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Get job seekers allowance while on holiday?

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As you seem to occupy the moral high ground here, explain how it's ok for tax payers to pay for the unemployed to have a holiday?


I work and yet can't afford a holiday in this country. I don't smoke or drink either.

No matter which way I look at it I can't see the fairness in my unemployed neighbour down the road going to abroad for his holiday while I get to stay in my garden on my week's annual leave.:huh:

Don't forget too that you can have £6000 plus savings and still claim JSA If someone has just been made unemployed or has been for a while and they come into some money ie from a divorce, death or even redundancy payout then they may see it as priority to get a break. Why do people feel that because someone is unemployed that they have the right to make lifestyle choices for them.

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Don't forget too that you can have £6000 plus savings and still claim JSA If someone has just been made unemployed or has been for a while and they come into some money ie from a divorce, death or even redundancy payout then they may see it as priority to get a break. Why do people feel that because someone is unemployed that they have the right to make lifestyle choices for them.


My objecting to someone claiming state benefits isn't quite the same as making their lifestyle choices.

There is something wrong, is there not, with a society where the unemployed can afford holidays and those who are working cannot?

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Because tax and National Insurance have created a welfare state where the unemployed are given money to keep them out of dire poverty. If the unemployed choose to spend that money on a holiday it is their choice.



You can't afford any type of break? No caravan or camping holiday? No grimy B&B for a few days?


No I can't. Have you seen the prices of caravans? Even at Skegness or similar they are £300 for a week. Ditto B&Bs.

I would truly give anything to take my kids to the seaside this year. It breaks my heart when my youngest (7) comes home from school asking if we can have a holiday because she hears of her friends plans for the summer.

My job isn't massively well paid but it's not too bad either. I work for the NHS.

I'd be happy with a British seaside holiday, even a Yorkshire seaside holiday, but the best we'll hope for this year is a day trip to Cleethorpes where there's a direct train from Sheffield. (We don't own a car.)


So yes, rightly or wrongly I'm a tad p*ssed off when those on benefits are able to take their kids away this summer when I can't.

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My objecting to someone claiming state benefits isn't quite the same as making their lifestyle choices.

There is something wrong, is there not, with a society where the unemployed can afford holidays and those who are working cannot?

The system is crazy full stop but I don't agree with Tory ideas of cutting benefits either. For most sane abled bodied people the stigma of long term unemployment is enough to make you take almost any job but many find themselves in the poverty trap. I know myself after years of poor health that getting out of it was a real struggle but it's not helped by having people kick you whilst you're down. Rather than cutting benefits they should be increasing them in certain areas. The stupid rule were people could only keep £5.00 of their earnings encouraged people to commit fraud. I know for myself after having an hysterectomy operation that the return to work bonus of £40 a week for a whole year, not taken into account by housing etc lifted me out of poverty and enabled me to hold down a job. If the Tories use easy targets like the unemployed to claw back money it will be shortsighted of them and instead they should go after all the fat cats that swindle this country out of millions each year.

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If you live in a council house you get your rent paid £65.00 per week, council tax £25.00 per week, and water rates £10.00 per week, no travel expencers £20.00, no dinners to find at work £20.00 plus you get i think dont quote me about £68.00 a week job seekers.£208 per week near min wage thats how you afford it!!!! thinkin about why am i not sat at home all day???? and going to turkey???????

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If you live in a council house you get your rent paid £65.00 per week, council tax £25.00 per week, and water rates £10.00 per week, no travel expencers £20.00, no dinners to find at work £20.00 plus you get i think dont quote me about £68.00 a week job seekers.£208 per week near min wage thats how you afford it!!!! thinkin about why am i not sat at home all day???? and going to turkey???????


Water rates aren't paid by benefits. Housing benefit applies to all rented accommodation, not just council housing. Unemployed people will have travel expenses - even if its just to sign on, or go shopping. Even if someone isn't working they still need dinners. Dinners at work don't have to be more expensive - just take a packed lunch! Its very unlikely that someone, who is single, and on basic JSA of £60+ a week for any length of time could afford to save much, never mind go on holiday.

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The system is crazy full stop but I don't agree with Tory ideas of cutting benefits either. For most sane abled bodied people the stigma of long term unemployment is enough to make you take almost any job but many find themselves in the poverty trap. I know myself after years of poor health that getting out of it was a real struggle but it's not helped by having people kick you whilst you're down. Rather than cutting benefits they should be increasing them in certain areas. The stupid rule were people could only keep £5.00 of their earnings encouraged people to commit fraud. I know for myself after having an hysterectomy operation that the return to work bonus of £40 a week for a whole year, not taken into account by housing etc lifted me out of poverty and enabled me to hold down a job. If the Tories use easy targets like the unemployed to claw back money it will be shortsighted of them and instead they should go after all the fat cats that swindle this country out of millions each year.


I agree that benefits are a necessary thing and that the fat cats swindling the country is disgusting.

But benefits should be to enable people who can't work to have shelter, warmth and to be well nourished. Not for them to take holidays.

Where is the incentive to work if you have a lifestyle on benefits that allows you to have holidays?

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My objecting to someone claiming state benefits isn't quite the same as making their lifestyle choices.

There is something wrong, is there not, with a society where the unemployed can afford holidays and those who are working cannot?


The only thing wrong in my mind is employed people not being able to afford holidays. This country decided that strong Unions are unnecessary and low pay is the result.

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