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Dishwasher that doesn't use tablets

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We have a dishwasher that can only use liquid or powder and not tablets.


Before we moved and had a proper look at it, I somewhat unwisely bought 60 Finish tablets (as I assumed all dishwashers must take them - there is hardly anything else for sale but various tablets/'tabs' and rinsing aids). The tablets definitely do not work: they do not fit properly, and don't dissolve fully.


2 questions:


1) Is there anything I can do eg grind the tablets, to be able to use them (otherwise will have to put them up for sale:) it's more than a tenner's worth and can't take them back as one has been taken out of the pack)


2) if not, where can I get liquid dishwasher detergent (different from rinse aid; Wilkinsons don't sell it, and I'd have thought they have everything lol!):)

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My dishwasher has a little compartment for tablets but the user manual says: "some people find it easier to put the tablets in the cutlery basket". I've found it works a treat (never had any undissolved tablets). Have you tried that?

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thanks all for replies.


Will have a look in Sainsburys/Asda for the detergent.


I have had a look at the packaging for my tablets and it specifically states do not put in the cutlery basket or even unwrap (they are in a sort of dissolvable wrapper):( Was hoping I could use them in some way as have too many I don't need..but don't want to ruin the dishwasher, either.:confused:

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