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Memories of Woodthorpe area


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stephen spooner? would that have been johns brother?lived opposite high noon pub.pauline eaton,s name rings a bell,i think i was in her brothers class,his name was michael,lived just off kilvington road,was mr cartwright there when you were at school? and mr cliff,the science teacher ? he was evil,used to use acid on girls nails to remove nail varnish,carried his cane up his sleeve when on yard duty.


mr frost,the head master,he wore a cloak and mortar board hat,very eccentric for a secondary modern school that didnt have a uniform when i was there.


i remember,roger mitchell,susan boulding,niel nicholson,susan tevendale,eileen turner,danny coulton,tony padget and many more from the sixties

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stephen spooner did live near the high noon. dont know his brother only younger sister michelle.pauline eatons brother was david and they lived hastilar rd south. the only nicholson i remember was alan he was in the year above me at school.the other names dont ring a bell or the teachers. i remember a mr smith he was my teacher when i first went to woodthorpe senior but he left after my 1st year. i usd to live nodder rd.

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maybe a bit before your time,i left in 65,your mum and dad might know them,i know nodder road, changed a bit since i was up there, do you remember the police box near the shops? my mate mick renshaw used to live opposite.


our teachers were sallis,cartwright,jennings,hazelwood,knight,cliffe,barrett, can,t recall any women staff though, long time ago now,memory fades but i did enjoy going to woodthorpe,went right through from the nursery to the seniors only wagged one day in all that time and my mum found out and beat me with the wellies i was wearing.......

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65 was a bit before my time i was 10 then i went to woodthorpe right through infants juniors but left seniors when 13 to go to hurlfield.i remember police box. renshaws ring a bell but cant remember names did he have another brother and 2 sisters brother used to work with steve wilson was it first house on nodder after shops. i lived at top of nodder a few doors away from ten town.it was great on woodthorpe when i was young left in 1975 returned in 1980 while 1986 on fishponds road west at back of shop.

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i only remember stephen underhay and his brother roy. i know there were quite a few of them. one of the underhays came to live on hastilar road when i was living there in the late 80s cant remember his name. knew he was one of the underhays with his features, usually can recognise a underhay without being told his name.well in the early days probably walk past them now and not recognise them.

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