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Lifes little (often hurtful) twists!

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Theres a lot of truth in the saying "what doesnt kill you" Iv had set backs in my life you wouldnt believe.And the one thing you learn is who your mates are,unfortunatly for me,not one of them were there when it matterd.But you also learn that there are people worse off than you,as I found talking to a taxi driver on the way to hospital once.Keep your chin up me old.Dont give up on man kind,there are a few good uns out there.

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there is some truth in the saying "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"


That's not really a great comfort when you're feeling overwhelmed though, is it?


It may eventually make you stronger, but it's still a git going through it at the time and would be really nice not to have to feel so crap.


I recognise that having had cancer has made me emotionally stronger, but it's taken 14 years and LOTS of counselling to get to that point.

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That's not really a great comfort when you're feeling overwhelmed though, is it?



I don't know, its helped me at times but then I see life as something of a test and am secure in the knowledge that eventually, everything generally works out for the best.

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That's not really a great comfort when you're feeling overwhelmed though, is it?


It may eventually make you stronger, but it's still a git going through it at the time and would be really nice not to have to feel so crap.


I recognise that having had cancer has made me emotionally stronger, but it's taken 14 years and LOTS of counselling to get to that point.


Time is part of it though. A quick fix is not always the best answer. There is light at the end of the tunnel is another good thought to hang on to.

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Life is not a 'thing' out to get you. There's no sentient force pulling the strings, laughing evilly and twirling its mustaches at you.


What happens is this; you're born, a bunch of stuff happens to you and then you die. How you deal with the middle stuff is whats important.


Theres a theory that bad things happen to good people. This is wrong. Things happen to people. All that matters is how you learn and how you react to and from them that counts. Theres nothing wrong with a little shoegazing from time to time but only for a little while. Life is out there, so is opportunity and so is wasted time. Your whole character is a construct of your experiences and your decisions. What do you want your character to be? Decide and act accordingly

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So, some of you regulars and those who know me will remember my couple of 'Life' threads in the last month or so, well I have taken a knock back and looking for advise..


You think things are going ok, your reasonably happy, can see where you are, and you want to be/where you want to get to. But then, something happens that throws you back and makes you want to sit alone for a few days (or even weeks maybe) listening to sad songs, not eating, trying not to think of the 'issue' that has knocked you back.


so, how do you cope with these little twists of life?


Right now my heart is telling me to do one thing, while my body wants to do something else, and my head is just a jumble!

you just ring her up and say " i love you "

my lady has cancer ,we never know if we will meet tomorrow and it causes some depression ,but every morning she texts me or i text her to let each other know were still here for each other ,another day in paradise and the world turns and the sun comes up ,makes little lovers tiffs seam like mole hills when you realise one day you wont be able to text or talk to her again, say everything you have to say when you can and let them know you love them

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you just ring her up and say " i love you "

my lady has cancer ,we never know if we will meet tomorrow and it causes some depression ,but every morning she texts me or i text her to let each other know were still here for each other ,another day in paradise and the world turns and the sun comes up ,makes little lovers tiffs seam like mole hills when you realise one day you wont be able to text or talk to her again, say everything you have to say when you can and let them know you love them


In this situation that wont help, I know that much... but I wish you both the best of luck for as long as possible!

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I tend to have an in built defence mechanism. I can, at times, beat myself up. But then I get to a point where I'm angry with myself for making myself unhappy. If that makes any sense? I give myself a stern talking to, take a deep breath and get on with it, well until the next crisis, then I start again. My lifes a kinda Groundhog day.....

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you just ring her up and say " i love you "

my lady has cancer ,we never know if we will meet tomorrow and it causes some depression ,but every morning she texts me or i text her to let each other know were still here for each other ,another day in paradise and the world turns and the sun comes up ,makes little lovers tiffs seam like mole hills when you realise one day you wont be able to text or talk to her again, say everything you have to say when you can and let them know you love them


Sorry to hear that. :(


So, some of you regulars and those who know me will remember my couple of 'Life' threads in the last month or so, well I have taken a knock back and looking for advise..


You think things are going ok, your reasonably happy, can see where you are, and you want to be/where you want to get to. But then, something happens that throws you back and makes you want to sit alone for a few days (or even weeks maybe) listening to sad songs, not eating, trying not to think of the 'issue' that has knocked you back.


so, how do you cope with these little twists of life?


Right now my heart is telling me to do one thing, while my body wants to do something else, and my head is just a jumble!


I would try and take some time out, talk to as many people as possible who will listen, as it may help to get a different perspective. The idea of drawing up a list of pros and cons is also a good one, it may help you clarify the situation. If there is anything to learn (ie repetitive patterns of behaviour), try and reflect on it.


Once your 'heart' has settled down a bit, you may be able to intellectualise the situation/dilemma a bit more and reach some kind of resolution. It's always best never to act in haste or in the heat of the moment, try and give yourself a cooling off period.


Good luck!

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