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First dance or no first dance

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It cost us £15 for half an hour private lesson. Group lessons if you just want the basics are about £6 per hour/45 minutes depending on the class. If a couple has a bit of rythem and confidence and just wanted to learnt to move around the floor they could easily just attend the beginners ball room lessons for £6 and achieve the same thing we did (unfrotuanlty blokie ahs no rythem when it comes to dancing despite ebing a muscian so group lessons didnt work for us)

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I know how you feel, we got married last year & both felt like that. Thing is I wouldn't worry - the thing about getting married is everyone is watching you all day anyway...... On plus side at least everyone there will be people you want there.


We took 4 dance lessons at the place in Hillsborough - opposite leisure centre - city limits. Didn't turn us into ginger rogers & fred astaire but it gave us a routine, which we could concentrate on for the 3 mins 30 of song.

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We dont have an "our song" as our taste in music differs so much! We're not going to pick one just for the sake of it so we won't be doing one.


Most weddings I've been to have the kiddies running on to the dance floor at this point so it'll save me worrying about tripping over them too. :P

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I grinned like a cheshire cat when i said 'fiance' for the first time! Can't imagine my face when it's 'husband'! hehe! yeah tbh we will probably just sway about with bright red faces though it seems a shame when we can both dance ahhh well as long as i go the whole day without falling over - that's my biggest fear!

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Makes me think of when we got engaged. The dj made an announcement that he was putting a song on especially for us to dance to together. I was mortified! My oh was mortified! Hehehehe. We heard the announcement that it was coming on and escaped to the toilets! We stayed there until the song had finished! :o


Is it really like, "wedding law" that you have to do the dance?

If it is, then me and the oh are just gonna have to carry on living in sin! ;)

There's not a chance we would do "the dance".


If you feel so strongly about it, just dont do it.

Theres no point letting something so trivial ruin the best day of your life, which you have spent hard earned cash and countless hours on!

You dont want the whole day ruined by fretting about doing a dance.


Wishing you all the luck in the world!!!!!

Have a brilliant day!

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I DJ a lot of weddings and find that probably two thirds of couples have that first dance. A third totally disregard it and don't bother.


Those that do have it, I'd say that one in ten couples will have a pre rehearsed dance routine. The rest just do a slow sway to the song.


I do advise couples to have a bit of a practice just physically dancing together closely to the song before hand, so you have an idea where your feet will be going.


Don't do anything you don't want to do. It's your special day and you have to enjoy it.

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