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Why should Council workers face cuts when most are Tory/Libdem?

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I've just been listening to Toby Foster on Radio Sheffield and he's put the very point of this thread to Paul Scriven.


For those that didn't hear it, the conversation was an interview about where the cuts in Public Services were going to be, Paul Scriven indicated frontline services wouldn't be cut but that big projects like Parkhill could well be by reducing the quality of the re-development.


Toby then quite logically asked why he hadn't been doing this for the last 3-4 years to soften the blow now.


The response was to blame the Labour Government.


Well done to Radio Sheffield for asking a very pertinenet question, I just wish you would have pushed him on his response.

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I've just been listening to Toby Foster on Radio Sheffield and he's put the very point of this thread to Paul Scriven.


For those that didn't hear it, the conversation was an interview about where the cuts in Public Services were going to be, Paul Scriven indicated frontline services wouldn't be cut but that big projects like Parkhill could well be by reducing the quality of the re-development.


Toby then quite logically asked why he hadn't been doing this for the last 3-4 years to soften the blow now.


The response was to blame the Labour Government.


Well done to Radio Sheffield for asking a very pertinenet question, I just wish you would have pushed him on his response.


For the past 3 or 4 years the council has continued to spend the money it was given, as it should.

Cutting back when they hadn't been told they need to would have been stupid and would have meant a cut in services when national government hadn't imposed any targets requiring that.


Are you honestly blaming the councils for not being more foresighted than the previous government and for not acting beyond their remit by not spending the money they were allocated to spend?

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Are you honestly blaming the councils for not being more foresighted than the previous government and for not acting beyond their remit by not spending the money they were allocated to spend?


I would suggest that the answer to that would depend on your political persuasion.


If you believe that Public Services should be kept to a minimum, or that you should save for a rainy day, or that Council Tax should be kept to as low a level as possible then Yes I can understand the desire to avoid spending every penny available to you.


Alternatively obviously if you believe the opposite then I can understand your viewpoint that every penny should be spent.


The problem in Sheffield seems to be that the Libdem Council were very content in running to the Labour Government for every penny possible, in order to provide the best services possible. Whereas, now that they are in Government they appear to be preaching the need for prudence and blaming Labour for their decision to spend the money, that means the cuts in Sheffield will be considerably higher than the national average.


The Libdems changing their mind to suit the politics of the day, who’d have thought it eh!

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the Libdem Council were very content in running to the Labour Government for every penny possible, in order to provide the best services possible.


That is the job of a local / statutory authority regardless of political persuasion.


There's only you that seems to think it is controversial... haven't you noticed? The rest of us don't live our lives in red yellow and blue.

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I would suggest that the answer to that would depend on your political persuasion.


If you believe that Public Services should be kept to a minimum, or that you should save for a rainy day, or that Council Tax should be kept to as low a level as possible then Yes I can understand the desire to avoid spending every penny available to you.


Alternatively obviously if you believe the opposite then I can understand your viewpoint that every penny should be spent.


The problem in Sheffield seems to be that the Libdem Council were very content in running to the Labour Government for every penny possible, in order to provide the best services possible. Whereas, now that they are in Government they appear to be preaching the need for prudence and blaming Labour for their decision to spend the money, that means the cuts in Sheffield will be considerably higher than the national average.


The Libdems changing their mind to suit the politics of the day, who’d have thought it eh!

Dear oh dear! there you go again!.Yes! the LibDem council did run to the Labour government for every penny possible in order to provide the best services possible!that's why they have replaced Labour. Now they are in a position of greater power, they have found that the larder is bare and that "prudence" a much abused word used lovingly by Gordon Brown seems to be the order of the day. How surprised we all are!............incidentally,where is your hero?gone to ground no doubt,through the back door like Blair, to eventually surface to make millions from his connections whilst in power,.................not much different to the Bankers really!
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Dear oh dear! there you go again!.Yes! the LibDem council did run to the Labour government for every penny possible in order to provide the best services possible! Now they are in a position of greater power, they have found that the larder is bare and that "prudence" a much abused word used lovingly by Gordon Brown seems to be the order of the day. How surprised we all are!............incidentally,where is your hero?gone to ground no doubt,through the back door like Blair, to eventually surface to make millions from his connections whilst in power,.................not much different to the Bankers really!


all councils, regardless of political orientation, run to the government for as much as possible, its what they do. that said much of the council funding is defined by a standard funding formula, the rest is money for specific schemes which the councils compete for or money specifically earmarked like the roads pfi scheme


i imagine gordon will keep a very low profile until the end of the leadership contest to avoid having to answer the obvious question of "who do you support?"

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