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Should prisoners have the right to vote?

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obviously just my opinion but i think if they wanted the right to vote then they should not of commeted a crime in the first place, generaly prisioners are not part of society as they have been contained and seperated why should they get the option to vote when the out come is likey to effect everyone but them, dont commit the crime if you cant do the time simple

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Yes they should, it should be everyones right to vote. You are sent to prison for rehabilitation as much as punishment and denying them their right to have active positive input into the society that they will be returning to can only have a negative effect.


How can we deny these people a vote and yet let foreigners who commit crime stay in this country because it would be against their 'human rights' to send them back. Isn't it a human right to vote ?

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How come the rest of Europe doesn't see it like this?


i think in todays society people are scared of offending others so to keep the peace just agree that everyone should have the same rights no matter what they may (or may not) have done, pc brigade gone mad!

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Yes they should, it should be everyones right to vote. You are sent to prison for rehabilitation as much as punishment and denying them their right to have active positive input into the society that they will be returning to can only have a negative effect.


How can we deny these people a vote and yet let foreigners who commit crime stay in this country because it would be against their 'human rights' to send them back. Isn't it a human right to vote ?


but what about all the prisoners serving more that 4 years? they could vote in a polital party despite the fact that they will not be released into that society whilst said party are still in power from there vote? if someone has taken the life of others what gives them the right to have a input in how yet more people would be effected?


maybe rather than giving voting righs to those in prison we should be thinking about deporting foreigners who commit crime!


and i really dont believe it is a human right to vote but more a privilidge

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but what about all the prisoners serving more that 4 years? they could vote in a polital party despite the fact that they will not be released into that society whilst said party are still in power from there vote? if someone has taken the life of others what gives them the right to have a input in how yet more people would be effected?


maybe rather than giving voting righs to those in prison we should be thinking about deporting foreigners who commit crime!


and i really dont believe it is a human right to vote but more a privilidge


My bold.

Id agree with that. Infact id be more than happy to contribute to the airfare for some of the foreign animals to be sent back home.

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In Europe, only the UK and Luxembourg deny prisoners the right to vote. Are we infringing human right through this, or are we a voice of reason amid a sea of lilly-livered libertarianism?


No. There is nothing in the Human Rights Act which says: "Everybody has the right to vote."


The rules in the UK include one which says: "IF you are under 18 years old, you are not entitled to vote" (Do you consider that to be an infringement of human rights?) and another which says: "If you are in prison, you are not entitled to vote."


That law has been around for a long time - well before anybody who is now in prison committed the crime which put them there. There is no excuse for anybody not knowing that should he/she be in prison, then he/she will not be allowed to vote at any election during the time that he/she is in prison. (He/she won't be allowed to do a number of other things, either - including many things which are ordinarily classed a 'human rights.')


How come the rest of Europe doesn't see it like this?


Why should the rest of Europe see it like that? - The other States in Europe are all sovereign states and they too are entitled to make their own laws.

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its a shock were not doing it if europe is... i think everyone should get a vote . that way the people decide. Good or bad everyone should have a voice and some people in jail are there due to making mistakes not because there hardened criminals.

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