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Why is everyone so shocked when i tell them im not watching the world cup??

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i popped down to asda at handsworth while the match was on and it was empty ......... heaven .


i hate shopping ,so more or less having the shop to myself was brilliant.


gutted I popped down to asda three hours before and it was packed.

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And why do some morons accuse you of being unpatriotic, just because you don't give a stuff about football and aren't prepared to plaster your house in St George flags??


I've absolutely no problem with people who want to festoon their houses and cars with flags, and who want to have football parties, and gawd knows what else - they're more than welcome to enjoy themselves and have a good time.


But don't criticise me because I won't join in, please.


Agreed with Dozy.

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I had football beaten out of me in primary school when the other kids found out my dad drove the bus for the local football team, I haven't really been interested since

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I've never been bothered about football and can't see the sense of supporting what is now an international business, with absurd, not to say obscene, money being paid for transfers, in the big clubs at least, and all the media hype surrounding the sport. I support the interests of England (a country I have adopted with affection) in what I consider to be more productive ways, and I don't need to fly a flag to draw attention to it.


No one in my circle has taken me to task for not watching, but if they did, my normally mild manner might just become a little more forceful...

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totally agree. I hate the bloody sport and yet I'm the weird one... or gay... go figure?


Yeah I can't figure that one out either. I just never got the appeal of trying to get a ball in a net.

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totally agree. I hate the bloody sport and yet I'm the weird one... or gay... go figure?


Well, if 1 in 10 men are gay, then out of 11, somebody gets the honours.


Which one was it?


I think the World Cup is a really good thing. I had to go into Karlsrühe one Saturday during the 2006 championship. - The traffic there is usually terrible.


On that day the town was empty. A ghost town. No traffic at all. - And no traffic jams.


Germany were playing Sweden.


I wouldn't mind if there was a major game on every time I had to go somewhere where there are usually traffic jams.

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Sheffield held Chance to Dance in the city centre yesterday and I spent a pleasant 4 hours sampling many different dance types from several countries. Best of all, there were no beer swilling football hooligans wandering around, they must all have been glued to their TV sets.


Today, I drove on empty roads to Wrexham to take part in a fencing competition. For me, you can hold the World Cup every weekend if it keeps those who impinge on my pleasure out of my way.


I love the World Cup. :love:

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everyone who's asked me if i'm watching it has been really shocked that i'm not gonna watch it!! i really dont follow football at all so why should i now???:huh:




I kept saying I wasn't arsed about watching it, then when England started playing I was screaming into the screen even more than my OH! :hihi:

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