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Which are the drug free bars in Sheffield?


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You're right about pros and cons Lee1979, but it does seem a little bit like Slimsid is just trying to get a reaction here.


If (as he says) he can't spot drug users when he goes out, why on earth does he need to avoid bars with them in? I'm not a drug user myself, but I don't avoid places where there might be drugs about. It's like saying avoid crossing the road in case there's a hit and run - barmy!

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Sid, alcohol is a drug!


Alcohol is sold in bars!


ALL BARS have drug users in them by definition.


Sid, drugs are not the problem, people are the problem. If you want to avoid drugs you had better get used to the fact that you are going to be avoiding ALL social occasions for the rest of your life! NO WEDDINGS, NO PARTIES, NO FUN!!!! Just because you wish to avoid meeting people whose idea of acceptable or fun is different to yours.


Sid get over your prejudices because you're about to become the loneliest guy in the world!

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there are bad ones too and i think it only fair these should be pointed out, being aggitated, wide eyed, chewing intensely, sweating, talking rubbish, arrogance and i know there are more people on here will point out.



So you are saying, Lee, that only people on illegal drugs sweat, talk rubbish, show agitation or arrogance????? I think plenty of people drunk or even sober will show these signs!!! It still shows that there isnt much of a distinction between drug-users/non drug-users.


Wide eyed and chewing, well thats true but not very noticable. I certainly have never seen anyone chewing intensely in all my nights out in clubs/bars!!!

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Originally posted by maxien


I have been to both of these places several times and can't say I have noticed much of a drug culture. Then again I don't really know what to look out for.



these are symptoms of drug taking that i have witnessed in my experience (excluding heroin and crack as i have never knowingly witnessed anyone on those):






enthusiasticly chatting

happily dancing


only they will prbably be doing and feeling these things more intesely then non drug takers as drugs enhance enjoyment.


More accurately:


laughing at things that aren't THAT funny (huh huh - a chair)

smiling all the time (till the cheeks hurt)

hugging everyone

kissing everyone

enthusiasticly chatting about wierd stuff and how good everything is

happily dancing ALL NIGHT without a break.


It depends on the drug of course. SOmeone on vallium doesn't do much at all. Whereas someone on acid could do anything...

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Originally posted by maxien



these are symptoms of drug taking that i have witnessed in my experience (excluding heroin and crack as i have never knowingly witnessed anyone on those):






enthusiasticly chatting

happily dancing


only they will prbably be doing and feeling these things more intesely then non drug takers as drugs enhance enjoyment.


Blimey! sounds like slims Amateur dramatics club. :o

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Originally posted by maxien

Wide eyed and chewing, well thats true but not very noticable. I certainly have never seen anyone chewing intensely in all my nights out in clubs/bars!!!


Are you taking the p*ss ?? You must be going round with your eyes shut.


You were pointing out all the good things about drug taking and I was simply pointing out the other things in the interest of fairness. And i'm not saying that people on drugs are the onlly ones like this but if your in a club, you can tell the people on drugs, those with any of the symptoms we have mentioned - thats all i'm saying.

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basically drugs heighten certain emotions.


Instead of being happy and liking your frineds you could instead like everyone (always a bit offputting I find and I've never been prone to this :suspect: )


Also the wide eyed thing is a bit overplayed. I mean the only time I've been accused of being on drugs in clubs is when I've been really tired and had strained eyes :confused:


although there is always that moment when you think/say that nothing is happening then you look at yourself in the mirror and "oh my god look at my eyes moment"


I personally talk rubbish wether drinking or on drugs. You do tend to repeat yourself about 10 times on speed compared to 2 or 3 times drunk :D though.


Sweating? that be a lot of dancing.


Grinding of teeth. frustrating. especially when you are trying to snog someone. Bit of a handicap :D

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Originally posted by Bacala

ha ha yeah it must be and no change of landlords or amount of time is gonna change the rum as they come bunch that make up that clique


I've had some comedy mixed pool games in there. :D

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