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Which are the drug free bars in Sheffield?


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Originally posted by mjlacey21

Empire bar...
















I have been to both of these places several times and can't say I have noticed much of a drug culture. Then again I don't really know what to look out for.


When I say people who take drugs I mean those who actually take them in the bar rather than someone going to a particular bar who has taken a drug at sometime in their life.


Is drug taking in the Empire and Champs very prevelant?

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It's life. It's what people do at the weekend. (and in the week) Accept it and move on. If you can't handle the fact that LOTS of people in clubs and bars, including the ones you frequent, WILL be on a combination of Alcohol, Speed, Escstacy and Cocaine. Some will not be on any, some may be on nearly all! People take drugs and go to bars.



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I think if they see Sid lusting after them they'll be on tranquilisers and anti depressants...so there u go Sid u will have something in common with them after all..... :hihi:


Originally posted by neeeeeeeeeek

Many of the pretty young girls in the Empire and Champs will, as you lust after them, already be on drugs.

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I have been to both of these places several times and can't say I have noticed much of a drug culture. Then again I don't really know what to look out for.



these are symptoms of drug taking that i have witnessed in my experience (excluding heroin and crack as i have never knowingly witnessed anyone on those):






enthusiasticly chatting

happily dancing


only they will prbably be doing and feeling these things more intesely then non drug takers as drugs enhance enjoyment.

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Exactly my point!! you can't actually distinguish someone on drugs from someone out enjoying themselves without drugs. Unless they have taken an unusually large amount of anything, but then they would just be acting like a regular drunk!

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Originally posted by KATIEB_23

Of course! THAT'S IT! :clap:

Sid. you sneaky genius! playing with us all this time! We are so gullible- to think we didn't notice when the signs were so obvious - even your old avatar was deliberately chosen to subconciously give off the vibe of a pervy old man.

I feel soo manipulated! :blush:


I can picture him now, thinking up new bizarre things to write & chuckling to himself. Possibly having the odd white line & a threesome between posts(?!) Well, you've been foiled mister!


Yep, sid is a genius!!! Playing with members of the forum and manipulating us all!


I mean, this guy cannot be serious. He seems to have so many issues...surely there must some other reason? He cant really be the man he portrays himself to be? :confused:


Would the real slim sid please stand up? Or have i got this completely wrong??? :blush:

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these are symptoms of drug taking that i have witnessed in my experience (excluding heroin and crack as i have never knowingly witnessed anyone on those):






enthusiasticly chatting

happily dancing


only they will prbably be doing and feeling these things more intesely then non drug takers as drugs enhance enjoyment. [/b]


ok lets not make it something its not. yes these certainly are symptoms - but they are not the only ones, just the positive ones. there are bad ones too and i think it only fair these should be pointed out, being aggitated, wide eyed, chewing intensely, sweating, talking rubbish, arrogance and i know there are more people on here will point out.


I'm just trying, in the aim of fairness to point out both sides of the story because this is getting like a pro-drugs thread and they like anything, have their downsides.

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