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Burngreave sec modern

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Hi Mike, Or may I call you 'Hag'?! You've guessed it, I've dug out that school magazine, the first one actually of Jan 1958 and just called 'The Magazine'. There you are, playing a game in the 'Daily Despatch' competition viz:- " 'Hag' stays well out on the wing and centres well.Likes a gentlemanly type of game without bodily contact" Then, in the 'Senior cricket 11..." 'Hag cannot bat unless he is chewing a piece of straw, I haven't noticed him batting WITH a piece of straw in his mouth. Quite a good off-break bowler....in the nets." New masters who joined the school that year were Mr.Goodlad,Danson,Lacey,Rastrick & Woods. These left in July '57 Mr.Andrews,Holley,Fairbrother,Craddock,Salt & Tomlinson. Recruiting adverts for various Sheffield Cos., Photos of sports teams and short stories by pupils complete the publication.Hope that brings back the memories for you and others interested.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi. I was at Burngreave from 1961 - 65.

Your comment about Nev Reaney was interesting , if i named people that had a big influence on my life he would be the first name on it, he used to call me "Charles",

(my name his actually Les, not sure which is worse !) anyway he seemed to take to me, in a good way, and reckoned i looked like a Charles even though there was a Charles Wood in the class. I seem to remember he spoke to kids like adults, top bloke.

Incedently "Bogy" Rogers was lethal with a cane, used to bring it down from a great hieght and get you right on the edge of your fingers Ouch !


Les Johnson

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  • 6 years later...

I'm new to the Forum hence the delay but I can add names to the lists. Teachers, as well as Mr. Carter, Mr Rodgers, Mr. Shillito I can add Mr Haig, sports teacher (Gym), Mr. Clarke (bottle bottom lenses), Mr. Raper (science) and Mr. Perkins.

In my class were ...Acres, Gordon Reynolds, Alan White, Peter Gee, Dave Wall, Dave Stoddard, Roger Barton (the MEP), two lads named Hill but cannot remember first names. Stewart Morton, Peter Thurstan, Harry Green, George Humphries, Stewart Harrison, Cyril Parsisson. As well as Trevor Foster there was another Foster. Roger Goulding, If more come to mind or if anyone can add to the list please update.

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Hi again Mike, Remembered a few more names from Burngreave,4A. Trevor Foster who had a birthmark on his cheek,his dad had one of those classic Citroen 'Traction Avant' cars if I remember correctly. Trev was with me before at All Saints'. Anyone from there same period ? Headmaster Mr.Hall, teachers, 'Sally' Sales, a dragon, Miss Thornhill who married another teacher there. School vicar was Rev.Murray Penfold; such a good Christian he got us caned for trespass in his vicarage garden on Sedan St. He alone made me an agnostic and the endless scripture lessons would have been better spent learning a language or other useful courses.


David, are you sure it was for playing on the Vicarage garden.- as his son Roland , in the same class as me at All Saint's ,used to tell his dad of pupils going on the church lawn and the morning after they were 'for it'. (nice Christian lad !)


---------- Post added 28-02-2017 at 01:12 ----------


I'm new to the Forum hence the delay but I can add names to the lists. Teachers, as well as Mr. Carter, Mr Rodgers, Mr. Shillito I can add Mr Haig, sports teacher (Gym), Mr. Clarke (bottle bottom lenses), Mr. Raper (science) and Mr. Perkins.

In my class were ...Acres, Gordon Reynolds, Alan White, Peter Gee, Dave Wall, Dave Stoddard, Roger Barton (the MEP), two lads named Hill but cannot remember first names. Stewart Morton, Peter Thurstan, Harry Green, George Humphries, Peter(?) Harrison, Cyril Parsisson. As well as Trevor Foster there was another Foster. Roger Goulding, If more come to mind or if anyone can add to the list please update.


A year or so behind you, however... was that Alan Akers ? Harry Green -looked like Hank Marvin and lived on Lady's Bridge- and one of the Hill's,( both named Brian ), lived on Harleston Street and Harry Clarke, were his glasses that thick ? Then there was Harry 'Neddy' Needham- a great bloke -(Woodwork), who had been there since the school opened in the 1930's.

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Hi Mike, I was at Burngreave same years, left end of '59.Teachers I remember are Mr.Carter, Rodgers, Schofield & Salt . Others I can see but forget their names. Head was Mr. Hague known as 'Bat-Man' for wering his gown at assembly. Mates, I can't remember names. Still have a copy of school mag for one year, will dig it out. There was a lad called Spivey. Remember going to Longley Park on tram for football. There was a lass I knew on girls' side called Sylvia Towell which name led to a pun ! Just missed the 'Call Up' as well,didn't we ! I'm on pension since last October, doubt you'll get yours out there ? Only just got a Lap-Top and struggling, so excuse any future delays. Living here in Portugal for 12 yrs, UK's beyond salvation. Regards.

Mr.Hague was the P.E. Teacher. the headmaster that wore the gown at assembly was Welshman Emrys Hughes, who went by a pupil given nickname for his resemblance to 'Das Fuhrer'. Hughes left in July 1960 returning to his beloved Glamorgan valleys and Rugby. The replacement was the deputy head 'Pop' (Bogey) Rogers the music teacher who had a penchant (what are you smiling at lad ?) for heavy caning-not bad going for a for a pianist- Rogers was still the deputy head until the summer of 1962 (when I left) replaced by a head from another school a Mr. Eddlington.


---------- Post added 28-02-2017 at 19:07 ----------


Hi again Mike, Remembered a few more names from Burngreave,4A. Trevor Foster who had a birthmark on his cheek,his dad had one of those classic Citroen 'Traction Avant' cars if I remember correctly. Trev was with me before at All Saints'. Anyone from there same period ? Headmaster Mr.Hall, teachers, 'Sally' Sales, a dragon, Miss Thornhill who married another teacher there. School vicar was Rev.Murray Penfold; such a good Christian he got us caned for trespass in his vicarage garden on Sedan St. He alone made me an agnostic and the endless scripture lessons would have been better spent learning a language or other useful courses.


Miss Thornhill became Mrs. Manning on her marriage. When I was at All Saint's (until 1958) they only had three male teachers ; Mr Hall (head). Mr. Smith and a creepy bloke who I didn't come across too often, Baynes, Bailey ?

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When I was at All Saint's (until 1958) they only had three male teachers ; Mr Hall (head). Mr. Smith and a creepy bloke who I didn't come across too often, Baynes, Bailey ?


That would be 'Pop' Baize. On Saturdays he used to work at the second hand car pitch at the bottom of Ellesmere Road just before you got to the library. We always gave him a wave on the way to the bus stop to catch the Shirecliffe bus to the match.

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Hi Mike17. I'm new to the internet and feeling my way with no one to ask advice, so please excuse any seemingly stupid questions. As you didn't put your surname I can't say if I knew you. Since my last message I've remembered a few mates names. Peter Thurston,Keith Green, John Hill, Billy Lever and David Miller.I'll remember more and list them when I find that old school mag. Other masters were Mr.Carter and Mr.Challis, one of the better teachers. Do you remember that ( I think,trainee ) teacher Neville Reany? He should never have been allowed near a school, said Wincobank Hill was 'man made' and that Germany 'had no coastline' !!! Do you remember the large, contoured model of the hills and valleys of the Sheffield area in the big wooden frame with glass top ? Mr.Rogers was a good music teacher.I was in 4A until Dec '59 so we must know one another. Regards.


Can't agree about Nev Reaney David, as I thought he was the best teacher-not a trainee- when I was there (1958-62), an officer and a gentleman who lived near the school on Ellesmere Road/Ella Road. As for Wincobank Hill perhaps referring to the Upwell Street end that was in effect 'Jimmy Childs' tip !


---------- Post added 02-03-2017 at 01:41 ----------


That would be 'Pop' Baize. On Saturdays he used to work at the second hand car pitch at the bottom of Ellesmere Road just before you got to the library. We always gave him a wave on the way to the bus stop to catch the Shirecliffe bus to the match.


As for 'Burney' Jim, there were mentions before of Neville Reaney-great bloke I thought.In the spring of 1962 the senior football team had reached the semi-final of the Sheffield school's cup and were set to play Meynell Road at the Atlas & Norfolk ground (Shirecliffe). Avid football fan Nev announced one day that he would invite a former 'Burney' lad one lunch time to give the team a little encouragement. The team by the way had five lads in my class : Pete Rudge, Tony (Wag) Nicholls, Roger Walker, Ernie Blockley and goalie Malcolm Brunt who later was a professional with Chesterfield FC ,(following John Beresford there). Imagine when the day arrived when Nev's pal showed up, it was John Fantham accompanied by Owl's team mate and then England goalie Ron Springett ! (Ronnie used to stay overnight at Fantham's when Wednesday had a mid-week home game.) 'Gobsmacked' we all were when those two walked in ! However despite the pep talk 'Burney' lost the game and Meynell went on to play Coleridge Road in the final. I think those two teams were about the best in school's football then. Neville Reaney passed away in late 2016 at 80 summat, (RIP)

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Really sorry to hear about Nev'. He played tenor sax' with the 'Savoy Quintet' (you might not know who they were.) Why the hell he didn't practise more I'll never understand. RIP indeed. Glad to know you Nev.


---------- Post added 02-03-2017 at 19:35 ----------


Really sorry to hear about Nev'. He played tenor sax' with the 'Savoy Quintet' (you might not know who they were.) Why the hell he didn't practise more I'll never understand. RIP indeed. Glad to have known you Nev.

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