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If You Dont Like A Topic

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I stink out many a forum with my horrible presence and occasionally someone will start a topic and as it progresses, someone will appear and write a post saying something along the lines of `Oh I`m sick of you bringing this same old rubbish up, why dont you change the record?` or `I`m sick and tired of the same topics being rehashed over and over again!`



Then you`ll get someone who abuses another user, telling them that they type garbage and wish they`d bugger off because they`re sick of reading their stuff.


Then of course, theres the user who will complain that there are no good topics on the forum, thats its boring, it doesnt have anything to interest them...


The thing is... what I dont understand is why read a topic if you arent interested in the subject?


Why go to the bother of telling someone you dont like reading their stuff? Just dont read it!


And why complain of bad topics when you have the ability to make up ones you DO actually find interesting?



It doesnt happen so much on this forum because there are... god knows how many varying subjects and more than enough people to keep anyone interested, but it DOES happen occasionally...


Why? I mean, why? If you dont like something or someone then read something else. Why bother going to the trouble of moaning about them?


DISCUSS! Or I buy you drink, we go jig-a-jig.

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