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Rape of Israeli women encouraged on TV

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This is old news from an interview broadcast a few years ago.
I know, and vile spewings of this type are to be encountered in/on the Arab media everyday.


Can you imagine a TV presenter/journalist in the UK exhorting people to kill the French/Germans/Argentinians because they are they spawn of Satan and meaning it?!

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I fail to understand why anyone is expressing any kind of shock or horror about this.


If you had any knowledge of the quantity and content of anti-Israeli/Jewish bile that riddles the Arab media in general, you would see that this is actually quite a mild statement in comparison to the "normal" level of stuff they tend to broadcast/publish. It makes the Daily (Hate) Mail look positively Liberal.


But they do it in Arabic, which nearly all westerners don't read/understand and thus don't know this disgusting vomit is produced for consumption by the Arab street all the time. It wouldn't be allowed in western media, because it is highly offensive. And we mustn't offend anyone, must we kiddies?


Now all you Arab apologists line up and shoot me for daring to draw to the general public's attention one of the Arab's decidely less than savoury traits, because as we all know, the Arabs are ALWAYS right and the Israelis/Jews deserve everything they get and we mustn't criticise the Arabs because they might be offended...:gag:

I think you will find that everyone is in shock and horror about this.


What everyone is not doing is dragging Every Arab down to Her level like you are trying to do.


The first people who you would have down as 'Arab Apologists' PT and Tab were the first to come on and state their horror that this woman has said such a thing, and the rest of us who are willing to speak out about Israel also speak out about Arabs but your brain cannot process that information because it does not fit into your world where the Israelis are despised by all and are under constant threat 24/7.

Without that line of thought, Israel would have no justification to do what they do and people like this woman would not be radicalised into thinking and suggesting the dirt what she has in this clip.


To say that its the norm and acceptable to have a go on Arab TV the interviewer did not come across that way to me and seemed to be challenging her view and stating that its against the law and trying to make her tiny brain understand what she was actually saying.



we mustn't criticise the Arabs because they might be offended...

I am getting fed up with people trying to label others with being Apologists or anti Semitic because they dare to say publicly that Israel policies are wrong and the root cause of the conflict. If you resort to name calling then you have already lost any argument that you may think you have.

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Hard2miss - I was certainly not trying to drag every Arab down to her level, merely drawing to people's attention what the Arab media trots out to it's viewer/readers/listeners every day.


Do you find it offensive that I should try to bring this to people's attention?

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Now all you Arab apologists :


Arab apologists? not appologists for an ideology, or even an entire nationality, but for the inhabitants of a whole region? What next, Caucasian apologists? I think you have given your whole bigoted game away with the use of that phrase.

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I think it must be, Halibut...


he ignores reason, and truth, and manages, in one sweep, to dismiss the millions upon millions of reasoned and compassionate Muslims as being whackjobs like this woman featured in the clip.

You mean like the ones who got to these lengths to advertise the religion of peace





There's plenty more all in the same vein


Children don't hate they are indoctrined

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Yes and they all take the same book literally


Have you heard the Quran Noddy? If you want answers to your questions you are better reading it rather than going on what people say or do. ok? Even better for you, judge muslims on what you see of them in your life not on what the news tells you.


Anyway I have to go.


P.S I hate Sheffield Wednesday. :hihi:

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You have the same views hence your accusation of hatred to me,I dont incite hate I make comments which are there to be shot down ,it doesnt happen simply because its the truth..you want to see hate ? take a good hard look at those links I posted ..thats hatred and before you come back and say ,well thats extremists in the east,the same hatred comes out of mosques in this country....as seen on tv
Look I have issues with tho's links as I have issues with some aspects of Islam, but if we are honest with our selves the links to the indoctrination of kids to hate are probably from one country and so you cannot judge other Islamic nations as if they are all the same, that is generalising and is wrong and hateful to tho's that are getting tarred with that same brush when it is nothing to do with them.

The Islamic Issues that I have are not really against Islam as such but by some peoples interpretation of it, so although I hate the idea of say the Burka I cannot carry that over into a hatred of Muslims because it is more a cultural thing than a religious one, just as the clips probably are.

Anyone can do anything in the name of anything but it does not mean that one persons adopted views should be rolled out across the board and be anything to do with the banner under which they choose to stand.

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Yes and they all take the same book literally

But that's just it they don't.

One persons interpretation of something does not mean that it has the right to change that thing for all.


An example, there is a Muslim sect that other Muslims claim to be false and don't really get on with them (they have a mosque in Sheffield down Attercliffe) and some of its followers got murdered recently by fellow Muslims its believed. Not all interpretations are the same and if you are to condemn something then it is right to condemn the right people and not for convenience condemn everyone.


As an English Christian I hold no affiliation to the few Catholics that kiddy fiddle.

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