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If only you knew what it's like living as a traveller

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well im not a gypsie nor do i know any but how i see it is that been a gypsie or a traveller is more that a living status, its a heritage, culture and tradition. saying a traveler who lives in a house is a contradiction, is like saying an asian that lives in england is no longer an asian.

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if only you knew what its like living as a traveller the way they get treated is unfair anyone out there prepared to help me stand up for their rights my chidren suffer in this city because of their background and i have living proof of that,we have no one to turn to and cant class it racist when been harassed and believe me we do get HARASSED


some people do know




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If a traveller settles in a house, they would not appear to be a traveller to thier neighbours and would not get any hassle unless they let it be known that they are travellers!!
And stolen things from all over the neighbourhood find their way into the Travellers/Gypsys/Diddycoys backgarden
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Omnivores eat meat, they couldn't call themselves vegetarian.


a better eg. i live in sheffield but im still a southener, being a gypsy is as much about the family roots and traditions as the moving about (by the way im not a gypsy just got a mother from down south and father from sheffield)

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There are a lot of scroungers and thieves out there who aren't travellers .. so stop labelling!


I was at an after party one time .. and in the morning two young children came down and asked this lady there if they could go and spend their Christmas money,


They'd both had £10 for christmas .. that's all they had. The Mum took them out and they went to a charity shop and spent their money. They came back to the house and were absolutely thrlled to bits with what they had brought.


The Mum explained that didn't need to buy new toys because you could get just as good stuff in a charity shop, also they were helping someone else by doing so.


My husband and I drove home and were really humbled at the happiness that £10 could give these children ... We spend £150 each on our two and they are non the happier than the two children from a "traveller" family.

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Scroungers and thieves is what they are.
A bunch of Travellers/Gypsys/Diddycoys illegaly set up camp in a farmers field just down the road from my cousin's house, within no time at all the surrounding district was subjected to a spate of thefts, basicly anything not nailed down. it turned out that stolen items were shipped out from the site during darkness.

Do-gooders here will no doubt say that it was really done by local opportunist criminals knowing that the Travellers/Gypsys/Diddycoys would get the blame.


These people are encouraged by the totaly outdated lifestyle that is over tolerated and out of place in todays society.

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  • 1 year later...

i live next door to gypsies, have no problems with them.

but them at dale farm,for what they are trying to do, and get away with it ,is costing the english tax payer millions. abide by the laws of this country and no problems,try to screw it like them then screw u.

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Ask them. I think the way I'd see it is that being a traveller is more something that you are rather than something you do.
Well that's a contradiction of terms you're either a traveller or you reside somwhere, if you were a traveller but now reside in permanent accommodation you are no longer a traveller and you will find that many of the activities pursued whilst travelling will be more difficult to carry out in a permanent location.
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