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Disabled (Blue Badge) parking spaces, not as simple as you`d think..

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I don't think the compulsory culling of all people incapable of work is going to find a lot of favour.


Who, other than you, mentioned culling? I merely suggest that we cannot afford to keep them all. We need to cut back vastly on spending in this area.

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Perhaps it hasn't occurred to you that if other people don't pay for those who cannot afford to pay for themselves, they are inevitably going to starve to death?


Perhaps it has not occured to you that people who starve do so through lack of food? It is nothing whatsoever with car parking? Many supermarkets deliver now, hence no need for disabled cars?:roll:

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Oi Dustinoff .. *smack smack* (grin) .. I've just got my blue badge and flippin heck .. there are times when I need it! If I don't and there is a car space near then I will park there, but .. especially when I am on my own, I struggle with two crutches and a shopping trolley .. I tend to pop the crutches into the trolley and use that for support, but it's not easy.


I'm 49 (am I really 49? Where did the years go?) and am now having to learn a new way to live. A life of constant pain .. of some good days .. and some really rather rubbish ones. I've worked all my life (apart from 6 years when I was a stay at home Mum supported by my husband) and I find it a bit embarrassing that I can no longer do things I did a year ago .. and this situation isn't going to go away.


I don't have a free car either ... I have a cute little micra .. all paid for by me ...


The badge, I am so thankful for, because it eases things a bit for me ...


When you apply for the badge .. your document has to be signed by your Doctor to say .. Yep, this is their life now .. they aint gonna get better.


Before you call "blue badge holders" work shy fops .. have a thought to what you would do if suddenly, you were unable to walk without pain .. every day ..

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didn't think you need a parking bay space with a blue badge its a licence to park anywhere you want


I should hope most people with a blue badge wouldn't abuse it. Maybe I'm niave, I've only had mine a couple of weeks .. I certainly wouldn't park on double yellows .. but I am also aware that there are some severely disabled people who may need this facility!

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Oi Dustinoff .. *smack smack* (grin) .. I've just got my blue badge and flippin heck .. there are times when I need it! If I don't and there is a car space near then I will park there, but .. especially when I am on my own, I struggle with two crutches and a shopping trolley .. I tend to pop the crutches into the trolley and use that for support, but it's not easy.


I'm 49 (am I really 49? Where did the years go?) and am now having to learn a new way to live. A life of constant pain .. of some good days .. and some really rather rubbish ones. I've worked all my life (apart from 6 years when I was a stay at home Mum supported by my husband) and I find it a bit embarrassing that I can no longer do things I did a year ago .. and this situation isn't going to go away.


I don't have a free car either ... I have a cute little micra .. all paid for by me ...


The badge, I am so thankful for, because it eases things a bit for me ...


When you apply for the badge .. your document has to be signed by your Doctor to say .. Yep, this is their life now .. they aint gonna get better.


Before you call "blue badge holders" work shy fops .. have a thought to what you would do if suddenly, you were unable to walk without pain .. every day ..



OK. I will let you off then! BUT, not all the others.:roll:

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Perhaps it has not occured to you that people who starve do so through lack of food? It is nothing whatsoever with car parking? Many supermarkets deliver now, hence no need for disabled cars?:roll:


One word .. independece ... most disabled lose so much ..

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Perhaps it has not occured to you that people who starve do so through lack of food? It is nothing whatsoever with car parking? Many supermarkets deliver now, hence no need for disabled cars?:roll:


Perhaps it has not occurred to you that plenty of people with disabilities rely on their blue badges and DLA to get them to their jobs?


Don't you think that people with disabilities are enough of an underclass without society trying to make them all house bound (which is what you seem to be implying)?


DLA is provided for people who have increased needs because of their disability and that's irrelevant of income.


The cars are not provided for free, they are provided for those people who qualify for DLA high mobility rate and who choose to spend their DLA mobility portion to lease a car. Those who receive DLA high mobility who choose not to lease a car still receive the benefit to help them pay for taxi fares and the like as appropriate for getting about.


Do I qualify for your arbitrary scheme which allows some people to still leave their house? I insured my income before I got ill so I'm still a tax payer and don't have any means tested benefits. Can you stop looking down your nose at me for long enough to work out exactly what you dislike so much?

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.. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry when I got my "blue badge" as, I feel that labels me as "disabled" ... a really new term to me. I have a whole new life to get used to .. and to accept ... the accepting bit is really hard. Not just for me, but for my family .. and especially my husband.


I have been helped tremendously by someone on this forum (you know who you are) who is so far ahead of me; in that, they have been "disabled" for so much longer.


I have been told, it's a journey you go on .. to accept your limits, to push sometimes ... but mainly to learn a different way to do things .. some things may take longer, some things may not be possible any more ...


Disabled people aren't given blue badges as a perk.

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