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"School phobia", another invented disability!

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Another PC gone mad story here.




We know that thanks to the PC brigade there are no thick kids any more since dyslexia was invented, and that there are no badly-behaved kids any more since ADHD was invented.


Now it seems all a little brat has to do is say they can't be bothered to go to school and some do-gooder GP will sign them off sick with "School phobia"!


The idiots who invented this imaginary condition are bad enough but incredibly when the school took the parents to court the judge sided with the parents and blamed the school!


If these parents had any sense they should have given the kid a slap, told him not to be such a big baby and packed him off to school.


Whatever happened to common sense?

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Oh no, you know what 'School phobia' turns into don't you.......'Work phobia'.

There's quite a few sufferers of this already round our end i've noticed. Seems like the medication for this terrible illness is Tennants Super, one to be taken every 1/2 hour!

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Oh no, you know what 'School phobia' turns into don't you.......'Work phobia'.

There's quite a few sufferers of this already round our end i've noticed. Seems like the medication for this terrible illness is Tennants Super, one to be taken every 1/2 hour!


I was about to say something like that. Suppose I rang my boss up today and said "Sorry, I can't come into work, I've gone down with Work Phobia. Oh and it's going to last until the world cup finishes".


What do you think his reaction would be?

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I was about to say something like that. Suppose I rang my boss up today and said "Sorry, I can't come into work, I've gone down with Work Phobia. Oh and it's going to last until the world cup finishes".

What do you think his reaction would be?


You seem to only have a mild case so maybe you could ask your Dr to sign you off for a month. Some of these poor people are so serverly effected that they have it for life, it's such a terrible illness!

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I had School phobia when I was a kid. School phobia being a propensity to play truant at every opportunity and act like a little turd on the few occasions I DID go in.


It didnt do me any harm, I left school with no qualifications, no prospects and with the education of a sewer rat.


I know a kid who was much the same here, only he was in school over the past decade or so and left last year and instead of the cane and being rollocked by teachers like I was, he got "Understood" and was given holidays and free trips to the golf club and even given a computer!


I remember a few years ago, him sneering at kids who work hard and get good marks, he was calling them suckers and losers. then bragging about his next horse riding lesson, given by the local authorities for "Troubled" youths. He got that little gift for hitting a teacher.


He left school and has bugger all in the way of prospects and his future looks grim just like mine did. In fact he`s gone a few stages further than me and he`s a drug addict and a thief and looks headed for the nick before he`s much older.


That tells me that no matter how nice or nasty the authorities are to the trouble makers, the result is the same, only if theyre treated nicely they end up in deeper dung than if theyre given a harder time.

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We know that thanks to the PC brigade there are no thick kids any more since dyslexia was invented,



this WASNT INVENTED it was discovererd! its a real problem that affects a lot of people.


my son has this and goes to school everyday even though every day is a struggle for him. he is not a chav, rude/cheeky, bad mannererd, hyper active, ignorant, stupid or thick!

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I think your horribly wrong here!! Having dyselxia doesn't mean your thick!! And ADHD dosent mean your badly behaved!


this WASNT INVENTED it was discovererd! its a real problem that affects a lot of people.


my son has this and goes to school everyday even though every day is a struggle for him. he is not a chav, rude/cheeky, bad mannererd, hyper active, ignorant, stupid or thick!

Two hooked in the first ten posts. Not bad.

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