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Burngreave sec modern

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I went to Burngreave Sec Modern 1954 - 1959. Does anyone remember me Mike Hargate, in 4A? Colin Twigg was the Lead Prefect, my friends included Ian Slatery and Kieth Cooper. I left Sheffield in 1965 and moved to Barnsley. I now live in Vietnam and work in Kuala Lumpur. I have not had any contact with friends from Sheffield. I would like to know where Carol Stevenson(not sure of spelling) is. She lived on Verdon Street and had a brother Arthur, they moved to Parsons Cross.

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mick 17 sorry a bit before your time left in 1951 but will give you some names to bring back good or bad memories mr john holden mr ferneough mr holdsworth and the top of the school mr scowcorft

and from the girls miss yates if you lokk back on this thread to last year there is quiet a lot about the concentration camp

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Mike, I was at Burngreave same years, left end of '59.Teachers I remember are Mr.Carter, Rodgers, Schofield & Salt . Others I can see but forget their names. Head was Mr. Hague known as 'Bat-Man' for wering his gown at assembly. Mates, I can't remember names. Still have a copy of school mag for one year, will dig it out. There was a lad called Spivey. Remember going to Longley Park on tram for football. There was a lass I knew on girls' side called Sylvia Towell which name led to a pun ! Just missed the 'Call Up' as well,didn't we ! I'm on pension since last October, doubt you'll get yours out there ? Only just got a Lap-Top and struggling, so excuse any future delays. Living here in Portugal for 12 yrs, UK's beyond salvation. Regards.

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David, do you remember me, what class was you i was in 4A the last year. I am still seeking Carole Stevenson, she had ginger hair and her brother was called Arthur, my best friends were called Kieth Cooper & Ian Slater.

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Hi Mike17. I'm new to the internet and feeling my way with no one to ask advice, so please excuse any seemingly stupid questions. As you didn't put your surname I can't say if I knew you. Since my last message I've remembered a few mates names. Peter Thurston,Keith Green, John Hill, Billy Lever and David Miller.I'll remember more and list them when I find that old school mag. Other masters were Mr.Carter and Mr.Challis, one of the better teachers. Do you remember that ( I think,trainee ) teacher Neville Reany? He should never have been allowed near a school, said Wincobank Hill was 'man made' and that Germany 'had no coastline' !!! Do you remember the large, contoured model of the hills and valleys of the Sheffield area in the big wooden frame with glass top ? Mr.Rogers was a good music teacher.I was in 4A until Dec '59 so we must know one another. Regards.

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My name is Michael Hargate, i was definitely at school when you was and i was in 4A as well. Cannot remember the teachers name, could be Shilito or something like that. I lived on Verdon Street at no 108.

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Hi again Mike, Remembered a few more names from Burngreave,4A. Trevor Foster who had a birthmark on his cheek,his dad had one of those classic Citroen 'Traction Avant' cars if I remember correctly. Trev was with me before at All Saints'. Anyone from there same period ? Headmaster Mr.Hall, teachers, 'Sally' Sales, a dragon, Miss Thornhill who married another teacher there. School vicar was Rev.Murray Penfold; such a good Christian he got us caned for trespass in his vicarage garden on Sedan St. He alone made me an agnostic and the endless scripture lessons would have been better spent learning a language or other useful courses.

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Hi Mike, I was at Burngreave same years, left end of '59.Teachers I remember are Mr.Carter, Rodgers, Schofield & Salt . Others I can see but forget their names. Head was Mr. Hague known as 'Bat-Man' for wering his gown at assembly. Mates, I can't remember names. Still have a copy of school mag for one year, will dig it out. There was a lad called Spivey. Remember going to Longley Park on tram for football. There was a lass I knew on girls' side called Sylvia Towell which name led to a pun ! Just missed the 'Call Up' as well,didn't we ! I'm on pension since last October, doubt you'll get yours out there ? Only just got a Lap-Top and struggling, so excuse any future delays. Living here in Portugal for 12 yrs, UK's beyond salvation. Regards.

I was an inmate at 'Burny', left in '48. I remember Mr Rogers very well, he took the music class. He was a good teacher and a good piano player. I knew the rudiments of piano myself but I never let on to anybody at school, it would've been bad for my image.

I remember on one occasion he started a little music test by playing a well known melody and augmenting it with all sorts of baroque additions. He would then ask the class the name of the tune. I could usually get it nine times out of ten. Well, I liked music. He once did 'Roll Out the Barrel' in a fairly quick 3/4 time and really dressed it up, with a long improvised intro' and a long coda to finish. He put 2/- on the top of the piano and challenged anyone to guess what it was. I got the two shillings. I think he was quite pleased.

I also remember another guy you mention, Nev' Reaney. Not at school you understand, but from later on in years. He used to play tenor saxaphone, left a lot to be desired in his playing, but always an affable kind of guy.

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