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Has the flag of St George been recaptured from the far-right?

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Not aware that it was ever hijacked although the pro-immigration class was definitely out to undermine as is the EU.


If those type of people want to consign it to the dustbin then why shouldn’t the BNP resurrect it?



It was hijacked to a certain degree IMOesp in the late '70's early '80's.

patriotism is not the preserve of the far-right.


I'm not aware of anybody ever trying to consign it to the dustbin.


The far-right used the national flag to garner public appeal, rather than the one of course that they would much prefer..........

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How do we know when it's been "recaptured"? Is it when somebody like Tony Benn or Billy Bragg says so?




I was a miner, I was a docker

I was a railwayman between the wars

I raised a family in time of austerity

With sweat at the foundry, between the wars

I paid the union and as times got harder

I looked to the government to help the working man

They brought prosperity, down at the armoury

We`re arming for peace, my boys, between the wars


I kept the faith and I kept voting,

Not for the iron fist, but for the helping hand

Theirs is a land with a wall around it

And mine is a faith in my fellow man

Theirs is a land of hope and glory

Mine is the green field and the factory floor

Theirs are the skies all dark with bombers

Mine is the peace we knew between the wars


Call up the craftsmen, bring me a draughtsman

Build me a path from cradle to grave

And I`ll give my consent to any government

That does not deny a man a living wage

Go find the young men, never to fight again

Call up the banners from the days gone by

Sweet moderation, the heart of this nation,

Desert us not, we are between the wars


.....definately Billy;)

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