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Why should Council workers face cuts when most are Tory/Libdem?

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How can you possibly blame the national Government for waste in Local Government?


I'll say it again - Labour spent ALL the money. None Left. Nada. Everything is gone.


Whether local councils were wasting money is not relevant to the above fact, except to perhaps explain where all the money went. But now its gone, budgets have to be cut to come into line with what we do have available to spend.

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What about all the quangos that Labour set up over the years costing every taxpayer a fortune. No matter how hard Local Govt tried to balance the books this money was coming direct from central govt hence it is possible that Central govt has spent it all as per Nightriders post and now local govt has to pay the price.

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I'll tell you what, if you removed Supertram and the Sheffield Arena from Sheffield, you'd upset a lot of people!


I'm not disputing you wouldn't.....but if I went out & bought a Rolls Royce with money I obviously didn't have & the family started complaining that that they were upset that it had been removed....I'd like to think the SENSIBLE PEOPLE in life would say he was an irresponsible fool for buying it with money he didn't have......rather than complain it wasn't there! Expecially after i had to sell it for a pittance of it's real value!

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No put in simple terms!


Libdem/Tory Government has told Local Councils to cut back, yet most Councils have been run by their party in the first place and yet they want to blame Labour for having to implement the cuts.


You are barking mad if you are blaming Labour for this!


No you're on another planet mate!

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I'll say it again - Labour spent ALL the money. None Left. Nada. Everything is gone.


Complete rot. Get yourself a copy of Stanlake, read it and start thinking for yourself instead of trotting out tabloid headlines.

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I'll tell you what, if you removed Supertram and the Sheffield Arena from Sheffield, you'd upset a lot of people!


What about the poor buggers in the rest of South Yorkshire that have to pay for it via their council tax, because of the massive debt owed on it, & they don't even have access to it in their own towns i.e Rotherham / Doncaster / Barnsley. Sheer madness.

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To go back to your original question in the opening of this thread it's called politics.

Some one has to be cut and for the last few years it has been the private sector and was going to be even more the private sector if Labour had introduced their massive NI increase which was effectively a tax on jobs. However the other lot got in and they will spend less on the public sector so thats where the cuts will have to be. Never mind whether you are Lab, Lib or Con the axe will have to fall.

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This is what he does. He grinds you down, pretending not to understand, repeating the same rubbish until you just give up.


It rumbles on....and on....and on. For how much explaining is done, my 4 year old would understand it by now.

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Reading Tit99's latest inane drivel makes you doubt his sanity. He obviously hasn't altered his 'debating style' since the school playground.


Anyway he - and others - refers to 'Council Workers'. As most of the workers have seen their jobs farmed out to the private sector - Veolia, Kier, SIV etc. it only leaves the totally unproductive pen-pushers in their little ivory towers.


Can't see much sympathy for these parasites. Anyway, for years the public sector have been lying about 'getting lower pay than in the private sector'.


Well now is your chance to put it to the test. Try, for once, putting yourself in the real world and see how long you last.

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It rumbles on....and on....and on. For how much explaining is done, my 4 year old would understand it by now.


Well. Look at it this way. You can get through to some of the people some of the time, but never all of the people all of the time. And this is just one of those times. As I said earlier on in the thread, tunnel vision is hard to overcome.

People believe what they believe. However, I prefer to listening to factual information from those who know what they are talking about and make a reasonable judgement that way, but there are some who, even though the facts are presented to them are unable to accept them and choose to see the situation how they perceive it to be. It makes them feel better I guess. :roll:

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