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Damo's back this Sunday people!!!!!!!!


Damo Suzuki (legendary CAN frontman) leads Sheffield's bizarrare 39 person choir Juxtavoices and the intense, hypnotic rock of Orchestra of the Upper Atmosphere.


Bar Abbey, Abbeydale Cinema, Abbeydale Rd


Sun 17th March 8pm


Tickets £5 from Rare and Racy, Division St and online at http://www.freenoise.co.uk / £7 on the door.


Blow your mind once and for all. Yes indeed.

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Damo was great :) Juxtavoices were crazy - thought I'd gatecrashed some sort of therapy session but they were certainly interesting! I have a headtorch that does both red and white LEDs depending on which way you slide the on/off switch in case you are interested ;)

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