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Beginning of the end for the coalition?

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They had a few bad ones though as well. their biggest mistake was their first in the banking crisis


I don't think they handled the banking crisis any differently to how any other government would have done.

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In case you didn't know, the whole world has been in recession.

How much better do you think the tories would have done?


The whole world HAS NOT been in recession, not even all of the EU nations went into recession while countries like Australia maintained good growth.


Maybe if didn’t have a Labour government we would not have been one of the first to enter recession and the last to leave.

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Quite simply Alistair Darling was doing a very good job in taking us out of the worst recession in living memory. Now the election is over it's only the leaders of the Libs-Cons and compliant media that are carping on about how Labour destroyed the economy.


It's the politics of the playground, politics of the worst sort. Name calling and blaming. Making accusations without substance. Using lies to make what they WANT to do look like it is exactly what is needed. Glib pontification about cuts that will destroy services and damage the futures of millions. Clegg and Cameron are both guilty of it and it shows how weak they really are.

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