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Yawn yawn - forget to put the clocks back?


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Yes, silly me forgot too. I was up far too early as well. Silly thing is I was talking about it on Saturday yet by the time I went to bed I had completely forgotten about it.


I blame watching United's dreadful performance against a hard-working Fulham side on Saturday, getting DRENCHED in the pouring rain when walking from the ground back to my car, having my reactions tested by the stupid f**kwit taxi driver :loopy: on the Mancunian Way who decided to pull out on me causing me to skid in the wet and have my heart racing and hands shaking for the next 10 minutes, then taking what felt like ages to get back to Sheffield, got back tired, wet, cold and fed-up. The clocks going back kinda went out of my mind...

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I didn't forget, and shame on you all those that did!:roll: How many reminders have there been!! lol


I have to say, even though I remembered it made not a lot of difference, since my body clock made me get up, regardless of what time it was. I couldn't have gone back to bed for my extra hour if I'd wanted too as I'd have lay there awake, so I got up and did the housework...how exciting hey!

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Unfortunately cats run on BST or breakfast standard time all year round. It takes them about 6 months to realise that I'm not getting up for at least another hour and then, bingo, 6 months later we start getting up an hour earlier so they can eat earlier and get back to the important task of sleeping. Life must be so difficult for a cat.

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I had to laugh at a mate of mine because i could not convince him he had to work an extra hour at work on Sat night.


His reply was i only work 8 hours as i finish at 6.00am.


Yes i replied, but you actually work 9 hours instead of 8 because the clock goes back.


So how come i still finish at 6 then he said.


Well, at 2 o clock you turn back the clock to1 o clock then you have to work the hour that you have just worked again, thats what gives you 9 hours.


Don't think he caught on though.:loopy:

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