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Discussion at work today..Englishness

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I am massively proud to be english for many reasons though i don't have any flags or other accoutrements to overtly express it.It's more a warm feeling i have inside it is quite comforting when you're far away to know that blighty is out there waiting for your return with a cup of tea and a nice bit of drizzle.

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We get lots of opportunities to ex-pat, with my husband's line of work. However, I don't like the idea of uprooting the kids and disrupting their education. And I love Sheffield, it beats living in London.


I know like the rest of us your Sheffield-centric Suffy, but you wouldn't become an ex-pat by moving to London, you'd just suffer from involuntary nosebleeds, same thing happens with moves to Leeds :hihi:

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I am proud to be English, not just for the sake of what passport I hold though. Being proud of your nationality is also to be proud of your history, heritage, culture, achievements of your people, your way of life etc.


You can't take pride in any of those things unless you were the person who achieved them.

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You can't take pride in any of those things unless you were the person who achieved them.


so all communities should live in the now? all communities should ignor the past, not learn from it, improve on it, celibrate it, build on it, id say taking pride in the past is away of motivating me and my children, to repeat them. understanding the mistakes of the past is away of not repeating those mistakes. not in my view taking pride in englishness would create stagnation.

maybe thats the problem today, stagnation due to a disconnection with who we are?

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I'm not sure the op has put this across very well, Englishness and being proud to be English/British don't mean the same thing to me, anyway many people seem be proud to be anything so why not English ?

While none of us chooses how or why or where we are born, if it's OK to be proud to be Scotttish, Welsh, Irish, or even gay then it's OK to be proud of being English, pride is not always about personal achievement it covers a variety of things !

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I'm not sure the op has put this across very well, Englishness and being proud to be English/British don't mean the same thing to me, anyway many people seem be proud to be anything so why not English ?

While none of us chooses how or why or where we are born, if it's OK to be proud to be Scotttish, Welsh, Irish, or even gay then it's OK to be proud of being English, pride is not always about achievement it covers a variety of things !


Well said! I like being English and British and I am proud of certain aspects of my country and countrymen. If England won the world cup, yes I would be proud of the team. I am proud of my family members for things I had no part in their lives so why can't I be proud to be British?

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