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The Fox Twins - 3 Dead foxes so far..

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Is rabies even present in foxes?


I know it's been found to be present in Daubenton's bats (bat workers have to have rabies vaccinations), but never heard of it in any other species..


Nowt in this country.


One of the arguments used by some folk against the Channel Tunnel was that rabid foxes, dogs, Frenchmen etc would soon reduce this country to a shadow etc etc etc.

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So no-one wants to answer the question? We kill/cause to be killed rats by the hundreds of thousands every year. I've never heard anyone causing an outcry about that?


That's because rats can cause millions and millions of pounds worth of damage. If you don't check a rat population, their breeding rates are frightening, and the consequences can be lethal at worst.


Foxes rummage through bins and help out the local cats in keeping the rodent population down. There's no real need to cull them unless they are causing a nuisance.

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Yes foxes do kill chickens I lived in the country most of my life, chicken wire is meant to keep chickens in, not foxes out.

If you want to protect your chickens put them somewhere safe. if you want to protect your kids put them somewhere safe, if they couldnt hear a fox who's to say they couldnt hear a paedophile sneaking in and taking their kids

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We had a cat come into our house last week. It entered through an open kitchen window and then went exploring. It's terrible, the council should do something about it, won't somebody please think of the children etc etc

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