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Obesity. An accident of girth?

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No chance - hard work getting food from the kitchen to the dinner table without being waylaid by two "starving" lads - they'll raid the fridge a couple of hours after a full roast dinner (that includes 10 roast spuds and 4 yorkshire puds each).

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I have no doubt that some people are more prone (genetically) to being overweight but it's still down to eating too much and doing too little ultimately.


I think this because unless everyone's suddenly mutating then the genes must have been around for a good long while, and yet obesity hasn't.


I heard it suggested on the telly that the 'fat genes' might have been selected for as people who had them would have survived better through times of famine so the genes got passed on.


However, couple these genes with modern life (Evil Macdonalds and sitting on your arse all day) and it's no wonder obesity is such a problem.


Ultimately some people just need to make more effort to be honest!

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The simple answer is "too many pies".



The longer answer is that too many people eat processed food because of their "lifestyle", which actually means they are idle or greedy (for money not food). At the poorest end of the spectrum people are simply able to buy processed food more cheaply than they can buy the ingredients (or they at least think they can).


If the same people said "I would rather eat well than have a new car", so one of us will give up work, then they could fix their "lifestyle".

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When I was 11 I weighed 11 stone, when I was 20 I weighed 20 stone, I am 60 I weigh 22 stone, things are going the right way really.


I really love to read the outpourings of the slim nazis who think that we should all eat lettuce, jog, and conform to the standards thay they feel are appropriate.


When I was in my forties my doctor, a tofu eating, total abstainer and overall misery told me I wouldnt see my 50th birthday unless I lost weight and changed my lifestyle. I went to his funeral a couple of years later.


Food was meant to eat, wine and beer was meant to drink. If you have worked hard enough to be able to afford the good things in life then enjoy it. If it makes you fat so be it.


Those who would rather live a frugal ascetic life, good luck to you, be happy, but dont preach.

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Personally I've always lingered around the eight / eight and a half stone mark and as circumstances go am likely to continue this way (genetics, can't cook, love walking and sport). Like my shape and I like my body. Try and make a principle of not hanging out with people who talk about weight and diets and all that because it bores the pants off me.


And I must say I personally find all this drawing attention to people's weights absolutely bloody vulgar and distasteful. Give it a rest :rolleyes:. Just like you don't need to be a minority race to find racism disgusting, you don't need to be a certain weight to find body fascism disgusting.


There are more important things than weight. Someone I used to hang out with had an amazing career in the City and a gorgeous and loving partner and child. Sexy as hell.


But hey, she was a bit larger than the women's magazines tell us we can be so she was probably lazy, right? Although that said, given her profession and the amount of tax she pays as a result, she's probably subsidising the arse off the vast majority of people slimmer than her.


The reality is most of the people who come up with all the judgemental tripe are probably no oil paintings themselves and looking to take out their own insecurities on a convenient target. It's a cheap shot disguised under the "concern for health" banner.


(Shall we start a thread on Jewish people next or something? :rolleyes:)

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My OH eats more in one meal than I do all day, hence OH is a porker and I'm not! No genetic issuses at all, no under active metabolism or any other excuses. I eat what I like which tbh is junk, but I don't like feeling full, so don't eat much.

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Unfortunatly, some people are naturally larger than others and thats in their genes.


In my own experience as an Instructor, I have seen "so called" fattys literally wipe the floor with their BMI perfect counterparts in terms of fitness, so its not just a case of being lazy, visiting McDonalds etc...


Sometimes, people who are obese can have very low self esteem and so getting out of the house is a challenge (in some case, some obese people can't squese through the front door so this poses a problem :D only joking). Obese people may feel as though everyone is looking at them/judgeing them etc....which is not particuarlly nice if you lack self esteem.

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Casting my mind back to when I were a lad at school, (early 60s to early 70s) there were at most, 2 or 3 fat kids in the whole school, they had fat parents and they ate too much. On the whole in them days, we didn't eat as much crap as they do now, we walked to school and back every day and we played outside, running and swinging on trees until it was dark, burning off all that energy.

The average kid now gets dropped at school in their Mom's car, eats processed rubbish and fizzy drinks, gets zero excercise and sits tapping away on a mobile/laptop/ds/Wii every spare second they get and there are more porkers around than ever before. Is it possible these two scenarios are linked somehow?

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