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Why should Council workers face cuts when most are Tory/Libdem?

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If that is

the case, how is a short term unmandated 'government'such as this shambles going to rectify it?



By not being the Labour Government


Cameron and his gang of druggies and boozers couldnt run a good time in a brothel.


Isn't it a little early in a parliamentary term to be resorting to the Damien McGuire tactics, particularly with 4 LABOUR MPs in court on fraud charges?

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The banks have caused a lot of harm to the economy, but it's the government and only the government that chose to run up a budget deficit every year.


I'd be the first to admit that I'm noo economist, but isn't the budget deficit caused more by the fact that the Governement chose to bail out the banks - costing taxpayers tens of billions.


It just seems unfair to expect poorer members of society to pay for mistakes made on the trading floors of the stock exchanges around the globe.

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By not being the Labour Government




Isn't it a little early in a parliamentary term to be resorting to the Damien McGuire tactics, particularly with 4 LABOUR MPs in court on fraud charges?


Three MPs, and a Lord of the Tory Party if you dont mind.

This is a man given an unelected mandate to rule the country, using his grace and favour payments and accommodations to even further feather his own nest.

At least the other are only commoners.

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It seems that Local Government workers are going to take a big chunk of the cuts that the Government plan introducing.


Presumably the thinking is that there’s considerable wastage in these areas and that they can withstand the likely cuts in pay and numbers.


The problem is of course that these cuts are being blamed on the previous Government, yet from what I can recall most Councils have been under the control of either the Tories or Libdems.


Take Sheffield for example, this council has been run by the Libdems for a while now so why should Council workers in Sheffield be expected to have its share of cuts when the money has been spent by the Libdems.


So why are Council workers going to have to have cuts in their pay and numbers?


It is time for all town halls to cut their cloth, regardless of what colour flag is flying above it. I'd have thought that's easy enough for the most simple of minds to understand, but alas, it evades Titanic99.

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I'd be the first to admit that I'm noo economist, but isn't the budget deficit caused more by the fact that the Governement chose to bail out the banks - costing taxpayers tens of billions.


It just seems unfair to expect poorer members of society to pay for mistakes made on the trading floors of the stock exchanges around the globe.


only part of the deficit is a result of the bank bailout, and if our only debt was related to it then there wouldn't be much of a problem.


the rest of the deficit is a result of the previous government borrowing an excessive amount

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I'd be the first to admit that I'm noo economist, but isn't the budget deficit caused more by the fact that the Governement chose to bail out the banks - costing taxpayers tens of billions.


It just seems unfair to expect poorer members of society to pay for mistakes made on the trading floors of the stock exchanges around the globe.


That doesn't acount for much of a £1000 billion debt, or explain why total revenue from taxation this year is around £360 billion, when the last government planned on spending £530 billion.

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I don't think anybody is going to ask the local authorities to pay back the money they spent in previous years.


Specifically on the question of Local Governments can you answer the following:


Are most councils run by the Libdems/Tories

Are these councils guilty of overspending in the past

If they are then who should be blamed for this

If they aren't then why cut the jobs and pay of those that work for them

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What are you babbling on about? Don't you know that the country is worth £9 trillion? Loads of money.:hihi:


I quite agree lad, I'm just trying to understand the viewpoint of those that believe the nonsense reported by the media.

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This torturous logic suggests that councils are at fault for having spent the budgets they were allocated in previous years and that the cuts now being made out of necessity imply that the councils have been overspending.

They haven't, they've been spending what they were given to provide services, they are now going to have to cut those services because labour has made such a mess of government finances.


I think that what you are saying is that all parties (mostly Libdems/Tories) in control of Councils will spend far more than they need to, then blame another party when they have to cut jobs as a consequence of this.

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It is time for all town halls to cut their cloth, regardless of what colour flag is flying above it. I'd have thought that's easy enough for the most simple of minds to understand, but alas, it evades Titanic99.


You mean like they haven't been doing over the last decade in Sheffield!

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