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Why should Council workers face cuts when most are Tory/Libdem?

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the othersare doing a fine job of ridiculing you - no need for me to repeat.


It's a terrible idea for a thread because Titanic99 doesn't believe in the point / angle that he is setting out to prove. Right or wrong he's doomed to failure.

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Funny I don't feel like that, I feel they are avoiding the issue like yourself!


if anyone is avoiding an issue, its you


the previous government ran up an unsustainable budget deficit, in order to correct it, then spending has to be reduced and so the grant made to councils from central government is being reduced

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It's a terrible idea for a thread because Titanic99 doesn't believe in the point / angle that he is setting out to prove. Right or wrong he's doomed to failure.


Sorry for missing you out Tony, you too are doing a fine job :thumbsup:


This is why it is so frustrating discussing things with him - he just doesn't GET IT

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This is why it is so frustrating discussing things with him - he just doesn't GET IT


he does get it, its just that he's under orders from new labour central command to astroturf the forum with anti-government propaganda.


he's not doing it very well though, if he wanted to do better then he could probably pick up a few tips from the links i posted last night.

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Ok Titanic how's this for a scenario. Baby Titanic is ten years old and gets 50p a week pocket money from his Mum. When he is 11 he asks for another 10p a week and his Mum agrees to the rise as they are living in good times. This happens every year until Baby Titanic is 15 and getting £1.00 a week when suddenly Daddy Titanic is made redundant and comes home saying that his pocket money will have to go back to 90p a week as that's all they can afford. Who's fault is it.

Was it Baby Titanic for constantly asking for more when inflation was minimal.

Was it Mummy Titanic who should have known through experience that all good things come to an end especially when built on false promises or

Was it Daddy Titanic for being made redundant and choosing to spend his money elsewhere.

Either way does it matter, Baby Titanic has spent the dosh enjoying his bubblegum or whatever and for the near future will have to make do with less. He will hopefully still love his parents and accept that no-one is to blame but if he is looking to apportion blame then when he grows older he will grow up into a sad lonely and bitter individual who will live in a world where his glass is always half empty rather than half full.

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