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Great Exaltations


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Ladies and gentlemen who congregate here

can I tempt you away from your liquor and beer?

I have gathered my works in a prominent tome

to be read at your leisure by the fire at home.

You might turn away with indifference or scorn

ignoring this upstart so poor and forlorn

But this struggling poet has offspring to feed

who keenly await a benevolent deed

piously praying that God will provide

‘cos they ain’t had a meal since Michelmastide


‘Shall we eat tonight father?’ asks the youngest of seven

‘and will mummy gaze down from her new home in heaven?’


‘And shall we yet slumber in soft feather beds

with a warm humble cottage over our heads?’


Oh what should I say to poor malnourished Tim?

If you don’t want to do it for me - think of him.



Cursory Rhymes available on Lulu http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=773603

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