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Get job seekers allowance while on holiday?

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Has anyone considered that the person who is on JSA potentially hasn't paid for the holiday and so there's nothing to afford?


Admittedly I'm not on JSA, but I still couldn't afford to pay for a holiday. My parents pay for the whole family to go somewhere in this country in a large house for a week once a year and so I'm invited to that. Cost wise all it costs is a £25 contribution to the food kitty for the week and a tank of petrol to get there.


Or as someone else said, camping or staying with a friend would also count as a holiday, neither of which cost lots of money.


You beat me to it - god forbid somebody else takes them on holiday!!

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People looking for work are entitled to the same amount of holidays and time off as people already in work. Consequently yes, it's quite possible to be away on holiday for a week or two and still receive JSA.


People receiving JSA are not entitled under the law to the same amount of paid holidays as those in work as they are not employed so there is no legal basis. The JSA agreement clearly states that in order to receive JSA you must be available and actively seeking work during the accepted work hours you have agreed to. By going on holiday you are not technically available for work and may be asked to sign off during that time especially if going abroad.

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Which is a high horse, by definition.


As you seem to occupy the moral high ground here, explain how it's ok for tax payers to pay for the unemployed to have a holiday?


I work and yet can't afford a holiday in this country. I don't smoke or drink either.

No matter which way I look at it I can't see the fairness in my unemployed neighbour down the road going to abroad for his holiday while I get to stay in my garden on my week's annual leave.:huh:

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General opinion nowadays is that a holiday should be a right, not a luxury. It's considered essential to mental health and general wellbeing.


Assuming that this opinion is correct, I'd prefer that jobseekers get a holiday so that they remain in good general wellbeing and therefore more likely to find work.


Well general opinion (if that's what it is) is wrong.


How about my mental health and well being? I choose to work, don't drink or smoke. Maybe I should consider going on to benefits. Maybe thenI'll be able to afford the holiday that my salary won't stretch too.

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explain how it's ok for tax payers to pay for the unemployed to have a holiday?

Because tax and National Insurance have created a welfare state where the unemployed are given money to keep them out of dire poverty. If the unemployed choose to spend that money on a holiday it is their choice.


Maybe thenI'll be able to afford the holiday that my salary won't stretch too.

You can't afford any type of break? No caravan or camping holiday? No grimy B&B for a few days?

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best way is to go abroad for 10 days between your signing on days so you dont

miss one.....

then the job centre wont know you have been away...;)


You could also phone in sick to say you cant attend and as you are allowed 2 weeks sick time without certificates in any 6 months it shouldn't be a problem. :)

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