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Will Charles ever be King?

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I think anyone would need a few bevvies to sleep with Camilla.
That's rather cruel and unnecessary. For a woman of her age and status, I think she looks fine. She's a perfect match for Charles in the looks/style department :)


Let's face it, the saying 'you're (only) goodlooking because I love you' is very true for most people. Rose tinted spex and all that ;)

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The monarchy is very anachronistic, some of these ridiculous rituals and the pomp and ceremony are from a bygone age.


Over the past 30 years, we've seen a gradual winding down of the monarchy, compare the weddings of Diana and Fergie to the Edward's and Sophie's, for example. The Queen's Golden Jubilee was a very sedate and subdued affair compared to the Silver one. There were several key moments which were instrumental in its reshaping: the divorces of Charles and Andrew, the fire at Windsor Castle and the death of Diana.


On the whole, they generally seem much lower profile, probably because Diana is no longer and her demise created a void which the tabloids seem unable to fill, so we get saturated coverage and hear about Jordan, Kerry, WAGs et al instead.


I think that whilst Charles and Camilla, then William and Kate whatsit will undoubtedly be ambassadors for the UK, the monarchy will be scaled back and eventually, although not in my lifetime I suspect, they will fade into obscurity.

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I'd be all for a republic if the royal family weren't so good for tourism and the image of the UK. I'm sure that the civil list is small fry compared to the amount of money they bring back into the country from visitors etc.


If the queen isn't going to abdicate in favour of Charles then he may well be very close to the end of his life before he accedes to the throne because of the Queen's very long lived family genes.


In that situation I think it would be more sensible for him to abdicate and let a younger man (i.e. Wills or Harry) do the job instead.


I think that much of what our monarchy does is ripe for a rethink though. We have so many pointlessly antiquated rituals happening that it's very easy to see how many people fail to relate to the monarchy completely. A new, younger, monarch could make things a bit less outdated and potentially a little more easy to relate to for everyone else.




im all for a republic and as for them being good for the tourist industry well, people visit france and they dont have a royal family to throw millions of pounds at

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im all for a republic and as for them being good for the tourist industry well, people visit france and they dont have a royal family to throw millions of pounds at


People don't visit the UK to see royalty, they come to see the historic buildings and the pomp invented by Queen Victoria.


Personally I'd like to see it all end when the Queen dies and give no funding to any of the royals after that. Should save the country several hundred million £.

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