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Family Guy and Downs Syndrome

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Did anyone watch family guy last night? There was a character who had downs syndrome and she was voiced by an actress who also has downs syndrome (DS).


This character was mean to Chris and a bit of a bitch but in general came out of it ok. Of course it is Family Guy(FG) so they did mock her gently but no more and actually a lot less than other characters - notably Joe - have been mocked. In fact at one point Chris says something like "I was told that people with DS were different to us. But you're no different at all".


Naturally there been uproar in the US mostly because the character says her mother used to be governer of Alaska and Sarah Palin has a child with DS but alot of it has been saying FG pushed the boundaries. Seth Macfarlane has said that FG is an equal opportunities satirist.


Thing is the media loves to portray disabled people as poor broken angels with no personality defaults. Clearly this isn't true. Disabled people can be just as vile and obnoxious as the rest of us and I think FG should be applauded for having the balls to show that.

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I saw the same episode last night and thought it was great.


‘People just don’t understand how loving DS people are’ kind of smacks of ‘one of my best friends is black’ or ‘gay men are so much nicer friends than straight men' patronising and not always true!!


I hadn’t realised it was voiced by someone with Downs – even better.


I love Family Guy but it does shock me a bit sometimes - I quite like that. If you're not prepared to be offended, why not watch Friends instead?

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I thought it was a good episode. I kept thinking "Maybe I should be offended" but I couldn't think of a valid reason why. Perhaps its because that subject has been taboo for mocking for ever?


Granted, some of the observations about people with Downs were close to the bone, but overall I think Seth McF should be applauded.


I think its repeated next Saturday night.

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I think people will DS are so loving. I worked with a few of them and they were so kind and loving. One called Katie who I will miss more than anything. She was the best. I taught her a dance to a song and she was in her element, the strutting and the wiggling her hips she loved it. I felt so pleased with her as she copied it all and she did it perfect. She was special to me. If I could see her again I would be so happy. I left that job after and didn't see her again. Think she left the care home to live back with her parents.

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Love Family Guy, saw this ep ages ago it is a good one.


I like the one where Peter has a stroke. He goes to the Stem Cell Research Centre and gets cured, comes out and says 'WHY ARE WE NOT FUNDING THIS!' :D

I have to admit i've been a bit lax recently with FG, but this new series is really good
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