racist against my own ?


Because race is about culture which includes religion.


Your answer is like trying to say that hating all immigrants isn't racist because some of them will be ex-pats.


I stated that as far as I were concerned Asians do not want to integrate I base that assumption on the fact that most Asians seem to congregate in one place and prefer to live together,that is my opinion and by the evidence of the areas around the country my assumption seems to be partly backed by Asians themselves.Your like a mechanical child back that up back this up ,whats the point I post links,they get slammed as anti this anti that links and links are posted in direct answer which I believe are biased,we could all play this game all day and still none the wiser,most of my queries come from personal observations ,with living among and working with them for the past thirty odd years,Im sorry I cant back my observations with links all I can suggest is get out there in the thick of it and actually meet a few of these people on their own patch,you may get a big surprise.

P.S my calling you menata was not meant as an insult ,simply a observation of your seemingly mixed up state through your inabilty to offer any sort of apology for a false accusation.


Asians aren't a homogenous group. Areas with high asian populations are mixed not just with whites but with other asian groups. Your inability to comprehend this despite it having been pointed out a thousand times does raise questions about your comprehension.


By the way. Your links mostly didn't address the statement you were defending. The only one that did refuted it.

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Tut Tut Wildcat stop your leading statements ,I said that anyone spitting in someones face would lead to retribution stop trying to score points out of context.

As I have stated above ,I can show links ,you can show links to contradict those links and I can then respond with more links to contradict those links that contradicted my links..and on and on and on .you know that for a fact that is why as much as possible I try to avoid links.


The context being a BNP organiser's election campaign. :rolleyes:


Btw what do you think of Eddie Butler's leadership challenge? or the video that has just come out of him taking BNP officers in to a Belgium whorehouse on an expenses paid **** up?

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Because race is about culture which includes religion.


Your answer is like trying to say that hating all immigrants isn't racist because some of them will be ex-pats.




Asians aren't a homogenous group. Areas with high asian populations are mixed not just with whites but with other asian groups. Your inability to comprehend this despite it having been pointed out a thousand times does raise questions about your comprehension.


By the way. Your links mostly didn't address the statement you were defending. The only one that did refuted it.

I don't understand your point there Asians are not Asians,they are not the same or of a similar nature ?

You cant be racist against a religion unless that religion is unique to one race.get a grip

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The context being a BNP organiser's election campaign. :rolleyes:


Btw what do you think of Eddie Butler's leadership challenge? or the video that has just come out of him taking BNP officers in to a Belgium whorehouse on an expenses paid **** up?

Wtf has the BNP got to do with anything ,go and ask someone who knows about the workings of the BNP the question You really do seem to have a unnatural obsession with a two bit party ,have you joined yet ?

As for this Eddie Butler ,the only Butlers I have heard of is Stan from On the Buses and Claude who used to make push bikes ..Is he any relation ?

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I don't understand your point there Asians are not Asians,they are not the same or of a similar nature ?

You cant be racist against a religion unless that religion is unique to one race.get a grip

Correct, all Asians do not have the same or simmilar in nature as you suggest. They are as diverse as any other community and vary according where their family stems from the Indian Sub-Continent. Do you know the people of North East Frontier speak a totally different language to the majority Punjabis who live in Sheffield? They may not even understand each other such are the differences of language and dialects of where their families may originate from, you are sooo ignorant Noddy don't know where to begin to put your stereo typical imaginings right. You obviously are narrow minded enough to pigeon hole all Asians as the same for your own convenience of prejudice and have the audacity to call others mental cases, you are a walking tragedy Noddy, pity:roll:
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Second part of post#583 if you please.


Not sure what you're asking me or what your point is.:confused:


I don't recall your defense of Chaudary's actions when he and generally by association all Muslims were being vilified for protesting at the home coming parade. I am against what Chaudary and his cronies are about and disagree with the way they went about seeking publicity and would not defend their actions. You on the other hand do defend them on principle but failed to defend them when the principle was under test on here, why is that?


No, I don't defend Chaudary, just like I don't defend Nick Griffin and his cronies, because I don't agree with what either of them is saying.

What I am defending is the principle of freedom of speech and not Chaudary's of Griffin's POV.

Hope that's clear enough for you.:)

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