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Lifes little (often hurtful) twists!

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So, some of you regulars and those who know me will remember my couple of 'Life' threads in the last month or so, well I have taken a knock back and looking for advise..


You think things are going ok, your reasonably happy, can see where you are, and you want to be/where you want to get to. But then, something happens that throws you back and makes you want to sit alone for a few days (or even weeks maybe) listening to sad songs, not eating, trying not to think of the 'issue' that has knocked you back.


so, how do you cope with these little twists of life?


Right now my heart is telling me to do one thing, while my body wants to do something else, and my head is just a jumble!

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I'm lucky in that I recognise that my brain is good at producing a solution to these things providing I give it enough time. I do a few prompts, like a 'pros and cons' list and the like and then deliberately stop thinking about the issue until my brain gives me a proper decision, usually when I wake up one morning.


Have you done all of the usual things like making a list of the good and bad of each choice?

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Sometimes when stuff happens the only thing to do is to let the mental dust settle. In my experience you can always over-think things. Thinking is good and necessary as is self-examination but it can also be a trap. Sleep on a problem but then find something to distract yourself with and as medusa says let your brain get on with sorting the data without you poking at it.

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there is some truth in the saying "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"


in some cases this has the opposite effect, love for example.. you meet someone, you have a great time, you fall for them they break your heart you feel like crap, this happens a couple of times and one of the times it happens your actually tired of it happening, your worn down, ripped, mentally injured and ready to give up even trying with people anymore..


so to me, its weaked you more, and more each time to the point where you just give up.


a good example or metaphor, a bit like holding a bag of sugar above your head, eventually your arms will get weak and you will HAVE to give up and put it down. but it makes a difference how strong you are in the first place, if your not very strong to begin with its happens even faster.

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As the song goes

"I get knocked down I get up again they're never gonna keep me down"

good luck ..just fight back


You do realise what that song was actually about don't you?


That song (and not booze) kept me going through a really bad patch a few years ago.

I also believe that what doesn't kill me makes me stronger but sometimes after a knock back it takes longer to reach the strength needed to move on.

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