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The First Tory Government Since the Advent of the Internet

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:o I was merely responding to your assertion that there were no on-line "debating chambers" in 1997.


If you want to have a rant about 'what a knob Cameron is' why cloud the issue with internet access and on-line discussion forums ?


Because it my god given right to.


The point, in my own inept way I was trying to make was:-


Murdoch and The Sun paper sealed the 1979 election for Thatcher, and she became his poodle as we all know.


The last election was not voted on policies or politics at all.

From what I have read, on line and in the press, it was about who had more eyes than the other, who moved his chin differently, who had the glossiest skin, who had the best haircut.

In all, it was pathetic, and we have ended up with a pathetic so called government.

Clegg and Cameron, what a sad and facile pair.

No wonder the Yanks are laughing in our faces.

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Because it my god given right to.


The point, in my own inept way I was trying to make was:-


Murdoch and The Sun paper sealed the 1979 election for Thatcher, and she became his poodle as we all know.


The last election was not voted on policies or politics at all.

From what I have read, on line and in the press, it was about who had more eyes than the other, who moved his chin differently, who had the glossiest skin, who had the best haircut.

In all, it was pathetic, and we have ended up with a pathetic so called government.

Clegg and Cameron, what a sad and facile pair.

No wonder the Yanks are laughing in our faces.


unlike the failed , useless , debt ridden government we have just booted out :roll:

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that situation had to be dealt with at Orgreave.


Scargill had poisoned the minors so much with his lies and wound them up so much until they were ready for a riot . how did you expect the police to deal with it ?


if your looking for someone to blame for the minors woes , look no further that tha old militant Scargill.


Derek, your a babbler of bobbar.

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that situation had to be dealt with at Orgreave.


Scargill had poisoned the minors so much with his lies and wound them up so much until they were ready for a riot . how did you expect the police to deal with it ?


if your looking for someone to blame for the minors woes , look no further that tha old militant Scargill.


A complete load of rubbish Benny.

Tell that to the woman who was battoned by the police for no reason.

The police were nothing more than Thatchers bought and payed for thugs.

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A complete load of rubbish Benny.

Tell that to the woman who was battoned by the police for no reason.

The police were nothing more than Thatchers bought and payed for thugs.


It was that period, in which the general public lost respect for the Police.

Until the flooding of the Yorkshire heartlands with the gangs of southern 'policemen', our local police forces had always commanded respect.

Due the violent bullying ways of these oft-comer 'police' they were all tarred with same brush.

When they returned to their regiments, sorry, the met police, our Police were left with the situation that still obtains today.

Contempt and disrespect, as happens to all bullies in the long run.

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