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Why are some unemployed people fat?

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Why do some unemployed people look emaciated? Why do some employed people look smug? Why do some people in wheelchairs look comfortable? Why do some people in wheelchairs look uncomfortable?


Thought I'd broaden it a bit.



Well that's another thread topic, isn't it, Happyhippy...or are we just kind of going to avoid the answer to the question by making comparisons?

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Surely times are hard.


It could be that the cheapest food you can buy (microwave meals, chips etc.) is loaded with salt and fat.


And that's not even going into genetics.



It is thought to be genetic, that since food may have been scarce for our distant ancestors at certain times of year, that finding fatty, sweet, or high calorific value food was seen as a necessity for survival, hence a selected trait. Since food is quite plentiful these days in our society, it seems almost certain that we all will be fatter.


If you're right epiph that cheapest food is loaded with fat, then our own selected survival trait is a disaster for modern humans [who don't work]! :hihi:




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Is being depressed and being overweight in correlation between a western society, and a third world society? Do third world people in Africa carry the 'fat gene'?


Well if you're depressed in a western society, there is certainly more "comfort food" (sugary fatty-ness) to turn to.


One of the factors could be that unemployment can breed boredom and despair, both of which are conditions partly remedied (at least in the short term) by junk food.

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It is thought to be genetic, that since food may have been scarce for our distant ancestors at certain times of year, that finding fatty, sweet, or high calorific value food was seen as a necessity for survival, hence a selected trait. Since food is quite plentiful these days in our society, it seems almost certain that we all will be fatter.


If you're right epiph that cheapest food is loaded with fat, then our own selected survival trait is a disaster for modern humans [who don't work]! :hihi:





*Ash* :-) I take it you're not smokin anymore.


Anyway, do you think that fat unemployed people are just victims of an ancestoral trait to reach for 'Aunt Bessies' chips over vegatables?

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It was a question I was asking rather than a point making.



Sorry..I just read your title with a ? at the end.


The obvious answer is they eat to much? Or..anyone that eats to much will get fat... generally. Unless it's a personal thing you're assuming, how do you know that fat people are unemployed..unless you ask them. When I walk the streets and see an overweight person my immediate thought is....wow, you're big, because it's there to see. I can see how big a person is but I can't see how unemployed they are..unless I'm judging on stereotypes.

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Is being depressed and being overweight in correlation between a western society, and a third world society? Do third world people in Africa carry the 'fat gene'?


I'm sure they do. They just lack the fat laden fast food, sedentary lifestyle to bring it out. They say genetics loads the gun, environment pulls the trigger.


I went to school with a girl who was from Tanzania. Whenever the usual griping about how fat everyone thought they were came up, she thought we were all insane. She was trying to put weight on. She said most of the men where she was from preferred girls with a little meat on their bones. She said her mother and aunties were forever urging her to eat more so she could catch a husband. This was more than 25 years ago, so maybe things have changed.


At the time, I know I wasn't the only one thinking about moving to Tanzania with my double chocolate chunk cookie recipe. :D

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