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Young shop assistants calling you mate or pal! Gets my back up!

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The whole tone of your objection seems to be that you think that this poor lad was acting 'above' his station, which to me implies an overt snobbery and seems very classist to me. From what you say, you were a lad in the 90s, so are young. I could understand your annoyance if you were some septuagenarian although in any case I doubt that he will have used the word 'pal' as a greeting.


This ain't Are You Being Served you know!


Bit of a typo there, I meant 80's! Still young though. :cool:

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I think Falpere is getting too hard a time on this and people are carrying over prejudice from another thread. He's not the antichrist. People do have preferences about these things. His may be a bit more formal than the rest of us but its hardly war crimes


Thanks discodown. I would like to think this were not the case, as the thread that I think you are reffering to was closed by the Mods at the right time.


Any road up, I think that the youth of today need to have a little more respect. ;)

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Thanks discodown. I would like to think this were not the case, as the thread that I think you are reffering to was closed by the Mods at the right time.


Any road up, I think that the youth of today need to have a little more respect. ;)


Bring back National Service, that'll learn 'em!:hihi:

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I like some one with a sense of humour. :thumbsup:


I'm glad it's taken in the spirit that it is/was given:) (humour can be difficult to portray in written English).


I get where you're coming from with some of the youth of today. But I wouldn't be bothered by being called "mate" or "pal" in a shop like Halfords (in fact, I'd feel a little creeped out if they called me "sir", same as in a garage or a pub...).

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I think Falpere is getting too hard a time on this and people are carrying over prejudice from another thread.


Not by me (as Falpere has already managed to work out) most of my posts are slightly tongue in cheek - though there is an element of truth in some of them (or a message screaming to be released:D).

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Thankfuly, I sold my retail outlets off and no longer have to deal with the great unwashed.:hihi:


If I were to do the same again though, I would vet my staff very carefuly.

Anyone that didn't know how to conduct themselves on a professional level would be out on their ear.


This country is already in tatters, Why give way to what is happening around us. Am I the only one who thinks that we can rescue what generations before us have worked for?

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Not by me (as Falpere has already managed to work out) most of my posts are slightly tongue in cheek - though there is an element of truth in some of them (or a message screaming to be released:D).


It was just a matter of time before you twirled! :hihi:;)

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I cringe when sales assistants (particularly when they are older than I am) insist on calling me "sir" and I'd much prefer one to use "pal" or "mate", if it means they are actually engaging with me, rather than having do deal with those who don't listen to what I am saying, don't look at me when talking to me, or who carry on chatting to someone else while serving me. Informal, interested, mutual respect is what I like. What I don't like is having to tell someone three times that I already have a bag, thank you.

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Bring back National Service, that'll learn 'em!:hihi:


Best idea I have heard so far!


Bringing back corporal punishment in schools wouldn't be a bad idea either. Never did me any harm.


I like your train of thought Suff' 1. :thumbsup:

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