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Which are the drug free bars in Sheffield?


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I have often thought that I rather be in a club with loads of loved up people who are there to dance and have a good time, then in a bar with loads of p***ed up lads trying to grope me and my friends making obscene jokes and gestures and generally not taking no for an answer. Now this is an over generalisation, yes, but thats just how I feel.


To answer the question of where the drug free pubs are in Sheffield - the answer is simple. There are none.

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Fascinating to see how many people cluster round to stick the boot in on Sid whenever he starts one of these (admittedly moronic) threads. "What a deliciously easy target!", they all cry...


Personally I think he is having a laugh, and the joke's on all of us!

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Originally posted by jake

To be fair - people on Ketamin act weird - if ever there was drug that made people act like "they were on drugs" its K...


I was once in pub in Sharrow (a few year and landlords ago) loads of folk on the K in there - on a tuesday teatime... Still i dont think any of them had pressing important business engagements to go to on the wed morning! I decided to move on...


But back on track - as has been pointed out - Stella is legal and that one of the most dangerous drugs known to man. Why does it make you so lairy? its not the strength of it as Grolsh or Kronenberg or even proper Belgian Stella doesnt have the same just-add-for-instant- argument/punch-up effect...


wouldn't happen to begin with a V would it?

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Originally posted by noseyrosie

The millenium dome had those blue lights yknow :D:D:D


Right! My two-pennorth:


I have a lot of friends who regularly use drugs of all sorts, none of them are addicted, but they do buy them in clubs. I've sat with them whilst they've bought/taken them (amphets like speed/bass, E, etc)and I don't, but I've never had any hassle or had anything 'pushed' upon me. From my own experience, drugs in clubs and bars is very much a choice thing - if you want to seek out the drug culture, go for it but you can go a whole night without seeing any use (never seen any hard drug use at the Leadmill). 'Druggies' are not crazed loonies shouting 'accciiiiiiiiiiiid' and trying to stab you with used syringes, as the media would have us believe. All bars and clubs' official line, obviously, is that illegal drugs are banned, so if you do get into any trouble (say your drink is spiked - not even an issue if you've got any sense not to leave it lying around) then you can get help from the staff.


Stop fretting!


I hope they know and trust the people they are getting them off. I'd strongly advise against anyone buying drugs in clubs unless they know the dealer well and the dealer takes the stuff themselves. Much better (and cheaper) to take your own.

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Originally posted by robbie

wouldn't happen to begin with a V would it?



ha ha yeah it must be and no change of landlords or amount of time is gonna change the rum as they come bunch that make up that clique

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Originally posted by robbie

I hope they know and trust the people they are getting them off. I'd strongly advise against anyone buying drugs in clubs unless they know the dealer well and the dealer takes the stuff themselves. Much better (and cheaper) to take your own.


Yes yes, friends with them. I think they often do take their own but basically theyre buying it off the same people whether before or after!

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Originally posted by RobT

I know sid is a mature student (from what he has told us) but i reckon he must be doing some sort of project and how society see people with no hope in their lives or some sort of research.


What kind person, from what i have experienced, comes on to forum like this with various types of people from society first to say he is a 35 year old virgin whom has never kissed or touched a girl.


Does anyone on this forum actually know this guy? Or am i just being cynical?


Of course! THAT'S IT! :clap:

Sid. you sneaky genius! playing with us all this time! We are so gullible- to think we didn't notice when the signs were so obvious - even your old avatar was deliberately chosen to subconciously give off the vibe of a pervy old man.

I feel soo manipulated! :blush:


I can picture him now, thinking up new bizarre things to write & chuckling to himself. Possibly having the odd white line & a threesome between posts(?!) Well, you've been foiled mister!

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