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Incapacity Benefit

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I think the conservative government are taking away our liberties with their approach. I am currently ill and I have been on incapacity benefit - and I still need it. I just want to be left alone to get better and get a job that I 'really' want to do. David Cameron is trying to force people off sickness benefit and force them to do any old job - just so that he can get people off sickness benefit. What rubbish is that..? So, if you are a highly skilled professional, then it means you've got to work in a factory or clean toilets..? I am highly educated and skilled, but my time off work will make it hard to get the work I used to do - because people are just prejudiced and bigoted in the market that I am trained in. What is David Cameron gonna do about that..? Does he think that people will suddenly walk into the jobs they want..? No, that's why he wants to just get people of sickness benefits and force them to do any job, just any excuse to get you off the benefits that you REALLY need. I am not a benefit sponger or scrounger......I have 2 university degrees and certifications and some experience....before I got ill with chronic depression. I don't need the crappy help of government to get a job, because I know what job and career I want to follow. The government schemes at job centres are always pathetic for graduates like me. They waste your time and are only suitable for illiterate and under-achievers, degenerates, etc. I don't need help to write a CV. What I need is real help to get the job that I want and know. I want a government official to sit with me in an job interview to check that I am not asked any prejudiced questions and unfair questions regarding my illness and time off work. I want the government to get me back to work with a personalised approach and real help. People like me should be getting paid compensation for the years I spent at university to better my life and provide to society. I think the UK is slowly becoming communist with this new conservative-liberal government. Forcing people into any work is what the communists did and that is happening now in the UK. What next...?

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If someone is capable of working they should be expected to work. I've had to do jobs I didn't particularly enjoy. If you're capable of working you should be working whatever the job. Even if it's one you consider yourself to well trained to be doing.


I know people with degrees who stack shelves in Tesco it's not the job they want to do or that they are trained to do but they do it because at the minute that's the job that they could get.


Benefits are there for those that can't find work or are unwell. If you're well enough to work then you should do whatever job you can find until something better comes along. You shouldn't expect people to pay for your upkeep just because you deem a job to be beneath you.

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When newly unemployed you are given a decent period of time to look for the kind of work that you have done previously. After some length of time looking though, it becomes reasonable to expect someone to lower their expectations and just find work.


Having a degree, or even two, does not entitle you to work in your chosen profession with an alternative of being supported by the state. Find a job, get back into work and keep applying for work in the area you'd prefer to be in. The sickness benefit is only available for you whilst you're actually sick.

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I think the conservative government are taking away our liberties with their approach. I am currently ill and I have been on incapacity benefit - and I still need it. I just want to be left alone to get better and get a job that I 'really' want to do. David Cameron is trying to force people off sickness benefit and force them to do any old job - just so that he can get people off sickness benefit. What rubbish is that..? So, if you are a highly skilled professional, then it means you've got to work in a factory or clean toilets..? I am highly educated and skilled, but my time off work will make it hard to get the work I used to do - because people are just prejudiced and bigoted in the market that I am trained in. What is David Cameron gonna do about that..? Does he think that people will suddenly walk into the jobs they want..? No, that's why he wants to just get people of sickness benefits and force them to do any job, just any excuse to get you off the benefits that you REALLY need. I am not a benefit sponger or scrounger......I have 2 university degrees and certifications and some experience....before I got ill with chronic depression. I don't need the crappy help of government to get a job, because I know what job and career I want to follow. The government schemes at job centres are always pathetic for graduates like me. They waste your time and are only suitable for illiterate and under-achievers, degenerates, etc. I don't need help to write a CV. What I need is real help to get the job that I want and know. I want a government official to sit with me in an job interview to check that I am not asked any prejudiced questions and unfair questions regarding my illness and time off work. I want the government to get me back to work with a personalised approach and real help. People like me should be getting paid compensation for the years I spent at university to better my life and provide to society. I think the UK is slowly becoming communist with this new conservative-liberal government. Forcing people into any work is what the communists did and that is happening now in the UK. What next...?
My bold


Presumably, the taxpayer funded a good part of your university education and I doubt very much if you undertook it mainly from altruistic motives, you worked hard to get the qualifications so you could have a career and earn good money. So why on earth do you think you're entitled to "compensation"??


You're very scathing about other people who are on Incapacity Benefit and seem to think that you're somehow entitled to be treated as a special case, because of your qualifications and abilities. Some might say that, with all that education and experience, you are in a far better position to help yourself than the "illiterate and under-achievers, degenerates" who you imply are the usual run of Incapacity Benefit claimants.


I wonder what your view would be if somebody on Incapacity Benefit was, for instance, a time-served joiner but refused to take a job as a carpenter on a building site, because it was beneath them and not a job they "really" wanted to do?


Sorry, but you're nobody special, just because you've got an education and aspirations. There are plenty of other people in your situation at the moment, but I doubt if many of them are quite as arrogant and supercilious as you.


I can empathise with you about your depression - but you're not the only one suffering from that either, and I know people who have battled long and hard before they could even get some voluntary work, to help them back on the road to work.


Put some of the energy you're using to rail against a system that wasn't designed specifically to give you the help you think you deserve into exploring some options for getting you back into your chosen field - eventually, not immediately.

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I think the conservative government are taking away our liberties with their approach. I am currently ill and I have been on incapacity benefit - and I still need it. I just want to be left alone to get better and get a job that I 'really' want to do. David Cameron is trying to force people off sickness benefit and force them to do any old job - just so that he can get people off sickness benefit. What rubbish is that..? So, if you are a highly skilled professional, then it means you've got to work in a factory or clean toilets..? I am highly educated and skilled, but my time off work will make it hard to get the work I used to do - because people are just prejudiced and bigoted in the market that I am trained in. What is David Cameron gonna do about that..? Does he think that people will suddenly walk into the jobs they want..? No, that's why he wants to just get people of sickness benefits and force them to do any job, just any excuse to get you off the benefits that you REALLY need. I am not a benefit sponger or scrounger......I have 2 university degrees and certifications and some experience....before I got ill with chronic depression. I don't need the crappy help of government to get a job, because I know what job and career I want to follow. The government schemes at job centres are always pathetic for graduates like me. They waste your time and are only suitable for illiterate and under-achievers, degenerates, etc. I don't need help to write a CV. What I need is real help to get the job that I want and know. I want a government official to sit with me in an job interview to check that I am not asked any prejudiced questions and unfair questions regarding my illness and time off work. I want the government to get me back to work with a personalised approach and real help. People like me should be getting paid compensation for the years I spent at university to better my life and provide to society. I think the UK is slowly becoming communist with this new conservative-liberal government. Forcing people into any work is what the communists did and that is happening now in the UK. What next...?


I see many more new post coming from newbies who had it easy on benefits untill mr cameron sorted them out!


Not everyone can work i agree, but the ones who just think its ok to screw the rest of us should be thrown off into a pitt and made to work!

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I see many more new post coming from newbies who had it easy on benefits untill mr cameron sorted them out!


Not everyone can work i agree, but the ones who just think its ok to screw the rest of us should be thrown off into a pitt and made to work!


For Gods sake dont start with forelock tugging already.

Mr Cameron?

Its bad enough with toadies and their Mrs Thatcher business.

Just because they are bullies doesnt mean you have to respect the trash you know.

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For Gods sake dont start with forelock tugging already.Mr Cameron?

Its bad enough with toadies and their Mrs Thatcher business.

Just because they are bullies doesnt mean you have to respect the trash you know.

Unlike you with your ridiculously over the top ass licking of Labour?


Phone call for you, its the kettle he wants to know if he's black....;)

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For Gods sake dont start with forelock tugging already.

Mr Cameron?

Its bad enough with toadies and their Mrs Thatcher business.

Just because they are bullies doesnt mean you have to respect the trash you know.


Perhaps a little harsh,but i fully agree with the sentiment.


If Cameron puts the same effort into sorting the bankers and tax exiles he may get a Mr from me.


But again probably not.

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Myself and a heck of a lot of other people have suffered from awful illness and have always managed, at times not doing the jobs we wanted or earning what we wanted or doing the hours we'd like and at other times simply by gritting our teeth and dragging our arses to work everyday, not having anything else in our lives other than work because that's all we can manage work and sleep the rest of the time. It's a bloody miserable existence (that's all it is just an existence it's not living) but you just get the hell on with it and try not to complain.


Compensation? No one owes you diddly squat mate, stop whining and get a bloody job. I'm sure you can do it without someone hand holding you in the interview if you're so bleeding well qualified.


I've no problem with genuinely needy people getting benefits but when they can work they should do whatever work is going and whatever they can manage, why the hell should the state pay to get them the job of their dreams?! The rest of us have to work up to that on our own, everyone else is the same.

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Unlike you with your ridiculously over the top ass licking of Labour?


Phone call for you, its the kettle he wants to know if he's black....;)


I doubt if you can find an instance of me supporting NuLabor, except prhaps in the old days, pre the Great Schism

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