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Child gets himself to school while mother sleeps.

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I'll pray for you all.


I wish you wouldn't put stuff about your children on the web until you can destroy all identifiable information (which you can't).


If someone wants to identify me, it's not that difficult, particularly with he Woodhouse stuff. I have even met up with some people on here and so have my children.What are dodgy people going to do with this information? His mother used to stalk me on here. Perhaps she still does. This could be her wake-up call. Excuse the pun.


Tell me what risk I am exposing my children to and I will consider your concerns but without some risk taking on posts, the forum would not be as vibrant as it is.

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You could start giving him an 'alarm' call in the morning to make sure he gets up in time.


It's obviously not an ideal situation for your son, could you have him over every Friday to Monday, and then the situation with having to stay in his room at the weekend won't arise?


I have her mobile number but not the landline. Nice idea though. I could pop round and offer him a lift, having knocked loudly.

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My 11 year-old son is resident with his mother during the week. He gets himself up and ready and gets the bus to school a couple of miles away while she sleeps in bed. She doesn’t have a job but tends to stay up late internetting.


He has been late twice this week, getting in to school at mid morning after he overslept and she would never have known except for the ‘absence’ call from his school.


He also told me that she doesn’t get up at weekends until the afternoon and if he gets up before her, she gets cross, so he stays in his room until she has been up half an hour and then he ‘gets up’. She fought me in court (unemployed = legal aid) to get residency of him and then she behaves like this.


Thankfully my son will be going to a school near me come September and then he will have much more influence over where he resides. I’m still tempted to raise it with his school though but am worried about repercussions.


Just thought I would share this with you.


This is just shocking, She should ground him for being late for school.


On a serious note, tread carefully, if you approach the school, they may contact the mother about it, and then you could be in a situation where she tells the school not to let you near him during school hours.

The school will then treat you like a stranger that enters their premises without appointment or possibly even a peado praying on young children.

Sounds wrong I know, but been there, done that, worn the t-shirt.




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Thats discusting of her, what a waste of her life and your sons life. i could go on about what i think of what she sounds like but you obviousley already know.


Why fight for for him if she obviousley isnt bothered about his welfare, mental, physical or emotional? from the sounds of it i hope you get custordy and help him escape his neglectfull mother.


She was pretty much like this when we were together. At the weekend, I would take his older sisters to the park and we would get back to find her still in bed. I used to come home from work some lunchtimes and the then two-year old would still be in her cot.

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This is just shocking, She should ground him for being late for school.


On a serious note, tread carefully, if you approach the school, they may contact the mother about it, and then you could be in a situation where she tells the school not to let you near him during school hours.

The school will then treat you like a stranger that enters their premises without appointment or possibly even a peado praying on young children.

Sounds wrong I know, but been there, done that, worn the t-shirt.





Me too. I had a girlfriend many years ago, after we separated, who my kids got on with so the ex stopped me from seeing the kids other than round at hers. I went to court, thinking they would sort it. A CAFCASS officer appointed and the spineless pillock was useless. Took me 5 months to get things back to normal and it damaged us all. That was court case one of four.

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She was pretty much like this when we were together. At the weekend, I would take his older sisters to the park and we would get back to find her still in bed. I used to come home from work some lunchtimes and the then two-year old would still be in her cot.


Does she suffer from depression? Sleeping all day and/or spending all time in bed is a classic sign.


Has your son got a mobile phone? If not, then why not get him one one, show him how to set the alarm, or ring him every morning yourself.

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Does she suffer from depression? Sleeping all day and/or spending all time in bed is a classic sign.


Has your son got a mobile phone? If not, then why not get him one one, show him how to set the alarm, or ring him every morning yourself.


She has had 'issues' for most of her life and I have to take some responsibility for the way things have turned out.

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