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Get away from my pension.

Guest sibon

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Mr Clegg seems to think that my pension is a moveable feast.


Gordon Brown raided company pensions such as mine, why do public sector workers think that they are somehow immune from life's harsh realities?


Gordon Brown's notorious "pension stealth tax" has reduced the value of retirement funds by at least £100 billion, independent research has disclosed.


This is more than twice as much as the combined pension deficits of the country's 350 biggest companies.




Public sector workers, you are now leaving La-la Land, next stop, the Real World.

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On a related issue. if all of you in the civil service are so disgusted that central governement is threatening an attack on your gold plated pensions, (like us in the private sector who have had our pensions decimated while all of you in the public sector said nothing)....well I hope you have withdrawn your money from the governement backed banks & put it in building societies or banks that didn't need bailing out? Face facts it's the BANKS & THEIR FACT-CAT BONUSES that are to blame for this & not any administration of government! (Governement didn't help by limiting toxic debts when they became aware with the warning from USA 6 months earlier...but it's the banks to blame!)


If you want to protest get your money out of any banks that have fueled this caper!


With any luck the current administration will say you have had enough & the culprits will cease to exist! Someone should have to pay for this...& it aint the public!!!!

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1: The public sector no longer has a final salary pension scheme, this was changed a few years ago


2: I don't even want to think how much less than the private sector I'm being paid, but I'm getting at least 30% less than if I was doing my comparable job in a university, which is still public sector.


3: I don't get London weighting either, this was scrapped a few years ago.


Long to short - the reasonable pension is the only reason we do our jobs in my particular part of the public sector. We're paid very little considering the qualifications we have and the jobs we do, and do consider the pension 'deferred pay' as mentioned earlier. Many of us also continue working for 'free' beyond retirement age and the pension enables us to do that.


As for pay cuts, don't even go there. I would have to leave my job as I would no longer be able to live on my salary.

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1: The public sector no longer has a final salary pension scheme, this was changed a few years ago


2: I don't even want to think how much less than the private sector I'm being paid, but I'm getting at least 30% less than if I was doing my comparable job in a university, which is still public sector.


3: I don't get London weighting either, this was scrapped a few years ago.


Long to short - the reasonable pension is the only reason we do our jobs in my particular part of the public sector. We're paid very little considering the qualifications we have and the jobs we do, and do consider the pension 'deferred pay' as mentioned earlier. Many of us also continue working for 'free' beyond retirement age and the pension enables us to do that.


As for pay cuts, don't even go there. I would have to leave my job as I would no longer be able to live on my salary.


Not been funny....but how do you think some of us in the Private sector have mangaged? Stay at home for a month at a time on no pay / 1/2 pay; people shown the door & the smaller numbers still expected to do the same amount of work etc.


My last job paid £12k per annum. Are you saying civil servants are on less than that in the public sector as I'm not buying that at all!!!


We've eaten poo now unfortunately it's the turn of the public sector.

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Gordon Brown raided company pensions such as mine, why do public sector workers think that they are somehow immune from life's harsh realities?




Public sector workers, you are now leaving La-la Land, next stop, the Real World.


What Brown did was remove a state funded subsidy of pensions, by removing ACT. Something the Conservatives had started in the previous administration. This is what he said at the time:


"[a] structural reform that will also encourage investment. The present system of tax credits encourages companies to pay out dividends rather than reinvest their profits. This cannot be the best way of encouraging investment for the long term as was acknowledged by the last Government.


"Many pension funds are in substantial surplus and at present many companies are enjoying pension holidays, so this is the right time to undertake a long-needed reform. So, with immediate effect, I propose to abolish tax credits paid to pension funds and companies."


He used this to fund a reduction in Corporation Tax of 5% that went to businesses to encourage growth and that they could have used to fund any shortfalls in their Pensions funds. He also introduced Pension credits that put money in to the pockets of Pensioners.


But, employers continued to take Pension holidays after the change. The failure of private pension schemes is down to the employers not making the contributions they should have been making.

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Not been funny....but how do you think some of us in the Private sector have mangaged? Stay at home for a month at a time on no pay / 1/2 pay; people shown the door & the smaller numbers still expected to do the same amount of work etc.


My last job paid £12k per annum. Are you saying civil servants are on less than that in the public sector as I'm not buying that at all!!!


We've eaten poo now unfortunately it's the turn of the public sector.


You have been unfortunate then, but the areas that have consistently seen the biggest growth in pay have been the private sector. Maybe not your particular area of work, but overall. The public sector has been in pay restraint for years.

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I would have to leave my job as I would no longer be able to live on my salary.


Be careful what you wish for.


Public sector pay, conditions outstrip private sector, report says


Public sector workers enjoy better pay, better pensions, shorter hours and more sick leave than their private sector counterparts, a detailed report has found.


The Policy Exchange think tank has analysed not just the pay and pensions public sector workers - which for a long-time have been better than in the private sector - but also their working hours and holidays as well.


It found that over their lifetimes people in the private sector worked 23 per cent more hours – the equivalent to a further 9.2 years extra work – because of their later retirement, shorter holidays and lower likelihood of going on strike.


Almost 7 million working days have been lost since 1996 in public sector strikes


Longer hours in the private sector come on top of lower salaries, with the middle pay packet 12 per cent smaller.


The study also found that the more generous final salary pension schemes public sector workers enjoy added the equivalent of a further 15 per cent to their salaries.


Almost 7 million working days have been lost since 1996 in public sector strikes

Longer hours in the private sector come on top of lower salaries, with the middle pay packet 12 per cent smaller.

The study also found that the more generous final salary pension schemes public sector workers enjoy added the equivalent of a further 15 per cent to their salaries.

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Be careful what you wish for.


Almost 7 million working days have been lost since 1996 in public sector strikes

Longer hours in the private sector come on top of lower salaries, with the middle pay packet 12 per cent smaller.

The study also found that the more generous final salary pension schemes public sector workers enjoy added the equivalent of a further 15 per cent to their salaries.


Tory propoganda.


When doing a comparison of pay you don't compare cleaners with teachers. You look at comparisons of people doing the equivalent work.




As has already been shown when you do that you find public sector workers are paid up to 20% less than their private sector comparators.



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Guest sibon
Tory propoganda.


When doing a comparison of pay you don't compare cleaners with teachers. You look at comparisons of people doing the equivalent work.




As has already been shown when you do that you find public sector workers are paid up to 20% less than their private sector comparators.




And here is a bit of Stephanomics, to reinforce the complexity of the issue.

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