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Family Guy and Downs Syndrome

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I'm a naughty girl, and also impatient! :D


I've got every single FG episode and special ever on our server at home. Got all the American Dads, Simpsons, Cleveland Shows etc as well :D

Love all those programs they are fab.
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I agree whole heartidly, the media etc keep saying "The disabled are people too, so treat them no different" blah blah blah, but when we treat them the same (as FG did) we still get ripped on..


yes, disabled people some times do need slightly different treatment but only to allow them to live a normal life (Such as people in a wheel chair needing a ramp for example, or blind people needing to be read things) but on the grand scheme of things disabled people can often be alot more obnoxious than none disabled, they think that because they are disabled they have more rights than anyone else, and that everyone else should move out of thier way and pander to thier every need..


90% of my family are disabled (registered blind or partially sighted... and when I say 90% I have over 40 cousins, and my mum is one of 9 just to give you an idea of the size of the family) so, no judging me for speaking my opinion!

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