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Serious matter, need help from someone who knows law

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my god, what happened to this thread?


just report it to the relevant uni and let them deal with it! Its hardly the crime of the century where you will end up swimming with the fishes if you tell someone.


poison in your kettle.... please, if you seriously think this then I think you have been watching too much telly.




all in my honest opinion yada yada yada....

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my god, what happened to this thread?


just report it to the relevant uni and let them deal with it! Its hardly the crime of the century where you will end up swimming with the fishes if you tell someone.


poison in your kettle.... please, if you seriously think this then I think you have been watching too much telly.




all in my honest opinion yada yada yada....


Headlines The Star, Sheffield 20/06/10


STOP PRESS! Student found battered to death. Police seeking irate woman clutching a rolled up, blooded, degree certificate :hihi:

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Let's straight to the point. I suspect that my apartment mate (We rent the same apartment but we are not close, I have no idea about her background apart from she is a university student in Manchester) engaged in duplicating various University degree certificate. There are times when she was on the phone when dealing with this business with her "client" and "partners", that's why I'm sure she has involved in illegal business. I feel the need to report this to the police but if I do, she will know that I am the one who report to police. She might do something bad to me to take revenge. I am so scare and worry about this. Also I have a concern about after reporting to the police, I myself will be in trouble as they need my evidence and that sort of thing. Im 100% innocent but I just dont want to be in trouble which will interrupt my normal life. Should I call the police or someone who is more appropriate? From what I overheard in the past nine months, she ran this business for few years till now. So I suspect she might be already aware of things like getting rid of evidence or something like that, police might found nothing in her computer, then I will be ended up facing her in apartment and worrying whole day(worry about how if she put poison in my food or kettle). can you please help me as soon as possible. Thank you.


Mind your own bizz.


If you really want to be a goody two shoes, why not go help starving kids or something.


Duplicate certificates is no big deal, if they cant do the job they attain with them they will be fired.

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Mind your own bizz.


If you really want to be a goody two shoes, why not go help starving kids or something.


Duplicate certificates is no big deal, if they cant do the job they attain with them they will be fired.


I cant believe this.. How can you ask someone not to interfere when he can provide useful information to the police to investigate, if not stop the crime. A bunch of people who give up their time after working to work for Crime Stoppers just to provide a better, safer environment as well as for the future of the UK for the rest of you.

And now, you concerned about people get fired because they cant submit the bogus certificate as requested rather than concern about the effect it has on the whole education system and career environment as well as the country as a whole? To quote HeadingNorth's sentence, isnt it "morally questionable?" ;)

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my god, what happened to this thread?


just report it to the relevant uni and let them deal with it! Its hardly the crime of the century where you will end up swimming with the fishes if you tell someone.


poison in your kettle.... please, if you seriously think this then I think you have been watching too much telly.




all in my honest opinion yada yada yada....


I dont watch telly very often. Just using my comman sense to think if someone realised that the crime he has committed which would put him behind bars is known or report to the police by someone, what will he do to this person???


There is uncountable universities that are involved. What I mean is, they can just produce a bogus certificate of any university. So far I know University of Leeds, Lancaster, LSE, Bristol, Warwick, Manchester, Salford, Nottingham, Birmingham, Aston are involved, basically all famous university I would say (Who would spend money to get a bogus certificate of some lousy university). IMHO, The only University may not involed are Cambridge and Oxford.


P.S: I wonder if this would appear in headlines tomorrow. LOL

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I cant believe this.. How can you ask someone not to interfere when he can provide useful information to the police to investigate, if not stop the crime. A bunch of people who give up their time after working to work for Crime Stoppers just to provide a better, safer environment as well as for the future of the UK for the rest of you. To quote HeadingNorth's sentence, isnt it "morally questionable?" ;)


Morally questionable? In a Perfect world yes.


Morally questiobable in the world we live in, I admire her work ethic.

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