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Should prisoners have the right to vote?

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Excuse my sense of humour but I now have to change me pants.:rant:


You're not AJ are you?

AJ? used to live in blackpool, made me cringe that some of the parents put there exercise shy junk food loving kids on em, poor donkeys were buckerling at the knees lol

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Detracts from the issue in question but the majority of the prison population probably don't give two hoots if they can vote or not. I've never heard of a riot based on not being able to vote...table tennis maybe.

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I believe that prisoners should have the right to vote.


We now live in an age where lots of data is collected by the government and this includes our individual political views. It's extremely dangerous in a democracy to give governments the power to choose which individuals can vote and which can't (after all it's the government that owns the law courts). How difficult would it really be to imprison the part of society that stands in the way of a party gaining power within our system? This is an important question that needs to be kept in mind.


Not long ago there was a big fiasco in Florida when it came out that many democrats had been prevented from voting because they had been falsely accused of having criminal records. It's important to learn from these events and this is a clear warning that political parties are at least capable of manipulating events if the ability to do so is there. It was Bush's own brother that was in charge of creating the voting list for Florida- this should never have been allowed to happen, but it could happen again.


The vast majority of prisoners will be out of prison and back in society during the 4 year political term served and the basis of our justice system is that once the prison term is served justice has been done. Thus prisoners should have the right to say how they are governed when they are in society.

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Of course prisoners should have the right to vote. That would give them the right to vote in a government who keeps their human rights on the agenda and make their prison stays more and more comfortable.


Who knows, as sentences become softer as a result, maybe more and more people could see prison as a realistic alternative. Maybe they could then start a Free Prisoners Liberal Democratic Party (*****), excuse my dyslexia. They could campaign for 12 weeks paid leave abroad for all prisoners. The rest of us taxpayers could then be allowed to work until we are 85 to pay for it all!:D

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In 2004 the ECtHR ruled in Hirst v UK that the government's blanket ban was unlawful.


i think that tells you all you need to know about the barmy ,interfering , faceless suits in Brussels that love sticking their noses in our business.

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