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Cant get her out of my head.

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Stop being a whimp and ask her out if she says no whats the worst that can happen ??


If she says yes then everything to gain.


Go one before some one else does , ( where do you work i might take a butchers)


its not that im being a whimp, its just that i dont wanna say something stupid, its been years since i dated through my own choice by the way, now want to give it another go, and its the other guys who perv over her that makes me want to do something quickly :hihi:

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Best tip anyone can give you is GROW A PAIR and just ask her out as previously said whats the worst that can happen she can say no and then at least you know you gave it a go BUT if you dont ask her then you will have to live with the fact that something possibly could have been.


When me and the OH both got together you wouldn't think i would have stood a chance shes a very beatiful and very intelligient young lady and im neither of these things and although i truly believed i didnt stand a chance i took the risk and weve been happy for nearly 2 years now.

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There is a girl where i work, and i just cant get her out of my head. we work together over the weekend and i could kick myself for not having the bottle to ask her out. we have only exchanged a few words recently, and my so called mate dropped me in it last weekend by telling her i wanted to take her out, he said she just laughed :mad::hihi: i dont always see her as we do different things, and over the weekend i havent had the opportunity to apologise for any embarasment it may have caused just to have a conversation because shes been with friends :hihi: i dont know why im like this as i speak to any other girl at work and it doesnt bother me :confused: my other problem is i dont have a clue what to say really, maybe ill **** everything up, ive not dated for years and years and would appreciate any tips :D please pretty please :hihi:


Awe... thats well sweet! Go for it... be yourself and dont be scared to charm her - we love to be charmed! Ask if she wants to go out for a meal or a drink and just talk... make sure you read her body language and for an extra trick... mirror her body language every so often and respect her personal space and let her close the gap in her own time or follow her hints - great for building rapport at the beging... if you go for a meal try and go somewhere where you can sit on a corner rather than accross from each other as its much more informal... make sure you wear nice shoes, maintain eye contact and honestly... at work be chatty and yourself - find common ground and build upon it!


From there if she isnt interested its her fault... you have these feelings for a reason so act on them... play it cool and good luck!!

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Just go for it. If she turns you down so what? She'll be flattered by the attention and you can joke about it.

If you wanted to test the water arrange a 'works night out' . There you can buy her a drink and have a chat without being a formal 'date'. If she spends most of the night chatting to you and you finding more out about her- you're in!! Then when you've discovered what kinda stuff she's into films/music etc then you can have a formal date.


Good luck!! Let us know how it turns out!



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thanks hayley and laura im loving the ideas and tips :D i know what to say i think lol its how its going to come out when i say it :hihi:

oh this week has dragged :gag: just hope shes in over weekend lol.

i dont think the work outing would be a good idea........they would all be chattin to her lmao alcohol gives you balls :hihi:

im going to chat to her this weekend if shes in *fingers crossed*


ill keep u all informed :D


and thanks.

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