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If only you knew what it's like living as a traveller

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im all for equal rights, im not for low life getting more rights. then bleating for more. gypsies play the system as do many other groups. then bleat racism when they dont get what they demand. rights are good buts where is the responsibility charter. why is the law not applied equally? if i get angry im racist. if a gypsy gets anggry they are a victim. equality for all except those who contribute? its totally sickening


I think I know who the "bleater" is here.

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Why doesn't 'kettle' get past the swear filter? ;)


Too many letters for "kettle" bf. I thought it was "iron" :confused:


We shouldn't be too hard on the travelling people. They did give us two fine Wilburys albums after all.


There was no need to throw that half burnt mattress over next door's hedge though! :|

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What are you getting angry about? Who has described you as being racist? If you believe that's the case, it's probably because you're generalising about a community who you describe as 'low lifes', 'don't contribute' and believe are favoured by the law.


Not all travellers are on benefits, 'demand more rights' or 'bleat racism when they don't get what they want'.


really? oh well im wrong and your right so ill just ignore the facts and keep quite. many thanks maybe you should open a cambodian style reeducation style camp for people who need a reality check. oh wait they exist, the lottery funded multicultural your white so racist diploma.:roll:OMG:roll:

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What are you getting angry about? Who has described you as being racist? If you believe that's the case, it's probably because you're generalising about a community who you describe as 'low lifes', 'don't contribute' and believe are favoured by the law.


Not all travellers are on benefits, 'demand more rights' or 'bleat racism when they don't get what they want'.


Perhaps you could give us a list of those two.

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I suppose you would tell someone to stop being black, stop being a woman, stop being a mother, stop being Jewish, stop having a disabillity - and you will get on well in life????


You could only interpret it that way if you find those offensive and think it reasonable that everyone else should as well, or if your being difficult.


Its pretty simple stuff though, if I refuse to modify my behaviour to suit the locals I can expect discrimination, try changing country/city a few times and you will see what I mean. Humans are designed to adapt and chnge to suit the local populace, its why most people pick up the local accent... to fit in, we pick up mannerisms, character traits and preferences off the people we interact with frequently.


I know you don't really think that fitting in is equivalent to having a sex change or gowing a new pair of legs.

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if people cant tell your a traveller they cant discriminate against you. its obviously something your doing that makes it obvious you are/were a traveller, and I wouldnt be surprised if its something negative. If you have a house and are self employed the only way people would discriminate against you being a traveller is if you are behaing like one. You dont think that maybe its just your behaviour people are disciminating against? Try behaivng like the herd or go get a new one.
It's probably the loppy old Transit pickup in the drive with no tax or test,bald tyres,used for ferreting things out of peoples gardens to be sold for pound notes................could that possibly be it?...........if so,can I please have my mower back!
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The OP is not specific enough, harassed in what way?

I'd say having other taxpayers provide travellers with various facilities right across the country is far from discriminating against them, and they can't do that badly, some are very well off, just look at the caravans they own, some must be £50k+.

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