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I would not wish unemployment on anybody!

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Victoria22 you have my sympathy. it must be awful to be so bitter and uncaring that you have no feelings for others.


nee-eek, maybe some of the other jobseekers know that for a variety of reasons many of the jobs on the computers at jobcenter are not worth having.


The jc do not vet the jobs and many of them are scams. I know people who have gotten jobs via jc only to find at the end of the month they have not been paid. They complain to the jc who are unable to help, but then they find the same job readvertised week after week.


There are people in there who activily want a job, I also see many that have no intention of working and problably never have!

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I've never had to sign on so just bear with me...


From that £50 per week what do you need to pay for?


I know you're rent will be paid separately, what about gas/electric/water rates etc..


Is that the normal job seekers allowance?


I'm not surprised you are struggling. Food must be a large part of that which means just normal expenses which we take for granted such as a hair cut or just having a couple of pints with your mates have to be curtailed.


It varies depending on circumstance. I was made redundant (I actually took voluntary redundancy so it was of my own doing) I have been getting my £62 quid a week but get no other assistance. I have to pay full council tax, mortgage, all bills, car insurance, food, Etc. Etc. Etc. If you have been living on a decent salary for a while and have all the trappings that tend to come with that then your 62 quid does not touch the sides. I spend that in Waitrose every other day!


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he is crying because he is too lazy to work and 'only' get £50 aweek but can afford £10 fuel to go shopping with granny in manchester


Perhaps granny would prefer to give him petrol money to take her instead of getting a taxi? and also he would help her with carrying the shopping? Also granny could discreetly slip a few things in the shopping for him without asking if there was anything he needed knowing that he would be too proud to admit that there was.

Why do some people not have the ability to see any further than the end of their noses.

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I recieved a letter from the job centres faceless "decision makers" in doncaster.


The letter indicates that they have decided in my favor. I WON



Common sense has prevailed, they will be paying me the money for that week.


Shame it took 4 people at the job centre, plus some independent decision makers in doncaster to make this decision which should have taken 1 person 10 minutes at most to sort out. They have most likely spent hundreds of pounds in resources and wages to dispute paying me £51.


Maybe in future the job centre staff should use their initiative, common sense and decency to resolve situations like this.



Lets hope the Con-Dems sort this mess out once and for all.

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perhaps granny should be more considerate and not use up the only day in a fornight he had something meaningful to do


Right so the only meaningful thing the unemployed have to do with their lives is sign on once every 2 weeks?


God to think someone gave you a job! Despite your obvious stupidity.

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Shame it took 4 people at the job centre, plus some independent decision makers in doncaster to make this decision which should have taken 1 person 10 minutes at most to sort out. They have most likely spent hundreds of pounds in resources and wages to dispute paying me £51.


Maybe you should offer to pay the taxpayer back?


After all you're the reason they had to do it.

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if i was unlucky enough not to have any family to help, i would get the following benefits:


-rent paid

-council tax paid

-£50 per week JSA


so if i did not have family, i would have to pay for all the costs listed above, plus gas, electric, water etc...


i really dont know how people manage it. they must be in a loads of debt, or they just dont pay the bills.


Your rent would not necessarily be fully covered as being under 25 you get reduced rate HB, and you would have to make up the shortfall out of your JSA, which is also reduced rate.

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